
Vampires: The Masquerade Bloodlines - Turning Teeth

Algernon Blake was your average writer trying to make it big in Hollywood. But after a one-night stand, he's pulled into a Byzantine world of intrigue and manipulation among the undead. Can Algernon retain his humanity while satisfying the beast that rests within? A retelling of Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines with a male Tremere. Minor story differences. this is a unfinished fanfic from ff.net By: thebrillaintgrandmaster which i thought was really amazing and wanted to share it with you all

grimmhorizon · Derivados de juegos
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31 Chs

Chapter 21: Southland 4-5

"I've said all I need to for now." LaCroix said, speaking to the four standing in front of his desk. I saw Strauss looking rather displeased, as well as a Nosferatu in a tuxedo and two others I didn't recognize - likely a Toreador and Ventrue, judging by the way they dressed. There was a period of silence as they exchanged looks, then turned to walk past me and leave the room, not even giving me a second glance.

Once they were gone, I walked over to LaCroix's desk. I opened my mouth to tell him what happened with the Elizabeth Dane, the recon mission he told me - no, forced me to go on, but he immediately cut me off.

"I don't have time for another monologue." He snapped at me. "Just give me the… bullet points of what you saw."

The Camarilla vampires I'd spoken to insisted the Prince was charming sometimes - when they allowed me to speak my mind about him at all. I was still waiting for the "sometimes" where he was charming.

"Everyone on board was massacred." I explained. "There weren't any survivors."

LaCroix's expression worsened. "And the Ankaran Sarcophagus?"

I shook my head. "There was blood all over the floor...looked like it was opened within."

Which freaked me out much more than I could possibly express. When LaCroix told me to go find a sarcophagus on a highly guarded cargo ship, I assumed he was trying to kill me again, giving me ridiculous stories of ancient vampire legends. Even Strauss laughed the idea off when I asked him about these so called "sleeping ancients". But between what LaCroix was saying, and what Justine had told me weeks ago...well, seeing the sarcophagus opened up was the final straw.

"Opened?" LaCroix asked incredulously. Was that panic in his voice? "Let's not jump to conclusions. Give me the manifest and your notes, and I'll sort this mess later. You might have noticed when you came in, the parade of malingering mollycoddles filing about."

Malingering mollycoddles. I'd have to use that one. I took the manifest and notes out of the bottomless space of my satchel and handed them over.

"I'm sure you'll have it all sorted out soon, your Majesty." I said, trying my damndest to sound genuine. "Is there anything else you require of me?"

"No. However...I've decided to reward your efforts thus far." He told me, opening the drawer beneath his desk and handing me two keys on a key ring. "I'm aware that I may seem demanding at times. Just know that everything I do is for the protection of all Kindred within LA, and that your astounding talents are not going unnoticed."

Translation: he's heard I've been speaking badly about him. I needed to watch what I say, especially since the Prince's eyes and ears were everywhere. Since I was considered political terra incognita by factions within the city, I was treated, at best, warily by the Anarchs and heavily surveyed by the Camarilla. I didn't want to make an enemy of LaCroix until everyone trusted me enough to understand I wouldn't become a Tradition-violating monster like my Sire. Even if I were to just up and leave, the Prince of the next town I go to would probably have me executed on the spot. I had to watch my mouth in LA, because LaCroix may not respond by rewarding me next time.

I took the keys. "What are these?"

"Keys to your new Haven." The Prince explained. "Skyeline Apartments, apartment 4C."

"Thank you very much, my Prince." I said, bowing my head for a moment.

"You are dismissed, Mr. Blake. Please remember to check your email for any assignments I may have for you." He told me.

I nodded and, with that, I left the room. As I took the elevator down to the lobby, I couldn't help but wonder why LaCroix was rewarding me. If anything, it would make him look weak - though I'd noticed none of his Primogen or any other Kindred were in the room at the time of him rewarding me. This gave me the indication that he wanted to keep me as an ally rather than kill me or punish me, which made me wonder just what kind of game was at play here. I felt like a pawn, but who's pawn was I? The Prince's? Or Justine's?

If anything, this was proving what Jack and Nines said about the Camarilla correct, but I wasn't exactly prepared to drink their kool-aid either. Joining the Anarchs would require dedication and fighting for a cause that I wasn't so sure would work in practice. It was as Justine said - they probably didn't know what was at play here, and I felt that was true. Lately, I'd felt a creeping sense of dread, a feeling that moved me whenever I rose at night. Was it what Beckett had told me about weeks ago? Was I finally attuned to it?

