
Ghost Rider in TVD PT2


As I was about to try and get around them and go take a shower my phone dinged, not knowing who it was I took out my phone and saw it had an image attached. So without paying attention to the prying eyes I opened it to see a selfi of Jenna squeezing her breast together and showing off the cum shot I had given her.

"I'm glad no, happy I was your first time sorry if I seemed out of it it was just so unexpected. Umm so text me if you want a repeat of last night and I'll text you when I feel like it xoxo xoxo Jenna Sommers."-read the text…

"Ohh my God you fucked Elena Gilbert's"-Heather was about to say just as Matt entered the kitchen.

I'd never seen a guy look so heart broken and pissed off at the same time Matt jumped at me.

"You fucked my Elena, you only gave me advice to get me out if the way."-yelled Matt feeling betrayed as her shoulder charged at me.

Side stepping Matt grabbing his arm, spinning him around and pinning him to the floor.

"What's it matter to you if I did fuck Elena you two are over and I saw you and Heather getting pretty hot and heavy in a booth at the Grill last night. Plus maybe you should let someone finish speaking before you act like the retarded Jock you are and you would have heard Elena Gilbert's aunt. Now I don't really care that you all know but I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread rumors about it there's an obvious age gap and I'm technically still a minor and I don't want her life to get fucked to what will equate to a drunken mistake on her part. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take a shower because I'm covered in various dried bodily fluids."


Vicky didn't understand why her chest felt tight at seeing the care he had for a one night stand. It reminded her of the way Jeremy cared about her but she knew she's not much more than a coping method for the boy with mommy issues.


Feeling the hot water batter my skin made muscles that I didn't even know were tense relax. I heard someone knock on the bathroom door.

"Come in, I'm not shy."

"Hey man I just wanted to say I'm sorry for attacking you earlier I don't know what came over me."-said Matt apologetically.

"It's aright man, I'm sorry for calling you a retarded Jock. Friends?."-sticking hand out of shower curtain for a shake.

"Friends."-Matt took the offered hand and shook it.

"Now get outta here already you massive homo, I don't swing that way go visit your butt buddy Lockwood."

"Dick, hahaha."-laughed Matt while leaving the bathroom.

I was just finishing washing my body and about to start washing my hair when I heard the door shut and the toilet seat being put down.

"So, you and Elena's aunt anything serious there?."-asked Vicky.

"Nah I was just a drunken mistake she'll realize that by the end of the day and ghost me."

"Hahaha, are you sure about that? most women don't blow a one night stand in the morning and get his phone number to send a mistake pics."-said Vicky with a bit of scorn in her voice.

"Ehh, who knows."

The shower curtain suddenly opened revealing a half naked Vicky who started taking off what little she had on.

"Vicky what are you doing?."

"Joining you in the shower I thought that'd be obvious."-said Vicky in a mocking way.

"While I was about done I'll just get out so you can have the shower to yourself."

"Why am I not pretty enough for you or something?."-asked Vicky starting to sound upset.

"No you're beautiful but I was under the impression that you were involved and interested in both Jeremy Gilbert and Tyler Lockwood."

"And can't I be interested in you too?."-inquired Vicky while wearing a saucy smirk.

"You can be, but I don't feel or want to be some pawn in whatever game you got going on in your little love triangle."

"Aww come on we can just be sex friends it's obvious you can have sex with someone and not care about them. We can just have a mutually beneficial relationship as friends. Come on, you know you want it, your cock is so hard from how bad you want me."-Vicky spoke like the devil that already knew she'd won.

"Look Vicky, I'm not interested in getting involved with you and your undetermined relationship status."

I saw Vicky visibly become depressed at my words.

"Why me anyways Vicky?. I can tell you love Jeremy and that you like Tyler. So I really don't understand why you're doing this right now."

"I'm nothing but a whore to Tyler and Jeremy is just using me to get over his dead parents. I just want to be appreciated for me and to have someone like you that even though you said it's a one night stand you still thought enough of her to ask us not to spread rumors about her. The only reason Tyler isn't bragging about fucking me is because he and Matt are best friends and that it would look badly to have the mayors son fucking the druggie trailer trash whore sister of the best friend. And Jeremy doesn't brag about having had sex with me because I begged him not to so peoples opinions of me wouldn't get any lower."-confessed Vicky as she started to cry.

'Haa, I'm so going to regret this.'

I grabbed Vicky and pulled her into a hug rubbing her back softly as powerful sobs wracked her body.

"You know Vicky if you want to change you're the only one holding yourself back. Also fuck everybody else and their opinions you shouldn't let them have so much control over you. You're a strong, beautiful and intelligent young woman. The world is at the palm of your hands if you want to leave this town and become successful. If once you're successful you want to come back and make everyone who ever looked down on you kiss your ass then do so. Stop putting yourself in a box that other people made for you."

After a very long cry looked up into my eyes, her eyes filled with a new determination. While a smile played across her lips.

"Thank you Zac."-said Vicky almost reverently before kissing my cheek and fleeing from the bathroom.

After washing my hair under the now frigid water I grabbed my towel and started to dry off. Walking into my room I saw Heather sitting on my bed with a smiling face. She waited patiently for me to put on some pants before hugging me tightly.

"Thank you for finally getting through to her. I've tried so many times over the years and haven't ever been able to get through that thick skull of hers that she didn't have to be what everyone expects her to be."-said Heather happily.

"I just told her how I felt. I'm not sure if it can be considered getting through to her or not."

"Ohh, it can, she even called Tyler and Jeremy and ended things with both of them before leaving for the library to study."-Heather assured.

"That's good for her. I hope she finds what she's looking for."

Heather hummed before practically skipping out of my bedroom. Sighing to myself I continued to get dressed grabbing my phone and my jacket. I left the house saying goodbye to Matt and Heather as I listened to music while cruising.

'The phoenix stone and blade are a must get for me. After all I'm a ghost rider if anyone is going to make vampires experience hell it should be me. Plus it had all those juicy souls and sins to consume and grow stronger from by eating them. At least that's what the knowledge that that spirit of vengeance left me with when it merged completely with me the more souls of sin I consume the stronger I'll become and the more abilities I'll have available to me.'

'Plus the souls of supernatural beings improve the body of the rider not anything too quickly from what I can see. But if I were to put it into how many in comparison to improvements made. A total of 5 vampires of 300 years or less would be needed to push my human form to the peak level. In terms of strength that'd be 2 tons in lifting power, a top speed of 40 mph, endurance and stamina enough to stay awake and at the top of my game physically for 5 days straight. Along with the durability to jump off a three story building and not break anything or go splat that's not even including the accelerated healing factor so a cut that would normally take a week to heal would heal in a day or two.'

'But the power scales would just keep increasing to the point I'd stand at the level of an original but only after consuming thousands of supernatural souls. Who knows how long that would take. I mean I should be immortal now that I'm not just the rider but the ghost as well.'

