

In a dying world- a group of individuals will challenge fate itself. Through the March of Dark and light- a Vast Quest will unfold

Shadelxss · Fantasía
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6 Chs


Sealed Games Arc

Exo: Hey, what's that damn feelin'?

The lady turned, removing her hood- a beautiful lady- mid twenties perhaps. Tall for a women (5'8) her hair was long and black, with yellow stripes streaming throughout. Her attire was that of a knight. This lady introduced herself to the lot, 'The Moonlord'-

The Moonlord: I sense weakness in my midst. Forgive me, my core can sense weakness- For it has already been awakened. Hence my name, The Moonlord.

Rex: Cocky much?

Exo: Wait- are ya' trying to call us weak chick?

Eva: I don't like this...

Ghoul: Remain calm, contenders usually spark rivalries early on. She's trying to aggravate you 3, ignore it.

The Moonlord: All of you, you haven't awakened you're cores. Time's ticking-

-Oh; by the way...If I run into the lot of you. I WILL SNUFF YOU OUT.

The egotistical engulfing of her aura surrounded the crew-


Rex: Calm down, she's strong. Can't you sense it-

-That chick has some serious power. If we were to fight her right now, we'd lose.

Eva: I hate to admit it...but Rex is right. Her aura alone is so heavy-

Ghoul: The best outcome is to avoid that women at all costs. You see, she awakened her core last year- and won The Sealed Games. That was without enhancers- she has come back to become a 2x champion. No one in our history has done that- So she'll be aiming to kill her openings, she wants to watch them suffer... and die.

Eva: ...die...

Ghoul: DIE.

Exo: Okay, okay- you're crepping the girl out.

Rex: Let us not ponder on this any longer. We'll win, as long as we're determined.

Eva: Ghoul...does that lady have a team?

Ghoul: Yes. They are known as 'The Cold Moon'. The one known as 'The Moonlord' isn't even the leader.

Exo: Wait- this chick has won once before, and still is below someone in her group?

Ghoul: Think of it more as a Guild, or a covenant.

Rex: DAMMIT, we don't have time for this. We'll see them in battle-

Exo: You're right, let's just get through this capital mumbo jumbo and kick some ass.

Ghoul: Very well-

The Game Master: Contenders, enter through our six gates. The first portion of The Sealed Games will be unlocking you're cores. Failure to succeed will lead to IMMEDIATE termination.

Eva: *Gulp*

The Game Master: The goal, I shall go over once more- for all who need reminding. Defeat opponents and head towards the tallest mountain, don't lose track of you're surroundings- take care of you're bonfire. The first team to reach the mountaintop will be considered the Sealed Games champion of this year.

Rex: This guy pisses me off-

Exo: Too bad, he's all mine.

Rex: Then I got that Moonlord lady.

Eva: I don't wanna die...

The Game Master: With that, Begin you're training. The official opening to The Sealed Games will begin tomorrow at dawn.


Rex: This'll be fun.

Eva: We got this guys.

The crew made their way towards the gates, training would soon begin. And the challenge of awakening their cores- would be a test of willpower-

Sealed Games Arc | End of Chapter