
Vampire. Experiment (Resident Evil)

I have reincarnated into another world, everyone is hunting me. As if I don't have enough problems of my own, which only the loss of control over the body costs. So, the goal is to understand what I am. The task is to Survive. YES, THERE WILL BE NO HAREM! I am a Russian Author from the Russian site Ficbook, my nickname on Ficbook is S.H.P.I.K. I post my fanfic on Webnovel because the thief decided to make money on my intellectual work. therefore, so that no one else would throw my books here and make money on them, I throw them here myself (somehow it turned out too tautologically, but I conveyed the essence) . One of my first fanfics, you can say, "the first test of the pen", so mistakes may come across(logical and plot), inconsistencies, etc. The Original was written back in 2014, and is currently posted on the fikbook. Why did I decide to transfer "Vampire" to this site? The answer is simple: The vampire has a relatively small volume of text, respectively, it will be faster to transfer it to the web, my other books have too large a size. However, I will also transfer my other works here over time. It's only a matter of time.

Alexey_Shpik · Derivados de juegos
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4 Chs

First Chapter

Uh, yes, breaking through the woods was a hell of an idea, but jumping out on the road in my position would be suicide altogether. Although, I'm kind of already dead. But the first thought expressed in a stream of obscene language (even a little ashamed) was confirmed even before the final departure of the base of these crazy vivisectors. So, calling them "Ambrelophiles", I hit the bull's-eye, they really were not just psychopaths, or role-players turned on their heads, but real scientists on a real base. At the same time, the desire to escape from the "role-playing psychos" was replaced by the desire to "get out of this **** base until I'm a zombie or something worse."

However, on the tenth broken wall, when the chair broke on the seventh (leaving steel armrests on me) and I crushed the last three with my fists and body, I realized that the walls I was breaking with such ease were not made of cardboard (this would be if I was running from the role players) and not even made of gypsum cardboard, which is quite it is possible to break it.

It was concrete, if not something stronger, I don't really understand it. And the wall thickness of half a meter clearly hinted that it was not given to a person to destroy these walls.

But because of the shouts behind me and the echoes of commands, I didn't have to think about it for a long time, because I really didn't want to stay in these laboratories.

So I was even glad that I had such strength and that I didn't feel the pain from the broken fingers, from which blood was oozing. I finally realized the nastiness of the situation after six minutes, running out of the perimeter into the forest. More precisely, not as soon as I ran out, but after the sixth tree, into which I flew. And no, everything was fine with my coordination, I just couldn't keep up with my (dead) mind with the speed of my body!

Yes I moved so that everything blurred before my eyes. Only after a minute, when I didn't really adjust, but at least started dodging trees on the way, I still came to the conclusion that I would overtake the truck, of course, now, but the sports car would make me, I was covered with awareness. A ordinary Human can't move like that!

But it didn't work out to indulge in self-flagellation for a long time, a dog jumped on me!

Having managed to put my hands in front of me, I managed not to let this beast bite off my head. And she could! Not only was the breed a Doberman, but it was also undead! Well, or a special kind of dogs that can live without an eye, and with a half-lowered skin.

And then I was covered, I came to myself when the blood on my body was absorbed into me, and in front of me lay the skull of a dog. Uh-huh, there aren't even any bones left except for him, but what's much worse - hunger hasn't disappeared anywhere!

After a couple more seconds, I noticed that some black ticking shit was lying about twenty centimeters from the skull of the former Doberman. The associations worked almost instantly and I jumped backwards far away from the supposed bomb. And as soon as I got off the ground, there was an explosion. No, the radius was small, a couple of meters at most, but it threw me off well, and even hit a tree.

There was no pain, but some difficulty in controlling the body appeared, like a hanging key or something similar. A couple of seconds after I straightened up, something in my body crunched loudly several times and everything fell into place.

Wow regeneration! Or is it because I just ate? The question is certainly important, but it seems to me that it should be postponed. And the approaching growl, despite the fact that I don't see anyone in the thermal spectrum, clearly hints that if I stay here for a while longer, I will deal with the rest of the pack of dogs.

Oh, yes, about the thermal spectrum - even when I woke up, I noticed that there, behind the glass, the figures of people were highlighted reddish, the same thing happened when I ran away from the base, and the walls were not an obstacle to this either, that's what I used, bypassing the guards.

But I've already seen Zombies without illumination, so it's just the old-fashioned way, I saw - great, no - your problems.

However, I have more chances to survive than people, because on the way out, I broke through the wall of either a cell or a laboratory. The bottom line is that the three zombies sitting there reacted to me... nothing, but the guards following me rushed with pleasure.

But the dogs are clearly chasing me, so not everything is so clear.

Maybe they were created differently or trained how, I don't know, but the fact remains that zombies from people didn't touch me, but Dobermans have a different opinion.

But I couldn't run far, another dog caught up with me, and again, as if mesmerized, I felt the smell of his blood, even if not as alluring as the first time or in the living, but still attractive.

This time I was covered, but much weaker, I did not fall out of reality, although it would have been better if it had been like the first time.

My body seemed to have a Life of its own!

A jerk forward and the dog that jumped at me gets a powerful blow to the skull, literally blowing it apart. And then I crouch down to a piece of the head and dig into this mess with elongated fangs. What the hell is going on with me?!