Pulling into a store I noticed the other day called Leather Outfitters. Going inside I found a nice set of plated leather riding jackets and pants in Bonnie's approximate sizes.

(Plated pants and jackets have small steel plates woven into them to protect the wearer from getting serious road rash.)

The set wasn't frilly or cute, it was made for protection and high speed riding. In fact if you were to look at it you'd probably think it was some experimental military armor. So grabbing that along with adjustable elbow, knee and a set of gauntlet forearm guards along with a helmet. I had the cashier put it behind the counter for me. I figured I'd show it to Bonnie and let her decide after all she's going to be the one wearing it. And I have zero fashion sense whatsoever so picking things out for someone isn't my specialty.

As I was talking to the cashier a door leading to the back room and it was like a magnet pulling my head towards the open door. I made eye contact with a lanky druggie looking guy I was able to see all the sins he'd ever committed from B&E, rape, murder, robbery and many other things. My blood felt like it was starting to boil. Steam was starting to come from my skin. As a deep hunger that I'd been trying to suppress from my stomach made itself known and that it wouldn't be satisfied without that which it hungers for most.

I gave in to hunger. My body morphing to my demonic form. I lunged forward as my prey drew his side arm and started firing shots off at me. Lifting him by his neck

"Fucking Monster ! ! !."-druggie.


"You Guilty"

"Look into my eyes, your soul is stained with the blood of innocents, feel the pain and suffering you've caused."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! !."-screamed druggie.

"What the fuck is that."-member of crew 1.

"Who cares kill it."-c2.

(Multiple small arms firing.)

My mouth opened on instinct as the man's eyes started to look like hot coal. A blackish grey mist left the man's body as he became limp in my hand dropping him to the floor. I went after his compatriots picking up the one and slamming him down on my knee breaking his spine. As the others tried to run away I opened my mouth and roared shooting Hellfire infused bullets through their joints.


I went after his compatriots picking up the one and slamming him down on my knee breaking his spine. As the others tried to run away I opened my mouth and roared shooting Hellfire infused bullets through their joints.

I felt a sadistic sense of joy seeing them struggle trying to flee from me.

"All guilty, I sentence you to suffer to burn to die to feed my flames."

Consuming 10 mortal souls satisfied the hunger that I'd been feeling ever since I arrived here in Mystic Falls and fused with the spirit. Returning to my human form I walked around the room. My clothes besides my jacket were filled with holes from the bullets fired by the men I killed or punished.

"Lucy it's him it's our brother."-Amenadiel.

"Brother it's not possible Zarathos was taken by an outer God of equal power to dear old dad there's no way he's back or even alive anymore."-Lucifer.

"Lucifer, use your grace. He feels like big brother, only slightly different. He's our brother I know it."-Amenadiel.

"I will assign Mazikeen to observe him and If he shows signs of awakening to his former self I will inform you brother."-Lucifer.

"Thank you Lucy, it will be good to have our big brother back."-Amenadiel.


All around the world at Hunter institutes many advanced alarms started going off at the detection of angelic and demonic energy coming from Virginia.

Two pre-teens who were sparing froze at the alarms sounding while a light tanned skin pre-teen girl started working her magic on a touch screen keyboard. Shadowhunter's all around the world were in states of action readiness and shock from the amounts of angelic and demonic energies that were spiking even higher, something that could be taken as a fight taking place between massively powerful beings.


During my little confrontation I hadn't noticed it but my flames instead of blue were orange and red. The only reason I noticed at all were the flames consuming the corpses of my kills. Looking around the room I heard a choking sound coming from behind the cash register counter where the cashier had previously been.

Walking over I saw the poor tatted up girl choking on her own blood leaning down. I pressed my hands against some of the bullet wounds.

'I'm sorry I wish there was a way I could save you.'

At my thoughts, memories that weren't mine came to the forefront of my mind. The blue fire I had seen previously wasn't demonic, it was holy or an angelic manifestation of power. It could be used for many things and punishing the guilty was the tip of the iceberg.

Moving the fire in the same way as my memories a white light with a blue tint glowed from my hands where my hand moved. The damage was healed like it had never been there to begin with.


Outside the two angles that had been observing the show had their hope affirmed it was truly their brother they saw before them even if he had changed greatly he was still their brother. The first Punisher, The first Avenger, The Judge, Jury and Executioner. The spirit of Justice and Vengeance Zarathos.


The young woman couldn't believe what was happening to her today. First, a guy who looks like he just walked off of a movie set enters the store. He starts looking around for protective wear obviously for a girl she had to try very hard not to scowl in jealousy at that.

No guy she's ever liked has gone that far for her she was about to try and flirt with him when that scumbag Jared came out of the backroom probably to feel her up but what was she to do she has to take care of her little sister so all she could do was suck it up and ask the boss Marco to keep him away from her.

Before she knew what happened the handsome guy standing in front of her literally started smoking like smoke leaving his skin not striking up a smoke. She heard gunshots and felt a searing pain all over the place but she held on and she couldn't abandon her sister like this.

She thought all hope was lost when she heard the sounds of footsteps approaching her she couldn't see very clearly but. Somehow she could tell it was him, the handsome guy. Soon a warm soft feeling started spreading throughout her body and she started to feel better. It still hurts but not nearly as much as before.

She thought she was hallucinating. First a fiery blue skeleton turned red and orange and now the handsome guy's hands were glowing white with a bluish hue. That's the last thing she saw before losing consciousness. All of it she'd think was just a bad dream after waking up at Mystic Falls General Hospital.


Once the woman's breathing steadied and her color looked a bit better I stopped the hands of healing. And started to stand up even though it made me dizzy to move looking around the store I saw it was mostly untouched except for where I had walked and used my bullet flame breath attack. Going around the room I picked up a mac-10 and a glock 19 that were both unharmed from my little fight. Before exploring the rest of the building.

In the backroom there were weapons crates kilos of white powder and cash stacks while a blacked out Chevy express van waited with the rear doors open saying to me take me. Putting the cash and some guns, magazines and ammunition into different duffle bags that had lettered around the backroom I filled almost ¾ of the van full.

Going out and wheeling my bike through the store I put it inside the van as well before closing it up. Going back out into the storefront I double checked the waitresses condition before grabbing my would be purchase getting into the van I drove away without thinking twice.


"While big brother has certainly gotten sloppy hasn't he Amenadiel?."-Lucifer.

"Lucy we have no idea how much he has suffered nor what he remembers it would be wise not to judge him too harshly. He didn't even notice me freezing time or you keeping everything contained within the building. Come brother, let's clean up after him so he can enjoy his life."-Amenadiel.

"Ohh alright, Mr.goodytwoshoes. Though I will admit I'm a bit cross with him for leaving behind all of this quality cocaine."-Lucifer.


"Ohh come on brother, loosen up already."-Lucifer.

"I would if you'd go back to hell so I wouldn't have to keep patrolling the gates of Hell."-Amenadiel.

