
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Cómic
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35 Chs

5: First new pale friends

"Alright then, [Last Name], switch spots with Kaminari."

You blinked in wonder of who that may be. Suddenly, a buttery blonde with black lightening streaks on his hair stood up. Hearing the groans out of his mouth, he packed his stuff, made his way towards your seat. You did the same, simply grabbed your bag, and made one eye contact towards the male with banana-coloured eyes.

With one glance, he gave you a slight smirk, realizing how pale he was—almost as pale as Shinsou. Another notable feature was that almost all the males you have met thus far, were extremely good-looking in their own unique way.

You silently made your way through the row of students seated and finally made your way to sit at the empty spot. You felt many eyes on you, causing you to look down, not bothering to look at anyone, but had one goal in mind—to sit on your new spot.

You mentally cursed the purple-haired male, feeling as though he was trying to make your life horrible. Yet, another part of you knew that maybe you should have stayed quiet, since you did initiate the questions. Nevertheless, you tried to be friendly with him—by talking to him in the slightest bit. But, apparently he has his ways of kicking you to the curb with some form of shame. Almost like the chill, cool kid in the class that gets their way almost every time.

Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder, causing you to slowly flicker your eyes beside you, not realizing that you were seated beside another male. This time, he had crimson red hair, spiked in different directions, with a similar upright featured position like Shinsou's.

"Hello..." he greeted softly, smiling adorably, with his kind-looking face. "I'm Kirishima Eijiro."

You smiled at his kind voice and friendly greeting. He wasn't as pale as the rest, more like a normal light peach colour—which you did not realize how much that relieved you. The paleness of the others almost frightened you, giving off some concerns health-wise. Nevertheless, you tried your best to ignore that part and focused on the redhead instead.

"Hi..." you replied softly, slowly trailing your eyes towards his muscular arms and overall top body, almost reminding you of the time you saw Shinsou shirtless twice.

You scowled upon remembering of that male, just thinking about him made your blood boil.

You focused on this class, tried to understand it, but your mind was nothing short of coming up of ways to avoid the purple-haired male. You were tempted to look back, had a gut feeling that someone was staring at you the whole time, but you didn't know who.

Your eyes betrayed you—more so your head—when you slowly tilted your head and looked back towards Shinsou's direction. And sure enough, his violet eyes were staring at you, not lifting his gaze off you.

You immediately looked back to the front, feeling slightly creeped out that your gut feeling was right—he was staring at you the whole time. But, why? You assumed that maybe due to your hatred towards each other.

You didn't know why you'd already have someone to hate—your roommate—since that was not your plan whatsoever. Maybe some people were just unlikeable like that.

"...Uh, Kirishima?" You asked softly, mostly using him for distraction.


"Could you help me with this question? I'm kinda stumped with it, I need some catching up..."

"Of course! Here," he began, as he slid his paper towards you and began explaining the concepts.

Even through it all, at the corner of your eyes, you could spot Shinsou's violet eyes piercing at your form, nearly irritated at how close you moved towards the redhead.

After he was done, he took back his paper, shifting on his spot with a toothy grin. "If you want, we can plan some study days for you to catch up on."

"Wow, really?" You smiled so wide that it nearly hurt, you felt a rush of warmth at his kind offer.

He laughed gently at your reaction as he gave you a hummed nod. "...thank you so much, you're so nice...I mean I thought it would be hard to find friends that would help out."

"Yep, let's totally be friends!" He exclaimed. "I have a few others that will be there, I'm sure they'll love to have you around."

You smiled cheerily, going back to work, while still feeling the endless stares from behind, like a piercing hot gaze stamped behind you.

You shook your head, dismissing the feeling altogether, while keeping in mind to somehow avoid the purple-haired male—besides sleeping under the same roof.


All your morning classes ended, it was lunch time. You made your way to the canteen, grasping in the warm, neat design of the place. The place was already filled, making you feel secluded, if only you had come sooner, you could have joined in a group and had friends to talk to.