Before my eyes, the dog's body literally shrinks and I start working rapidly with my hands, throwing already bloodless pieces of meat into my mouth.

I'm trying to spit it out, or somehow prevent it, but it wasn't there!

I could only watch, as if nothing else in my body listened to me except my eyes. And instead of vomiting, there was pleasure and I didn't like it even more!

Well, a normal person can't eat dead meat and feel pleasure. Although, on the other hand, the same beef and pork from the store... isn't that dead meat? Ugh! Already and justify yourself

Meanwhile, the body continued to tear the carcass with ecstasy and eat it, grinding, including bones.

Yes, I ate it corny, in a matter of minutes! But where does all this fit in me?

As soon as the last piece disappeared into the bowels of my stomach, and the blood was absorbed through the pores into my body, I regained the ability to control myself.

Yeah, we need to do something about it. In a good way, you need knowledge on the topic of what I am and how should I continue to be? Yes, and we need to do something with control, otherwise I will go out to people like that, and I will be covered.

Let's say not even immediately, but at the sight of blood - then what? Ideally, I need to go to one of the laboratories of these vivisectors, but as soon as I return, I am very likely to be disassembled for spare parts, which does not suit me.

Conclusion? I need an empty lab or some unofficial scientists.

So the first thing to do is to find out what period of time I got into. And then, starting from this, do something. The easiest thing is to go to the Hive.

Wasn't that the name of the lab under Raccoon City? Even if I got into a remote part of the events of the universe known to me, then you can easily try to find something you need there or conduct research. After all, they couldn't have smashed everything there, could they?

The only, but rather big disadvantage was that I am not a scientist, so it will be difficult for me to analyze myself, even being lucky and finding the right equipment and instructions for it. And I'm still downplaying that.

No, I still have some knowledge, because in my previous life I was an ambulance attendant, but on the other hand, an orderly is not even a doctor!

So you hit it to the fullest, Vasily Alexandrovich. Hmm, or should I now be called by the name of the recipient in whose carcass I am? But somehow Barrett doesn't sound either.

And unlike me, he was a complete loser, there wasn't even a job as such, that's why he volunteered for Umbrella, although the prospects for the first call were not the most promising. I learned this from the memory of the German I found myself in.

Yeah, the only plus in this situation is that I now know as many as three languages!

Russian is perfect, German is the same, and English is at a conversational level, but I still had a good grade on it, even if my knowledge has been diminished over a couple of years of work. And Barrett knew him even better than me, so in total it gave me a completely digestible level of English, except that I risk not understanding swearing. But I think it's a small loss.

But, returning to the previous problem - we need to find out where (geographically) and at what point (canon) I got hit, and start from that.

If it's early, then you can take advantage of this and help the zombie apocalypse a little, at the same time do nasty things to vivisectors, if it's too late, then look for a scientist alone and I already know one.

Wesker! True, this parasite can betray, which means it is necessary to interest him and make him think that I need him much less than he needs me.

You can still look for Birkin, but this is after the first point, otherwise it is possible that the maximum I will find is a wild zombie with an interesting kind of virus. Fun, though.

When I emerged from my thoughts and was about to continue my run again, because it would be dangerous to stay so close to this particular laboratory, I noticed that I missed the explosion.

Well, at least prudently managed to increase the distance between himself and the bomb. But I noticed where everything I ate went!

I have to say - Barrett was still skinny, but after two dogs, my new body had a claim to musculature.

True, so far it is a claim, but such a set of muscle mass could not but please. And the fact that the next time I was fighting with a dog, and not a self-willed body, lifted my mood even more.

Yes, and this time I limited myself only to blood, it perfectly satisfied my hunger, I had no desire to become a jock, and the meat obtained from previous victims had already made me wiry.

And finally, when I wasn't eating dogs, I had more time to leave the blast zone.

So I drank three more on the way, and the rest were either withdrawn (if there are bombs in them, then there must be some kind of control), or ran out.

And here is a short race and by dawn I am already in the suburbs of some city, it is not yet known what.

And yes, because of the dawn, I also recorded my night vision as a plus, because I could see pretty well in the dark, I didn't even immediately realize what it was when the sun started to rise.

Also watching the military rushing through the suburbs towards the city and a decent stream of civilian cars going the other way.

It can be assumed that the City is infected, although it is not yet known how much, and what kind of city it is, too.

You can certainly assume that this is Raccoon City, but it will be too lucky for me to believe right away.

The signs with the name of the city are also nowhere to be seen, so I need to go in the same direction as the military, and even through the cordons I would have to slip through, check a couple of theories.

Even if this is not the same City, it is vital for me to find out whether ordinary zombies will react to me, because those three could be some kind of abnormal, fortunately an example of one such abnormality is right in front of my eyes.

I'm talking about myself. Yes, and in an infected city, you can immediately eat, at the same time we will check how I will react to people nearby, but for now we will bypass the flow of cars in a wide arc, since the houses are empty, only in a couple I catch silhouettes highlighted in red with my vision.

Heh, although nothing can be worse than being a latent Korean. Why did I call myself that? And who eats dogs here? That's what I'm talking about.

Once we have decided on our plans for the future, it's time to get out of the forest and go down the hill. Eh, the main thing now is not to catch lead in the head, otherwise who knows how I will react to this, and classic zombies definitely did not worry about this, so don't take any chances, Vasily!