"Why do you even bother? After that Cade fellow and those other spirits betrayed Dad he locked them away in that cheap knock off of hell and sends all the mortal souls there."-Lucifer.

"Exactly Lucy or did you forget exactly what hell and the souls sent there are meant to do."-Amenadiel.

"I know I know brother I've bloody well ruled over the place for millenia's."-Lucifer.

"Then you know of its importance Lucy, it's the wall that protects earth from Purgatory and what haunts purgatory and all those monsters that die and go there not to mention your daughter."-Amenadiel.

"Just drop it brother, I'm not going back."-Lucifer.

"You will come to regret that decision Lucifer. I just hope that earth survives what will eventually come for it."-Amenadiel.

"You worry too much brother."-Lucifer.

"And you don't worry enough Lucifer."-Amenadiel.


So on average 240,000 thousand can fit inside a standard sized Duffle bag and I currently have 12 standard sized duffles filled to the brim with cash so that should be around two million eight hundred and eighty thousand dollars give or take. In the other duffle bags there's 8 assault rifles 4 Ak-47s 4 M16's 6 submachine guns or machine pistols all being Mac-10's an assortment of sidearms from 1911's to various glocks in varying calibers. While their corresponding duffle bags are filled with ammunition and magazines that go to each gun.

'Why did I even take the guns? I should have taken a few Kilos and the money. At least I shouldn't have to worry about money for a while.'

Turning down an old logging trail I drove until I reached a cliff face and an overhang leading into a cave. Since it looked big enough to just barely fit the van I parked it inside and unloaded my bike. Grabbing two duffle bags full of cash slinging them over my shoulders while shutting and locking the van up. Grabbing a few large downed pine branches with needles I started sweeping away my tire tracks.

Before getting on my bike and driving back to the Donovan's, which was empty again.

'Damn how are they never home.'

Carrying the bags into my room I made multiple return trips to the van repeating the process of covering my track over and over again until I had brought all the duffles to my room at the Donovan house.

'It's kind of hard trying to hide 24 duffle bags in a room without them peeking out.'

As I was just about to hop in and wash away the grime from my little escapades today my phone started Dinging. Within the span of 10 seconds I had seventy-two text messages from Bonnie. Instead of trying to respond to them I called her.


"Hello" Bonnie answered the phone in nervous eagerness but tried playing it off cool.

"Hey Bonnie it's Zac I really couldn't keep up with your texts so I decided I'd call you and see if our plans for today still stood. But I may have been a bit eager and already went and bought you some safety gear. I hope that's okay with you?."

"Aww well I was really hoping to spend the day with you." And model some clothes for you since I saw from looking online that most of the leather pants and tops really highlight a girl's curves. Thought Bonnie as she also found it sweet that he bought her things to keep her safe.

"We can still do that if you like. I couldn't actually use a woman's opinion on a few things I want to get but find it difficult to decide on alone. So if you'd we could still do some shopping also my fashion sense is quite lacking and I really only ever buy things in the colors that compliment my eyes."

'That seems like a pretty good fashion sense for a guy. Hehehe, he wants my opinion on stuff uuuh I better keep Elena and Care on speed dial so I can give him proper advice.' As Bonnie thought this she hit home and started texting her best friends. So they could keep their schedules clear for the day to advise her on what to do.

"We should probably take your car though if we want to do more than just window shopping."

"Right, hmm I'd be okay with you driving my car if you'd like."-said Bonnie knowing from both Elena and Care that guy's don't like being the passenger in a girl's car.

"Nah, I'm cool with you driving Bonnie besides I wouldn't feel right driving your car especially if something happened so you could just pick me up from Matt and Vicky's house is say around 30 minutes. I'm going to hop in the shower quickly so if I don't answer just let yourself in."

"Eep, I mean O-okay."-replied Bonnie feeling nervous all of a sudden.

'I better get over there now so I can peek in on him. Hehehehe, wait what am I saying he'll think I'm a mega perv if he catches me, that's right only if he catches me I'll have to be sneaky.'-thought Bonnie naughtily.


As I was about to get in the shower I could have sworn I heard the sounds of peeling rubber and a high revving engine but I shrugged it off thinking it was just some dumb kid thinking he was cool.


Bonnie couldn't believe she had just driven like that, she blew by all the stop signs and traffic lights on her way to Matt's house to catch a glimpse of the guy she liked naked in the shower. She crept through the house as quietly as possible with blinders on not noticing Vicky looking at her like she was crazy while she whispered.

"Sneaking sneaking sneaking."-whispered Bonnie softly.

Vicky watched as Bonnie opened the bathroom door and looked through the clear shower curtain trying not to laugh as she heard Bonnie start to breath heavily and snap photos of Zac showering.

"Is someone there, huh must be losing it, oh well better get out so I can get ready before Bonnie gets here."

All the while Bonnie ran to her car with a perverted smile on her face while breathing heavily.


Quickly drying off and getting dressed I was a bit surprised when I saw Vicky leaning against the doorframe. With her arms crossed under her chest while smirking at me like she knew some big secret and didn't plan on sharing.

"You know it'd be nice to get some privacy around here once and a while."

"Snort, Yeah I'm sure it would be too bad you're not going to Hahaha. Have fun on your little date with the crazy girl."-said Vicky.

"Humph, jealous?"

"No, I don't see it lasting long. I've known her her whole life. You know what I'm just going to stop right there I'll let you find out for yourself."-Replied Vicky criptically.

"Jeez, no reason to sound so cryptic, Vick. Anyways, do you need anything while I'm out?."

"Hmm, Nah not that I can think of. I'll send you a message if I do think of something."-replied Vicky while holding a finger to her chin trying to think about if she needed anything.

Walking outside I quickly noticed Bonnie sitting in her care looking at her phone screen almost like she was in a trance. Knocking on the window lightly, she jumps and throws the phone out of her hand that by some miracle landed screen side on the passenger seat.

Looking down quickly I saw pictures of myself naked in the shower on Bonnie's phone as she quickly grabbed the phone and played obliviously. That she didn't know I saw what was on the screen. Choosing to let it go and not make a big deal out of it.

'I'm not sure whether to be flattered, worried or turned on, probably a little bit of each would be best.'

"So where to, first the mall?."-sounds good to me.


Isabelle Lightwood couldn't believe her Dad sent her to Virginia alone to look for whatever caused the spikes in angelic and demonic power. But since she was given an expense card she decided to do some retail therapy. As she was walking along she felt a strong pull towards a handsome guy that was walking around the mall with a pretty chocolate skinned witch.

Activating her sight runes she saw something that both frightened her and intrigued her. One was a skeletal figure wreathed in blue flames with skeletal angel wings protruding from its back with feathers made of Azure flames. While a secondary figure also skeletal was wreathed in orange and red flames with horns protruding from its head like a crown with a black flame at its center laughing maniacally.