As I left the lobby, I exchanged a few words with Officer Chunk and walked through the front doors. There, I was surprised with a familiar face, who greeted me at the entrance like an excited puppy. It was the redhead I'd saved at the hospital so many nights ago. Now she looked considerably less wounded, and more prettied up, as if she were on her way to a club. Tonight she dressed suitably for the warm Spring night, clad in a green dress that went halfway down to her knee and a slightly plunging neckline, revealing enough cleavage to be enticing but covering up enough that she'd still be allowed in a dinner party. She had her glasses on, which covered her doe-like green eyes, which seemed...different from the last time I met her.

When I saw her, my blood reacted. It was powerful and unstoppable, like a wave or a force of nature. Whether I liked it or not, I viewed her as mine. As my property, a doll with whom I could do anything with. When we saw each other, we made eye contact, and an intense exchange happened between us. Her expression went from awe to total adoration, then finally settling on submission. She wanted to be mine. I already owned her soul.

"H-Hey!" She began, her tone timid, meek. "I-I know this might seem creepy and all...but please don't blow me off, okay?"

"Speak." I commanded her, my voice coming out a lot more sternly than I'd originally intended.

"S-Someone told me that I could find you here." She told me. "I mean, I've been looking all over for you since that night, because I wanted to… I'm in your debt."

I tilted my head. My debt? As she said that, I could hear her heart racing at a thousand beats per minute. I could hear the blood rushing through her veins and smell the pheromones coming off of her. She smelled absolutely delicious. And she's all mine.

Holy fuck, what's happening?

"I want to...to help you…" She continued onwards as another heated glance passed between us. "I owe you my life and… I feel like I need to repay you. Oh, I almost forgot - I'm Heather. Heather Poe. I'm...not weirding you out, am I?"

Oh, she wasn't weirding me out. I knew ghouls were often drawn to their domitors - the vampires that fed them blood, but I didn't know my Beast would react in such a way. The worst part was that it was such a primal, base-level feeling that I didn't know if I disagreed with what it was saying. Was I straying from my humanity too much? That couldn't be. I did everything I possibly could to remain in touch with my humanity.

I realized I was staring at her, and for a moment she looked like a deer in headlights.

"Weirding me out is pretty hard to do these nights." I said, waving my hand dismissively. "But you...you look a lot better. I'm glad."

"Only because of you - what you did for me." She said, the words spilling from her mouth. My gaze wandered down to her neckline. She was so exposed. So vulnerable.

I resisted my Beast. "It was nothing, really. Just...you were stabbed and nobody was helping you. Did you just come from a party?"

"Hm?" She asked, then she looked down at her dress. I saw her blush. "N-No, I don't really...I… Oh god, Heather, you're looking weird…"

"Not at all." I promised her. "What were you saying?"

"Oh! Here...I got you this." Heather handed me a silver ring. I didn't know what I was supposed to do with it, but I suppose I could pawn it for a decent amount of money.

"I thought you might be able to use it." She explained. "I can be useful to you...I'd do anything - just tell me you'll let me help you… let me… let me stay with you… make me feel this way."

You'll be useful to me alright.

I knew I should've said no. I knew that pulling a ghoul into my world wouldn't lead to much. But I also knew that she was better off with me, that ghouls that went without blood for a long time were vicious, and a danger to the Masquerade to boot. I knew that I'd initiated her into the supernatural world the moment I decided to give her blood, whether I knew it or not. Now I had to protect her, to keep her safe. And damn it, this had nothing to do with the fact that I wanted to tear off her clothes and do things only the cavemen found acceptable.

"Of course, Heather." I said. "I'd love for you to stay with me."

She beamed. "Really?! I promise you won't regret it! Promise! I'll pay you rent, I'll get you things… everything! I want to be…important to you."

"Well, luckily for us, we'd just gotten a new place." I told her, holding up my keys. "Did you bring any spare stuff?"

"I do!" She said. "My stuff is at the hotel...the one you were staying at. It's a coincidence, I promise! I just...might need help moving my things in."

