
vampire/werewolf lord who is really handsome

this is a new fanfic of a world where I (ME REAL LIFE) go to and somehow magically get everything to fall in love with me and I have the sex with them in the hole and I have babies and I'm really strong and I beat up Brandon you fucking Peirce of shit this is what happens when you make fun of my body pillow

farendel_6929 · Otras
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pop now we in mario

pop was the only sound that was rushing through the air.

Our protagonist suddenly appeared out of thin air and his massive black penis was hanging out for everyone to see

He looked around and saw that he was in a city he walked around for a few minutes and then just used his omniscient powers to figure out where the fuck he was.

MC:" I'm in mario universe well shit I gotta go and fuck peach cuz I'm the MC of this fanfic hehehe"

Just like that he clicked his fingers and arrived Infront of peach.

Peach :" AHHHHH mario some pervert arrived in our house, he's naked help"

Mario comes out from another room but this mario was different.

He wasn't the smol fat man he was in other depictions of him, he was a tall 6ft man with the most chizzled abs you have ever imagined. He was wearing a towel around his waist as he just got out 9f the shower.

Mario " honey, what's wrong" he said in his deep but rich voice eminating from those lushes lips of his.

MC looks at mario and immediately his dick grows 100 times the normal size. It grows so much that the room they were in immediately exploding from the pressure.

Peach was squished into a red passed but mario was able to easily hold back the MCs penis


The MC came as mario was now touching him in the privates. Large amounts red cum came sprouting out.

It covered mario in the red liquid


Mario:" danm, you need to get that checked out

Boom the MC came again but this time it wasn't even cum it was just blood. The MC fell to the ground as