There were stories that talked of beings like this; the angel looking one reminded her of the stories about the angel of Justice and Vengeance Zarathos. While the other reminded her of the stories about ARK Demons and ghost riders. A chill went down her spine when the two spectral entities turned their heads and looked at her before she noticed the handsome guy also looking at her. The chill vanished and a warmth filled her body.

She quickly activated her runes that hid her from the mundane and started following the two people on what she'd gathered was their first date. After hours of shadowing them throughout their shopping trip and lunch she found out he was for the most part a normal guy that lives a nomadic lifestyle and needed a woman's opinion on clothes and an RV.

He wanted something tasteful that a girl or friends that wouldn't look poorly on and wouldn't mind spending any amount of time there with him. Isabelle decided to hold off on reporting her finds back to the institute and the Clave decided to stay and keep an eye on this handsome guy who's name is Zac.


Together Bonnie and I left the mall after having a nice meal together at an Italian restaurant. During shopping I found a candy store with wickedly cheap prices on Mike & Ikes, Recess, Rolo's, KitKats and many more candles that I liked I ended up buying a hundred pounds worth of candy for $574.76 dollars that would be delivered to the Donovan house by end of business today.

"Did you buy enough peanut butter cups?"-asked Bonnie sarcastically.

"Probably not because I love the things so much I should have bought a store's worth."

"Hehehehe, are you at least going to share?." Asked Bonnie in a teasing manner.

"I don't know that's asking alot of me from just the first date. But I guess I could be persuaded to share with the right motivation."

"A-and wh-what is the R-right mo-motivation?." Asked Bonnie with anxiousness in her voice.

"I don't know if you're ready for that."

"I AM" Bonnie whisper-screamed.

"Hahahaha, then be prepared."

I turned Bonnie's face towards mine as I gently brushed our lips together. Bonnie had her eyes closed and when I pulled away she followed me forward. Taking that as confirmation I planted grazing kisses against her lips.

"Mmm I want a real kiss." Said Bonnie dreamily.

Grabbing the back of her head in a firm but gentle grasps smashing our lips together probing her lips with my tongue to which she opened for the kiss wasn't as inexperienced or sloppy as I thought it would be.

From the info I got from Matt giving Vicky's words from earlier today more precedence in my thoughts. Our tongues wrestled and danced together as our lips moved against one another's. We separated from our little make out session when we had both become dizzy and out of breath.

'Why do I feel so jealous of this Bonnie, a useless untrained Wiccan. I have Melioris he's always been enough before even if it is just sex and flowery words. But I want to experience that I want to have someone love me for me. It's too bad Jace is blind to love poor Alec now I know how it feels to be in love with someone that will never return my feelings.'

"Hmm I guess you've convinced me to share my candy with you but I'll definitely need future encouragement though."

"Mmm, I'll try my best to encourage you. Now we better get going to that dealership so I can help you pick out your new home." Said Bonnie wearing a silly smile as she breathed heavily.

"R-Right I almost forgot about that."

"Hehehe, while we could just repeat that kiss over and over again and forget about everything else." Said Bonnie seductively.

"I'd love to but as much as I want to I need to buy my home Matt and Vicky are incredibly kind to let me stay with them but. There's little to no privacy there which I don't mind much but I also don't want to continue taking advantage of their kindness."

"Ohh you don't have to worry I know Vicky has a bad rep but she's actually a very caring and nice person and so is Matt." Replied Bonnie about people she's grown up with as friends.

"Mmmhmm, I haven't known them for very long but I could already tell that. But still I'd feel better having my own place even if it is kinda small and on wheels."

"Umm, this may sound a little forward to me but you do plan on staying here right?." Asked Bonnie self-consciously.

"Yeah, Mystic Falls seems like a nice place to finish high-school. Plus there's another bonus to staying here."

"Ye-yeah." Replied Bonnie with unveiled excitement.

"Yeah, like a beautiful chocolate skinned hottie that has sweet tasting lips and looks like a nature goddess."

'Ahhhh, so cheesy yet I feel so jealous of her.' Thought Isabelle.

"Hahahaha, well I'm glad you plan on staying so you're going to be a senior right?. Do you plan on going to college?." Asked Bonnie in curiosity.

"Actually I thought about enlisting into a branch of the military. It would allow me to see different parts of the world and interact with different people and learn useful skills."

"Ohh." Bonnie said as her shoulders deflated.

'Useful information maybe he could join the Clave and become a shadowhunter or at least a consultant.' Thought Isabelle.

Bonnie and I soon left the mall walking while holding hands. She wore a bashful expression that was incredibly cute while I had a hard time taking my eyes off of her. She looked so vibrant and full of life I thought about all the suffering she went through in the show being used for her magic.

Losing her Grams being cheated on with not one but two ghosts being locked in a prison world and tormented by a psychopath losing love at every turn. To end up alone and in pain being casted away by your supposed friends and support system when you needed them the most.

To be turned into a dimensional anchor and have to suffer the pain of every supernatural being's death and then on top of that being forced to take up Reina Cruzes mantel as the Huntress.

'Even if things don't work out with us I'll try to always be there for you Bonnie. No one deserves to suffer that much and end up alone at the end of it.'

Bonnie didn't know why but all of a sudden the butterflies feeling she had in her tummy increased and it felt like strong arms were wrapped around her from behind being supportive and protective of her. She looked over at the guy she liked holding her hand and a strange sensation of being at home filled her heart. She no longer felt nervous around no longer felt like she had to walk on eggshells to not scare him away.

She'd only felt like this with a number of people she could count on one hand. But then the fear set in again.

'What if he finds out about Caroline and I or he grows tired of me and my psychic stuff. Will I lose this new feeling of being home again? I should text Elena and Care to see what they think I should do to lock him down. I know Care would say sex to her sex is the answer to everything. Elena I don't know though she can be so flakey and self-absorbed that she'd probably give me bad advice so I stay single until she gets a boyfriend again.' thought Bonnie.

'Ughhh why is this so hard.' Bonnie said in her mind.

"Bonnie is everything all right you seem a bit put out?."

"Ahhh, Ye-yeah I'm fine." Replied Bonnie self-consciously.


"Well okay I'm just worried that when you find some things out about it'll end whatever this is and I don't want that to happen." replies anxiously.

"While the big open secret that you're a Psychic has already been blown. Hahahahaha, unless you're secretly a lesbian or bi-sexual I can't think of much that would surprise me."

I noticed Bonnie flinched at my comment about sexuality ringing a few alarm bells that had already rung earlier during our impromptu make our session.

'Great Bonnie's Bi that's not inherently bad. But if she's already involved in a long standing relationship with someone it could lead to a lot of heartache for everything involved.'


We arrived at the RV and Camper dealership after a rather quiet ride. Bonnie seemed especially nervous ever since we left the mall. Once we were parked she said she had to return a few phone calls and asked me to go on ahead without her. Agreeing without much thought behind it, I went ahead and entered the dealership.

"Ahh Care I'm afraid that when he finds out about us it'll ruin things that are starting between us." Said Bonnie nervously.