My new haven in the Skyeline Apartments was, mercifully, without a window. That was probably the thing I liked the most about it, the fact that it saved me from having to duct tape the windows of any place I'd crashed in. It was a very nice high-rise with a loft atop the second floor, complete with a fancy computer and a queen-sized bed, followed by a walk-in closet. The entire place was fully furnished already, with comfortable-looking couches and loveseats in the living room, as well as a glass coffee table and a flat screen TV on the wall. Behind the living room was a kitchenette and a fridge full of blood packs - I'd have to get food for Heather, since she was now living with me.

"Wow…" She muttered as we entered. I placed her stuff down by the fish tank that was embedded in the alcove in the wall. "I've only seen places like this on TV...this is our new home?"

Our new home. I thought. It was strange, I'd lived with people before. Roommates, girlfriends. And I always hated it, the reduced privacy. But since it was Heather, I felt oddly okay with it - and I didn't know if it was the Beast subtly influencing my feelings.

"Seems like it." I said, hanging my leather duster on the nearby coat rack and placing my satchel on the couch. "I'll help you put everything away...but first, we need to establish a few things."

Heather turned to me, nodding, her doe-like eyes planted on my face. "Okay. Anything...as long as I get to stay. Y-You don't...have a girlfriend, do you?"

"What?" I asked. "No, I don't."

"B-Because I'm totally okay if you do!" She continued. "I'm okay with being your number two as long as-"

"Heather, I don't have a girlfriend." I said. "Things have been pretty wild lately, so I don't have much time for romance."

She frowned. "How have things been wild?"

"Well…" I began. "This is actually pretty relevant to what I was going to tell you. I'm a vampire."

There was a moment of silence. I studied Heather's expression, but I couldn't get a proper read on her. It seemed like she was lost in thought, and for a moment I was tempted to probe her mind with Auspex...but I refrained. It wasn't as if I had any qualms with doing it - after all, what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them, especially with kine. But I did read the mind of a Malkavian once, just to see if this whole "madness" thing was legitimate, and it took me a few nights to recover from that one.

"I...I always knew, I just…" She turned her gaze back to me. "W-Wow...are the...movies true? Should I not cook with garlic…?"

That made me chuckle. "The movies are only partially true - garlic does nothing to me. But I don't eat, I only drink blood."

"Oh...so garlic and I'm assuming crosses are fine?" She asked.

I smirked. "Why? Are you religious?"

She blushed and looked down. "N-No! I-I mean...it's okay if you are. I just...are vampires religious?"

That one made me laugh. She was adorable.

"Well, no." I said. "At least, I'm not. Some of us are, though. But yes, crosses are fine."

"Okay. What about fire?" She asked.

"That one is actually a weakness. Can't touch that one."


"The ring you gave me was silver."

"Oh - right...sorry. Um...how about sunlight? Is that one true?"

"See how pale I am? I don't sun tan. Yeah, sunlight is a big no-no for me. It's why I sleep during the day."

"Oh...I was wondering if you slept…"

"Yep. I need to sleep. Just like you. But I don't get tired."

"So you don't eat...you sleep during the day...and I'm assuming you don't-"

"Nope, my body doesn't produce waste. I'm dead. I'm a corpse."

"Right...it sounds like you're-"

"The easiest roommate ever?"

That made her smile. I smiled right back at her and went to the couch, grabbing my satchel. I reached into my back and took out Justine's grimoire. I'd learned so much from it, from Justine's studies. With the Sanguinis Cosmographicum, I'd been learning Disciplines that would take other Kindred years to learn and master. It was a powerful book, and for some reason I could only access half of it. The rest of the pages were blank, and it wasn't due to Justine not writing more either. The writing was hidden from me with an enchantment. Either way, I didn't want Heather looking into it. Who knows what could happen to her?

"Anyway, a few ground rules." I began. "I'm usually out and about at night. I'll come in occasionally if I have no business to tend to, but other than that, this place is all yours. What's mine is yours, just make sure to keep everything clean. And don't touch my stuff. It isn't for human hands."

Heather nodded obediently. "Okay, I won't touch your stuff. Anything else?"

I smiled. If anything, it was nice to have company. Even if I had accidentally enthralled her, she seemed happy to be here - and as long as I didn't treat her badly, this wasn't exactly a bad thing, right? Besides, she'd also make a good constant supply of blood, which meant I could hurt less people by feeding on her. I'm sure she'd be happy to provide.

"No." I told her. "Now come here."