
Vampire X Serial Killer

Jaxon Wright has always had a darkness within him. To feed this darkness he hunts and kills people he believes don't deserve to walk the earth. One night after a faithful encounter he's turned into a child of the night.

Takes_In_Shadows · Fantasía
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2 Chs

New Blood Games Arc: Rebirth

"RING! RING! RING!" Jaxon's phone alarm went off. It is now morning.

Jaxon grabbed his phone and turned off the alarm. He felt like he had one of the worst hangovers ever. His head was throbbing and his whole body ached.

He looked around and saw plain white walls, a desk with a laptop, and his blood-stained hammer on a nightstand. Jaxon immediately realized he was back home.

'Last thing I remember was that girl putting her hands on my shoulders.' Jaxon thought

He got up and rushed to his bathroom mirror to look at his neck. There wasn't a bite mark like he thought there would be.

'Did I dream that whole thing? What drugs was I on? Shit, I have to get ready for school but I feel like I've been hit by a bus.'

Jaxon brushed his teeth and then put on a black hoodie with jeans and black shoes. Before he left he kissed his trusty hammer and then hid it under his mattress.

10 minutes later Jaxon arrived at the bus stop. He still felt like crap so he decided to sit down and take a quick nap while he waited for his bus.

" Don't tell me you were up all night Jax. " said a female voice

Jaxon opened his eyes and saw Angelica, his best friend since middle school. She had long blonde hair, gray eyes, and a fair skin tone. She was wearing an orange crop top with jeans and brown sandals.

" Oh, hi Angelica."

" Oh, hi Angelica? We haven't seen each other since the beginning of summer and that's all you have to say?" she said in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry I just feel like I've been run over like 100 times."

"Did you drink alcohol last night or something?"

"Or something."

She sat down by him and took out her phone.

" Look, these are the pictures I took while on vacation."

Jaxon didn't care about looking at the pictures but he ended up looking at them anyway.

" Wow these pictures are amazing." he said in an uninterested tone.

" Try not to sound too excited."

' People are so draining. If she wasn't my only friend I would've dropped her a long time ago but since I'm stuck with her I better tell her what she wants to hear.' Jaxon thought

" You look gorgeous in those pictures Ange, I mean it."

"Aww try not to fall in love with me." she said playfully

Jaxon let out a soft chuckle. Then out of nowhere, a delicious smell invaded his nose. He didn't know what it was but it was close.

"Angelica, did you pack lunch?"

"No, why?"

"I'm smelling something very delicious."

" You should've eaten breakfast."

Jaxon couldn't shake the smell no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. If he didn't find what that smell is and devour whatever was smelling so good he would go insane.

He looked at Angelica and realized her bottom lip was bleeding so he wiped the blood away with his thumb. Jaxon knew immediately she was hit in the face. Ever since middle school, Angelica's father has always hit her and Jaxon knew this. But he chose to not speak up and say anything because he couldn't be bothered. He liked the fact that she comes from a broken household just like him. In a way, it brought him comfort to know even normal people have secrets they don't want people to know.

" Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know it was bleeding again. And stop being more weird than usual" said Angelica.

" What happened to your lip?" Jaxon knew if he didn't ask it might make Angelica suspicious of him.

" Um, I accidentally bit down on my lip." she said unconvincingly.

" Try not to bite off your own lips. I'm pretty sure Adrian would be upset if you didn't have any lips he could kiss."

"Haha, very funny." she said sarcastically

The bus arrived and the two stood up. Angelica entered the bus first. And immediately after she did Jaxon started licking the blood off his thumb. It was the best thing he's ever tasted. His taste buds were jumping with joy.

' I need more of this. I need more. I need more.' Jaxon was getting lost in thought because of this delicious new flavor he tasted.

" Taliah is real." he accidentally said out loud after realizing he didn't dream up last night's events.

"Well can you tell Taliah that I have places to go." said the bus driver.

Jaxon came back to his senses and entered the bus. The other students were laughing at the bus driver's remark.

He sat in the back so he could be alone. Jaxon knew that he was now a vampire, a blood-starved vampire to be exact and he didn't want to risk accidentally giving into his new vampiric urges in public.

The bus arrived at Rainpoint High. All the students began exiting the bus. Angelica waited by the side of the bus until Jaxon came off.

" Jax, are you ok?" Angelica said worriedly

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit off. Nothing breakfast won't fix."

" I'm meeting up with Adrian soon, are you ok to be by yourself?"

"I'm fine Ange."

" Ok, just be safe."

The two hugged before parting ways. Unknown to either of them Adrian was watching from afar fuming that his girlfriend hugged another guy that wasn't him.

After separating from Angelica, Jaxon made his way to the cafeteria. He ordered waffles with orange juice on the side then grabbed his tray and sat at an empty table.

' Please don't let this be disgusting' Jaxon pleaded to himself.

He took a bite out of the waffle and it was still delicious. It was relieving to know he could still eat regular food. He ate all the waffles and drank his orange juice.

" So you survived," said a familiar female voice.

Jaxon immediately recognized that voice. He put down his now empty cup and stared at Taliah. He was relieved to know that she was actually real.

" What are you doing here, Taliah?"

" Checking up on my new blood-kin, silly." she said in that innocent voice of hers.

"Don't tell me you're transferring to my school."

"No, unfortunately. An arch-vampire such as myself has duties they can't do if they have to work around a school schedule. I'm just checking up on you. Glad to see you survived."

" Why am I not surprised you didn't warn me about the chance of dying? How'd you even get in here without a school I.D?"

Taliah pulled out a visitor's pass from her pocket and showed it to Jaxon.

" I told them I'm your girlfriend and that you forgot something at my house."

Jaxon let out a sigh of annoyance.

" Not even surprised by anything you do anymore." he said in an irritated tone.

"Cheer up, I have something for you."

Taliah pulled out a blue water jug from her purse and rested it on the table.

"This is my special treat to you. I have to get going now but I'll come by your place after you're finished with school to teach you the basics."

She leaned in and kissed his cheek before taking her leave.

Jaxon wiped his cheek and stared at the water jug. He was hesitant to drink it.

'What are the odds she tries to poison me after turning me? That would be crazy, right?' Jaxon thought.

He picked up the water jug and took a sip, it was blood. Jaxon's whole body felt way better than it ever did. All five senses felt like they were enhanced. He felt invincible like he was the most powerful being to ever walk the face of the earth.

' I can get used to this.' Jaxon thought.

Thank you to all the readers who took the time out of their day to read my novel. Again feedback good or bad is very much appreciated.

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