"Pshhh, what guy wouldn't want to horny sexy women at his beck and call that occasionally have sex with each other." Replied Caroline.

"Caroline, you know that's not exactly how our relationship works." Replied Bonnie.

"Go ahead Bonnie, call me what you really want to call me." Said Caroline.

"Mommy, please tell me what to do mommy. I'm such a hopeless horny girl that wants a man cock deep inside me mommy." Said Bonnie resisting the urge to finger herself in the driver's seat of her prius.

"Such a naughty little girl I have. You want his big fat man cock to stretch out your virgin little pussy don't you baby girl." Raunchy spoke Caroline to Bonnie.

"Ahh, Yes Mommy I want it so bad."-moaned Bonnie.


Once I was inside the dealership I was quickly grabbed by a middle aged woman who was still rather beautiful if not worn out looking like she hasn't had a good sleep in years and stress just keeps piling on. Escorted me to her office.

"So how can I assist you today Mr." Asked the saleswoman.

"Blaze Zachariah Blaze, Ms."

"Sarah you can just call me Sarah. So what can I assist you with today Mr.Blaze." asked Sarah the saleswoman.

"Aright Sarah, call me Zac."

"Okay Zac." Replied Sarah.

"I'm in the market for a luxury motorhome, something I can live in all year round comfortably and with only slight inconvenience of the water tanks to bug me. Also something nice enough that a female companion would feel comfortable and at home in. I'd prefer something with mahogany wood accents but with greys and blacks being the more prominent colors since white would be too hard to keep clean. It has to be a diesel powered engine and solar power along with a secondary generator for a power plant."

"Good thinking. I wish my son had listened to me when he graduated and wanted to travel the country instead of buying one of our more luxurious models. He got a small van sized on and hasn't stopped calling to complain about it. I believe I have exactly what you're looking for in the lot. Though it will need to be outfitted with a solar power system. Which I believe we have in stock but before that let's go do a walk through." Said Sarah.

"Sounds good I had a friend with me who was going to give me her input on stuff but she took a phone call. So we should probably start without her."

"Right, well follow me." Said Sarah.


"Care I gotta go, I'll come over tonight." Said Bonnie hurriedly exiting her car.

"See you later than baby girl." Replied Caroline but the phone had already hung up.


"Hey Zac, sorry it took so long it was a total 911 but don't worry it was handled." Said Bonnie as she grabbed Zac's arm and walked along with him.

Isabelle had heard the entire conversation between Caroline and Bonnie. She felt a little put out from it.

'Bonnie is obviously a sub with mommy issues and is trying to have the best of both worlds while keeping a handsome and warm guy like Zac in the dark. I could use this though to steal him for myself. Bad bad Izzy you can't be thinking with your libido during a mission.' Thought Isabelle.


In L.A

"Lucifer, my job is to protect you, not spy on some teenager in Mystic Falls, Virginia." Yelled Maze.

"Mazikeen, I need you to do this. It's important he might be the reincarnation of my brother Zarathos." Replied Lucifer with a tired sigh.

"Wait Zarathos the guy who gave hell it's Hellfire." Asked Maze reverently.

"One in the same love, at least Amenadiel believes so and I saw something that makes it more believable. But I need you Mazikeen to be my eyes and ears to watch over him for me." Replied Lucifer.

"Aright Lucifer, but I want the Corvette." Agreed Maze.

"But Maze." Said Lucifer pouting.

"Nope, that's the price Lucifer." Replied Maze in a sing-song voice.

"Fine, you bloody demon." Replied Lucifer like a petulant child.


Walking through the RV with Bonnie.

"Wow this place is beautiful, if you didn't see that it was on wheels you'd think you were in a high-end apartment in New York city." Said Bonnie excitedly.

"I know right, but it's also costly. This model starts at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and with the few changes your boyfriend here wants will push it to just under three hundred thousand dollars." Replied Sarah.

"What really that, Zac you could buy a regular house here in Mystic Falls for half that much. I know you said you want it so you can travel but still." Replied Bonnie shell-shocked.

"Yeah, but then I'll have more problems to deal with. Plus this is how I've decided to live for now. So even if it was a hundred thousand more I wouldn't change my mind about a mobile home. I know it probably doesn't make much sense to you but being able to just get in the driver's seat and not leave behind anything precious because you already have it safely tucked away in your house on wheels is a comfort to me."

"Yeah, I don't really understand maybe because I've rarely left Mystic Falls for more than a week at a time. But if that's how you feel then I understand Zac." Replied Bonnie.

"So is this the one you'll be going with Zac or should I show you another?." Asked Sarah.

"No, I'll take this one."

"Okay then we'll just go back and fill out your financing paperwork and if all goes well you could be the proud new owner of this beaute within the hour." Replied Sarah.

"There's no need for financing. I will be paying upfront and in full Sarah."

"W-what, okay then I'll have Jack pull it in and do a full service on it and do the swap to the solar and diesel backup generator. Which will probably take a week to complete." Said Sarah excitedly.

Going back inside and filling out paperwork for both the registration and purchasing of the RV took around half an hour. Between sales tax and modifications to be made it came to three hundred thousand dollars and some change.

"Thank you Bonnie I had fun spending time with you today."

"I enjoyed our day together with you Zac. We should do it again soon. Maybe a more private tour of your new home would be nice." Said Bonnie.

"Mmmhmm, sounds like a good idea and we can have a movie night if it's alright with you and Sheila."

"I'd love that and I'm sure Grams will be cool with it. She likes you a lot." said Bonnie.

"Goodnight Bonnie."

"Night." Said Bonnie.

'Hmm odd her voice sounded odd like she was in a hurry but also trying to hide the fact she was in a hurry. Ahh I'm probably just imagining things.'

Checking the house out quickly and seeing that no one I'd home I grabbed a brick of cash from one of the Duffles. It was so kind of those guys to wrap their money up in cellophane bricks for me in 10k bricks. Stashing a brick away in the rear saddle bag I decided to go for a long ride and find a place to enjoy the sunset.

When I noticed out of the corner of my eye the gorgeous brunette woman from the mall that was staring at Bonnie and I, following behind me in a Maserati. I started to pick up speed and take random turns trying to lose her.

'Damn she's good at keeping track of me while making it look like she's going the same way. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.'

'Ahh this is so much fun I feel like I'm in a spy movie.' Thought Isabelle.

Locking up my brakes and doing a reverse wheelie. As the car behind drifted around my bike.

'Hahhahhahahaah, even though he caught me this is still so much fun I'll have to thank dad and Alec for this assignment.' Thought Isabelle.

I brought my bike back down on both wheels and roasted the rear tire as I swung 180° degrees around and took off at top speed back the way I came. While the woman driving the Maserati did a donut and tried following me again. We kept playing with one another for an hour until I turned down a trail that would lead to the falls and small lake where Stefan was trapped in a safe.

