
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Cómic
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35 Chs

7. First Breakfast date

You watched Shinsou's tall figure retract its way through the hallway, disappearing off in the distance as you and Touya walked alongside each other. You did not know what Shinsou meant by not eating too quickly towards Touya, and the fact that he called him "Dabi" definitely peaked your interest.

"...Touya, if you don't mind, can I ask you a question?"

"Hm?" He turned his head towards you. "Go right ahead, dolly, except for asking how many girlfriends I had in the past, I keep that confidential, m'kay?"

You simply laughed. "Okay, okay, I won't, but that got my interest though."

"Heh, you're adorable, now what's your question?"

"Shinsou mentioned you as...Dabi...is that your middle name or something?"

He blinked, curled his brows before he looked back to the front and swallowed. He slowly licked his lips before returning his gaze back at you with a smile.

"It's just a nickname people use to call me back then," he replied nonchalantly, before he returned his gaze back at the front. "Now, let me ask you a question."

"Oh, okay," you responded, curiosity bubbled further in you of what Touya was like back then before you replied, "Go ahead."

"How many boyfriends have you had? And do you currently have one?"

You blinked, quite surprised at his sudden inquiry. "...um, that's two questions, and you didn't let me ask that question on your part, can't say I'll let you know that same thing."

He chuckled lightly, before stopping in his tracks to gaze at you with squinted eyes. "Ah, what a fun lady, what if I tell you that I'm asking these questions because I'm..." he drew closer with a sly smile. "...I'm interested in you?"

You blinked repeatedly, not realizing that a fierce wave of red filled your face. "...you're interested in me?"

"Mmhn," he hummed a small nod. "And also, I keep that part of me confidential, but you never told me that you hide such information too, so let me know about it."

"O-Oh, I see, well..." you gulped, still quite flustered at his sudden, bold declaration. "...umm, to be honest, I've never had a boyfriend, just crushes here and there, but I never really get into relationships as such, since I'm mostly busy with my studies and all..."

"Ahh, what a pure soul," he remarked, before leaning close to you. "It would be such an honour if I could be the first."

"...Wait, what? Are you asking me right now? For real?"

He laughed gently, while stroking your hair gently. "I'd love to, but I'd like to take things slow and steady, why don't we get to know each other more, we'll start there, sound good?"

You smiled, giving a bright nod. "Sure, I'd really like that."


"...you put on some cologne this time, didn't ya?" Touya asked, as he sipped some water off the transparent cup.

"...do you like it?" You asked softly, while shifting yourself on the high chair, placing your arms on the round, tall table where you two sat.

He reclined in his spot, shaking his head. "No, actually."

"H-huh? Why...not?"

"Because..." he drew closer with a sly grin. "I really like your natural scent, just the way you are."

"..." you held a breath, feeling your heart accelerated in many different directions at the smoothness of his words. You looked back at the front, chewing your bottom lip as you tried your best to keep yourself calm, but found it futile.

"...thanks, I guess," you murmured. "...dang, Touya, you're really good with your words."

"Oh?" He laughed gently. "Is that enough to make you fall for me though?"

"...maybe, maybe not," you joked with a wide grin. "...though I would really like to get to know you more too, how about I ask you a question now."

"Sure, fire away."

"Okay," you cleared your throat, as you eyed him thoughtfully. "Well...is black your natural hair colour?"

"Oh, this?" He began to rummage through his dark, spiky hair. "Nahh, my original was red, I kinda hated it since it reminded me of my shitty old man, so I changed it to something better, and that's when all the girls kept coming to me more often."

"Oh? Are you saying that the girls didn't come to when you had red hair?"

"No, not necessarily," he began as he coolly raked his fingers through his hair. "I just liked to think that girls would flock me with this badass coloured hair."

"Oh?" You giggled lightly at his charisma. "Despite your reasons, I think you'd look attractive in both colours though."

"Both colours? So like my lil' brother, Shoto?"


"Yeah, the one who has the mixed hair? Split hair? The always quiet one."

"Oh, Shoto, the youngest one, right?" You asked, recalling how he looked like.


"I mean sure, it would be pretty cool to have some kind of ombré hair, where it's moving from black to dark red, or red to black, but what I meant was that..." you cleared your throat, feeling a bit confident. "...you'd look really attractive with either colour."

"Tsk, didn't know you were good at flirting," he remarked, as he slowly caressed your cheek. "...makes me like you more, [Name]..."

"Agh, please stop," you murmured, as you buried your head in your hands. "...I'm already having a hard time not falling for you."

"Oh? Falling for me already? Told ya, I'm irresistible., no point in not trying, sweetheart."

You rolled your eyes with a laugh. "Right, right, anyways, I gotta head in to class."

"Awe, alright, I'll get you there then."


Touya insisted on holding your hand, as you two walked down the hallways. Many stares were evident from the students, mostly from the girls. Many whisperers and murmurs were found amongst many groups, as you walked down with Touya—unbeknownst to you how popular he actually was.

You leaned in to whisper to him, "...are you mister popular or what?"

He chuckled lightly. "Can't you already tell? You're walking with the King of the school here, dolly."

"Oh really?" You rolled your eyes off to the side, hiding your own flushed demeanour at his response. "...lucky me..."

After a while, you finally made it to your biology classroom. You tried to remove his hand, but his grip was tighter than you could take off.

"Uh, Touya, I have to go now."

"Nah Uh," he shook his head before leaning in closer. "Kiss first."

"W-What?" You slightly gaped, visibly embarrassed at his request. "...We're not together yet, stop acting like it."

"Aw, you're no fun," he made a pouty, dramatic look before he leaned closer. "...we will someday, won't we?"

"...potentially," you murmured, still flushed red at the boldness of his close proximity.

"Exactly, dolly," he purred with a sly smile, before he leaned beside your face and planted a soft kiss on the surface of your cheek instead, lingering there for a while as he took in your scent pleasantly. "...Mmhn, you smell so dang good, dolly, seriously."

"...o-oh, okay," you spoke softly, holding your breath at how bold he has become—which did frighten you slightly—but you didn't mind, in fact, you secretly liked it.

"...can I go now?" You asked, as if you needed permission. "And plus you stole about three kisses from me," you made a pouty look. "...that's uncalled for."

"Oh?" He snickered. "Then that means you get to kiss me three times whenever you'd like."

"Agh, whatever, bye," you muttered, as you took your hand off him, still beaming red at his offer, before you strolled right in the classroom and made your way to your spot.

You met Shinsou's violet eyes once more, from the corner of the room, but this time, you felt nothing for him. The hatred was soon gone, when it was replaced with a new, kindling form of love and distraction for Touya, at least for the time being.

You sat on your spot, right beside Kirishima. He greeted you, while you did likewise before you took out your items. You were quite occupied with Touya in your head, feeling attracted to him with each passing second. You thought about how falling in love was such a fun experience, and you didn't want to back away from it.

Yet, another voice, one that sounded similar to Shinsou's spoke inside of you to back off away from Touya as soon as possible. Not knowing why, but somehow, you would be getting yourself into real trouble.