Sitting down at the top of the falls enjoying the sunset I was a little surprised when she came and sat down next to me.

"It's beautiful here." Said Isabelle.

"It is so Ms. Can you tell me what I've done to have a beautiful shadowhunter following me around?."

"Izzy you can call me Izzy. And while I shouldn't tell you this but since you seem to know about Shadowhunter's it shouldn't hurt much. You see, yesterday there were massive spikes of angelic and demonic energy in this area and the Clave ordered my dad to send his best to investigate. So here I am. I was at the mall doing some shopping to get over the fact I'm in Nowheresville when I felt a pull to you. So I activated my sight rune and low and behold I saw a ghost rider and I don't know I've just felt like if I follow you around I'll get all my questions answered." Said Isabelle.

"Mmm, that was probably me you detected. I'm a bit of a special case."

'Ohh don't I know, you look like a demented looking angle and a manical demon.' Thought Isabelle.

"Really?." Asked Isabelle with fake sincerity.

"Yeah. Say Izzy would you like to go get something to eat together I mean you've spent nearly the whole day tailing me without eating you must be hungry no?."

"No, I mean yes I'm hungry. But we probably shouldn't be seen together; it might make your girlfriend jealous." Replied Isabelle.

"Bonnie and I aren't together. I'll admit I like her but as of right now we're just friends. You and I could be friends too."

"Mmm, okay then but let's go somewheres close. I am really hungry now that you mention it." Said Isabelle.

We sat there together in companionable silence until I noticed Isabelle's light weight against my shoulder and heard soft snores coming from my shoulder.

'Damn I have one of the hottest badass monsters slaying sexy ass Shadowhunters on the planet napping on my shoulder.'

Moving very carefully I took out my phone and took a selfie with the Emeraude Toubia doppelganger.

'LOL Doppelganger.'

Once the sunset was over and it was starting to get dark it was time to wake Isabelle up plus my shoulder was drenched in drool.

"Isabelle, Izzy it's time to wake up."

"Mmm more minutes daddy." Replied Isabelle tiredly.

"Wake up Isabelle there's a Vampire nearby."

Isabelle jumped up into a ready stance, her bracelet turning into a staff. I couldn't help but admire her figure in her tight revealing and almost see through outfit.


At my voice she spun around and put the spear point end of the staff above my heart.

"Easy there sleeping drooler it's just me good old normal handsome guy."

"Ahh, sorry Zac, but you shouldn't do something like that with someone who could accidentally kill you." Said Isabelle exasperatedly.

'I doubt you could kill or if you could I'll probably be able to come back.'


"I'm sorry Isabelle, I had been trying to wake you up gently for a bit now since it was dark and I'm hungry but you mumbled and snuggled into my shoulder and kept sleeping."

"Ohh r-right sorry about that I didn't say anything weird did I?." Asked Isabelle.

"Nope, not at all daddy's little princess." I teased.

They way Isabelle bit her plump shiny red bottom lip and her face and neck gained a light blush it was intoxicating to see.

"Don't make me stab you." Isabelle threatened menacingly.

"Aright-aright, I surrender, mighty shadowhunter princess." I continued to tease.

"You're a jerk." Replied Isabelle while pouting.

"Yup I'am come on Let's go get some food."

" ~tummy rumbling~ right let's go get something to eat." Replied Isabelle.

Instead of the Grill I followed behind Isabelle's Maserati until we arrived at a seafood restaurant called the chowder house. It was done up to look like a lighthouse even had a light tower, nothing huge but it had a working light at the top that spun around.

'Huh neat place I'm surprised that Matt and them didn't mention it.'

"Come on Let's go." Shouted Isabelle excitedly.

We were walking inside when I felt like we stepped through a wall of water or something. It was a strange feeling. Once inside I saw an assortment of magical creatures or down worlders ceelies, fae, pixies and many more I didn't know the name of.

"Welcome to the chowder house would you like a seat at the bar or a booth." Asked a waitress.

"Booth please, Abby." Replied Isabelle.

I noticed runes on the waitresses neck but they'd faded to the point of almost being invisible.

"So what is this place, a place where Shadowhunters and down-worlders can come together and have a peaceful environment."

"Yup its a place owned and operated by retired shadowhunters that are no longer fit for the rigors of active duty but still function as backup and information gatherers through businesses that cater to both Shadowhunters and Down-worlders." Replied Isabelle in a cheery way.

"That's cool. How's the food here?."

"Don't know but my mom told me it's good." Replied Isabelle.

"Worth a shot then. You know there was a similar place where I came from."

"Probably was owned by the same shadowhunter. We tend to name everything the same and make them look as close as possible to the original for easier recognition. In case someone is badly injured or something." Replied Isabelle.

"Neat. So Isabelle tell me what it's like being a shadowhunter?."

"Hmm, while we spend almost all of our childhood in training. Once we participate in the exams and pass them we then get to select which branch we want to go into. But everyone needs to have field experience so from the time we pass exams until we prove ourselves capable we have trainers assigned to watch over us in the field while we as trainees form three man squads that we usually stay in until someone dies. So besides protecting the mundanes and keeping the peace amongst the Down-worlders we're just normal people. We attend mundane schools usually and sometimes attend college. But for the most part we stay on as warriors until we're too old or injured to keep fighting." Said Isabelle with a touch of morose in her voice.

"So what about you, what's it like being a ghost rider?." Asked Isabelle excitedly.

At Isabelle's question the whole place seemed to freeze and a feeling of dread seemed to fill the restaurant as the Down-worlders ran out of the restaurant. I smelled sin on all of them but there was one in particular that was making it incredibly hard for me not to go all look into my eyes on his ass.

"Hmm let's see I'm still adjusting to it. But basically I can smell sins and when I smell sins I feel a deep hunger and an urge to look into someone's eyes so I can judge them for the sins they've committed if their souls are stained with innocent blood though the need for me to punish and kill them increases to the point. That I can't control myself and I feast on their souls and sin while tormenting them with all the pain they've inflicted on innocents."

"That seems crazy." Said Isabelle absent-mindedly.

Just as she said something I made eye contact with the one person whose sin was so great it just being in the same room as her was making me need to turn. She wasn't anything special, just a plain looking woman but she soon looked into my eyes and I saw centuries of sin. Plagues, droughts, famines all because of this witch that was trying to sneak out of the restaurant.

I exploded into blue flames becoming my flaming skeleton self, incinerating the half of the booth I was sitting in by accident as I launched myself at her. She started using telekinesis to throw bar stools and booths tables and regular chairs at me to slow me down but they all turned to ash when getting within a foot of me. The witch grabbed the retired shadowhunter from earlier Abby while holding an obsidian dagger to her neck.

"Don't come any closer Rider or else I'll kill her." Said the witch.

Lifting my hand up in the air I waved my finger while shaking my head no.


With a whistle my newly transformed hell bike blasted its way through the door and clipped the witch making her release the shadowhunter. But the blade had still slashed into her throat.

'Save the shadowhunter or feed on the witch's soul?.'

"No mommy." A little girl shouted.

As the girl was holding her mother's hand while the mother was gurgling blood trying to comfort her daughter the witch started to move towards the girl.


My hell bike launched my lever action Shotgun out of its holster and into my hand. Channeling my Hellfire into it it transformed into some demonic Gothic looking Shotgun while I lifted it up towards the witch and pulled the trigger a slug of hell fire shot from the barrel the bullet went straight through the witch turning her to ash while carrying further and putting a scorched hole in the wall that was behind her.

An over the shoulder holster for the Shotgun formed from my leather jacket as I needed it, my angelic fire burning a brighter blue as I performed the same method of healing I employed to save the saleswoman at the drug operation that fronted as a leather outfitter store.

"Don't worry little one, your mommy will be just fine in a few seconds."

I said to the little girl. As I held my glowing hand over the woman's slit throat. It healed even faster than the woman I had to save previously.

'Maybe a sign I'm getting stronger or it has to do with a shadowhunter's nephilim heritage.'


I was so occupied by healing the woman I didn't notice the little girl holding a shadowhunter's dagger. Or that more shadowhunters were funneling in through a portal that had opened up behind me. Nor did I notice the wings of blue fire that sprouted from my back.

"Thank for saving mommy, even though you look super scary mr.boneman you're really nice." Said the little girl as she dropped her dagger and threw her self at me initiating a hug.

'I need to be more aware of my surroundings this is a second time I almost had collateral damage of a person's life on my hand due to this dammed drive of mine.'

"You're welcome little one."

'After all its the least I can do since I'm the reason you mom almost died tonight.'

"Mr.Boneman are you an angel you have wings on your back?. They're really pretty." Said the little girl whose voice was muffled by my leather jacket.

"Hahahaha, wings I think you must be seeing things, little one I'm far from being an angel. Come on we better get your mom off the floor and get some fluids into her she lost a large amount of blood."

"Don't worry Mr.Boneman the healers are here. Look, they just walked out of the portal. Mr.Boneman how come your fire isn't hot when i touch it?." Asked the little while making a pondering face looking like a curious kitten.

"It's probably because you're a good girl and my fire only hurts bad and naughty girls."

"Mmm hmm mmm hmm, I'm a very good girl mommy always says so except when I steal the cookies from the cookie jar Hehehehe." Giggled the little girl.

'Man I really need to get control over this compulsion to punish sinners. It's going to get innocent people killed. Not only that, this hunger for souls and sin is bad. What's going to happen when I go to school and meet Stefan the Ripper of Monterey or whatever he was called. I need to get the Phoenix stone or something to get to the point I no longer have such a deep hunger to satisfy.'

"Hahaha, I bet your a little cookie monster hauh."

"NOooPpeee well maybe a little." Replied the little girl embarrassedly.

As we were talking a med team of Shadowhunters put an I.V. into the woman's arm as Isabelle walked over and put her hand on my shoulder. While putting her on a gurney.

"Hey she's naughty why is she okay?. Humph, it's because she's pretty isn't it?."

"Hehehehe, what are you, upset you're not the only special one Mikaela?." Teased Isabelle

"Humph, Mr.Boneman big sis Izzy is being mean." Whined the little girl.

"Come on Mikaela I'll walk with you to the med ward and call your dad to come sit with you and your mom." Said Isabelle.

"But I want to stay with Mr.Boneman." whined the little girl.

"You better go with your mommy little one. To make sure the doctors and nurses take care of her right and proper."

"Ugh, okay Mr.Boneman. but you have to come back here and visit me." Said the little girl in an imitation of a mom's voice.

"Of course, little one I'm still looking forward to trying the food here."

"Yeah, okay bye bye Mr.Boneman." exclaimed the little girl happily.

"I'll be back soon Zac, don't leave without me." Said Isabelle.

"Sure I figure someone's gotta stay and look after the place anyways."

"Thanks." Said Isabelle happily as she took Mikaela's hand who was waving goodbye to me as they both followed behind all the other shadowhunter's and the gurney.


While the place was empty I decided to start cleaning it up since I caused a mess. Starting with cleaning up the blood taking off my black shirt I used it to soak up the woman named Abby's blood making multiple trips in and out of the kitchen to wring the blood out of the shirt in the sink.

Once the blood was cleaned away, putting the chairs up on top of tables and the bar stools on top of the bar once that was done. I started sweeping the floor cleaning up the debris and ash.

"Haaa, finally done sweeping, now it's time to start mopping."

Filling the mop bucket with a cleaning agent and warm water I started mopping up the dining area and bar. Once I finished with that I cleaned up the stoves and ovens that had burned on food while also running the dishwasher.

"Man it's been forever since I used a line dishwasher like this."

It took me a few hours to get the place cleaned up. The only noticeable damage and destruction was the burned hole in the fall, my footprints and the tire scorch marks on the door and floor. Though the scorch marks kind of complimented the red oak flooring quite nicely.

"Not too bad of a clean up job if I do say so myself."

'I really hope my presence here didn't destroy the customer base for this place.'

Walking back into the kitchen and grabbing everything I would need to make beer battered fish fry and fries I was working away on cooking. I never noticed Isabelle standing there at the inn door watching me work until after I threw everything into their own separate fryer baskets.

And then went to go into one of the walk-in fridges to look for slaw & tarter. Is when I finally noticed she was back.

"Hey Isabelle I figured I'd make us dinner. Hopefully your friend doesn't mind it too much."

"She won't, she's just happy she's alive and able to keep raising Mikaela. It turns out her husband John died on a mission earlier tonight while hunting a demon." Replied Isabelle sadly.

"Haaa, I'm sorry to hear that little one is going to be pretty sad for a while then."

"Why don't you just call her by her name." Asked Isabelle.

"~shrug~ it's too familiarizing to me it will help breed attachments. But if I continue to call her little one attachments should be less likely to form. It's also why I call dogs either dog or Pup so they and I don't get attached to each other."

'Weird but it's also kind of funny since Mikaela seems very attached to him already god she wouldn't shut up about Mr.Boneman. ~giggle~ Mr.Boneman hahaha that's so funny.' Thought Isabelle.

While Isabelle was zoned out I went in and grabbed out some already portioned out slaw & tarter before locking the cooler up and checking on the food in the fryer baskets and shaking them a bit so the food is cooked perfectly.

"Where did you learn to cook like this?" Asked Isabelle.

"Ahh my buddies step-dad had a pizza parlor and I would help out from time to time and learned some things."

"That's pretty cool. Do you like cooking? " asked Isabelle.

"Yeah I always have and I also like baking too. I used to help my grandmother and mom cook, bake and decorate cakes and what not l always loved doing this kinda stuff as much as I like working on the farm and the farm equipment and vehicles with my dad."

'Aww, that's so cute and sexy at the same time.' Thought Isabelle.

"Hmm, good to know I can always come to you when I'm hungry. Hehehehe." Joked Isabelle.

"Sure, I don't mind, in fact I think out of all the new people I've met recently I like you the most." I replied absent-mindedly as I pulled the baskets from the fryer.

'Score I have a better score than that Wiccan skank.' Thought Isabelle triumphantly.

"~giggle~ you should be more careful with your words, it sounds like you're in love with me already. Hehehehe." Laughingly teased Isabelle.

"Humph, coming from the crazy stalker chick that's been following me around all day like a love struck puppy. Hahahaha just kidding, though I can understand why you'd be so obsessed with me after seeing me at the mall." I teased Isabelle back.

"~snort~ could you be any more narcissistic?." Joked Isabelle.

"Mmm, if I keep having such a sexy Huntress following me around everywhere everyday then yeah I probably will lose myself in narcissism."

"Hahahaha, Ahh this is so nice I can't remember when the last time I could talk so freely with someone was." Confessed Isabelle and as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"Any time Izzy." I said to her trying to cement our budding friendship.

"Zac, I feel like I should tell you this, but I hope it doesn't affect us. When I was following you today I was also observing that Wiccan as well. I overheard a phone call between her and a girl named Caroline there relationship isn't normal and there in a relationship a very sexual one at that." Said Isabelle nervously.

"Thank you Isabelle, for telling me I had gotten a bit of evidence supporting her being involved with someone at the mall earlier today too. She was just way too good at kissing to be as inexperienced as she implied. I also mentioned something about her being a lesbian or bi and it made her freeze up. I guess I don't have to tell you that since you were there. Glad you told me before I got to vested in her and then found out the hard way."

"Ye-yeah, so we're good right?." Asked Isabelle.

"Of course, my new best friend." I said back in response to her question.

'Ahhhhhhh, friend zoned, ngh my heart is bleeding. Humph, I'm going to make you fall in love with me and regret ever putting me in the friend zone.' Thought Isabelle evilly.

"Aright dinner is ready, Isabelle, Hey Izzy you alright?."

"Huh, yeah just thinking is all I must have zoned out, mmm that looks and smells delicious." Replied Isabelle.

"Thanks, you should know I don't do this for every pretty girl I meet, just the ones I like."

'Ahh, am I not in the friend zone then?. God this guy is so confusing.' Thought Isabelle.

"Come on Let's go sit down and eat." I said to Isabelle.

Putting the food on plates Isabelle and I walked back out to the bar area she grabbed two stools off the bar and set them down across from each other. One on the bartenders side and one on the patron side so we could chat more easily.


"Wow this fish fry is amazing, the breeding is like this perfect mix of gooey and crunchy and these fries are to die for. I AM SO TELLING ABBY THAT SHE HAS TO HIRE YOU AS A CHEF HERE EVEN IF IT'S THE FRY CHEF." Spoke Isabelle at a very loud volume from her excitement.

"While I would enjoy that I was kind of planning on working on cars, motorcycles, atv's and the like."

"You can do that as a hobby but your butt belongs here cooking and just think you can spend more time around shadowhunter's." Isabelle continued on excitedly.

'Only Shadowhunter I'd want to see a lot of is you and maybe Claire.'

I couldn't help but stare at her a little too long. Which if the way she kept highlighting her chest and her nice assets was any indication she was very aware of my long looks. But it was hard to take my eyes off of the Emeraude Toubia look-alike. If I were to describe her she'd be infectious her cheerfulness and lively attitude the way her eyes seemed to have a constant sparkle of mischievousness but also warmth and care in them was just had too powerful of a pull and being close to her like this I noticed the gnawing hunger I'd felt almost constantly since arriving here was nonexistent.

'Humph, friend zone my ass how could I ever think a guy would friend zone me. Wait, those aren't the usual eye's that guy's look at me with he's not even staring at my chest ohh my god he was looking at my face the entire time. Ahh what did I just do? He probably thinks I'm slutty now. Nah, he probably thinks I was just playing around.' Thought Isabelle.

(Badump badump badump.)

'His eyes are so dreamy like a neon blue with a few yellow strands of Lightning mixed in and they're so warm and caring.' Though Isabelle.

'If I'm not careful I'll get lost in those dark honey colored eyes.'

"I'd probably destroy Abby's client base if I worked here if I haven't already."

"Naaa, don't worry about that for the most part you'll work as a deterrent for the bad ones and act as an attraction for everyone else heck most of the people that were here didn't start fleeing until you went all scary flame on rawr guy anyways." Reassured Isabelle.


"At least think about it please. Since my dad knows about you I'll probably be reassigned to my squad with my brother and his parapati Jace. At least if you work here I could have an easy excuse for visiting you." Said Isabelle sounding a miniscule amount of desperation.

'Ohh gawd I just sounded so desperate.' Thought Isabelle disparagingly.

"Hmm, when you put it like that it's almost impossible to refuse but how about this you give me some time to think it over and talk to Abby myself after all my actions almost cost her and her daughter's lives."

"Hey, hey nobody see's it that way we're shadowhunter's we live and die bloody and hard lives even if we retire. It's just a matter of time until we find ourselves bleeding to death after being dealt a mortal wound. What you did tonight was right, it's what every shadowhunter is trained to do since birth so don't blame yourself for what could have been okay, promise me that Zac I've seen what guilt can do to someone don't let it destroy you." Spoke Isabelle reassuringly and compassionately.

Cracking a half smile before answering.

"Alright then but I do wish you could stay here longer though and remind me not to do so." I teased back.

"Well nothing's changed yet I'm still assigned here so until then I'll kick your ass if you start blaming yourself. But on that note while I'm here I think it's time for you to get some training, Shadowhunter style training." Spoke Isabelle with a bit of condescension at the end of her words.

"Ohh it's so on and I'm going to kick your butt." I said teasingly.

"Ohh yeah let's make a bet if I win you have to cook all my meals for me and have at least two meals a day with me until I say otherwise. Deal?." Asked Isabella, wearing a smirk.

"I'll tell you what I want later, beautiful." I replied back.

Grabbing our empty plates and glasses, washing them before cutting us both a large piece of chocolate lava cake and a scoop of ice cream each along with a glass of milk. It was cute how Isabelle's eyes seemed to glow and widen comically as she ate the cake, chugged the milk in like 10 seconds then started on her ice cream while stealing forkfuls of my piece of cake.

Once I had a few bites of cake and ice cream while Isabelle had about 1 and ¾s of the cake she grabbed the plates and empty glasses and washed them this time.

"Huah, I think this is it for tonight." Said Isabelle as she looked over her shoulder at me with a question in her eyes but shook her head.

"Yeah, goodnight Izzy." I said as I put on my jacket and put our stools back on the bar top.

"Wait." Yelled Izzy.

"Yeah?." I asked, turning around.

"Here." She said as she handed me a slip of paper with an address and phone number on it.

"Be there at 6am for training." Said Isabelle seriously.