Suddenly, you felt a beep from your phone. You quickly fished it out and found that it was from Todoroki Fuyumi.

1:07 pm

[Todoroki Fuyumi]

Hi! Wanna join me?

1:07 pm


Where are you tho?

1:07 pm

[Todoroki Fuyumi]

Im coming with my bro, stay there.

You glanced around, fidgeted awkwardly on one spot as you felt some stares from the students passing by. The first day of school for you was not cool, but you convinced yourself that you will get the hang of it. Eventually, people will start to forget you existed once you merge in with the rest of the students.

As you waited, you caught the glance of a certain pair of violet eyes. He was making his way to sit beside another group with mixed coloured hair, almost as if you could spot rainbow in it. One of them looked familiar—Kaminari with the yellowish blonde hair—he was seated with a short-cropped indigo-haired girl. Another one had green hair, seated with a female with short brown hair. And lastly, your purple haired roommate.

What stood out the most was the fact that they were all equally pale. You didn't know how Shinsou even had friends. Not knowing how he was able to get along with them, when he treated you rather rudely. Unless, there was another side of him you did not know about.

"Hey!" Fuyumi greeted you, along with a familiar tall male beside him.

"Hey, dolly," the male's husky voice greeted along.

"Oh, um, hi!"

"Come, let's sit together at the corner!" Fuyumi suggested, as she gently placed a hand behind your back and began to lead you towards a cute corner.

You found two other males seated across from each other. One with split hair of crimson and white, while the other who looked older and had complete ivory white hair.

"Come're sit with me," the dark, spiky haired male motioned, causing you jolt in place, earning your fullest attention.

"No, sit with me," Fuyumi spoke. "...and Touya, don't make her uncomfortable."

"Tch, what's there to be uncomfortable about?" He asked coolly, before motioning his fingers at you to sit with him.

You meekly made your way around and decided to sit with the hot male, causing him to stick a playful tongue out at the female across him.

"See? Even the new student can't resist me."

You felt a hot gaze beside you, upon having the hot male snake his arm around you once again, looking into your eyes with a playful smile. "What's your name?"

"...I'm [Last Name], [First Name]," you replied softly, still flushed at his close gestures.

"A pretty name for a pretty face," he remarked. "Can I call you [Name], instead?"

"Touya," Fuyumi spoke with a warning tone, before she rolled her eyes and turned her hazel eyes at you. "Sorry about that, my brother's a bit playful sometimes."

"You're siblings?"

"Yeah, it doesn't look like it but..." Fuyumi looked around. "We're all siblings."

"I'm Natsuo," the snow haired male beside you greeted, before he turned towards the male in front of him. "That's Shoto, he's the youngest here."

You glanced around, seeing that they do look alike in some ways, except for the male beside you. You glanced at the dark-haired male for a while, observing how amazing his proportions were, making him look quite attractive—seeing how different he looked compared to the rest.

"Like what you see?" He teased, chuckling slightly at your dazed expression causing you to turn to the side with flushed cheeks.

You cleared your throat. "...Sorry, I just thought that..."

"I'm too handsome to resist?"

You laughed gently, smiling at him. "No, no, I meant I thought that you and Fuyumi were dating or something."

There was silence for a while, before they started to burst out laughing at your assumption.

"Nope, no way that's ever gonna happen," Fuyumi affirmed, as she pointed at him. "Touya is a player, and he won't last long with me, if we weren't siblings anyway."

"Ha? Says who?" Touya snarled.

"Says your girlfriend that you dumped last week," Fuyumi retorted.

"Ha? She already graduated and is moving somewhere else, can't stick with a chick who wants a long distance relationship, now can I? So that means..." he turned to you with a sly smile. "...I'm available."

You remained silent, preoccupied with something else. You didn't notice their retorted conversation, since you were too busy looking at the table where Shinsou was at. The most peculiar thing was that none of them were eating. They were simply sitting there, either chatting with one another or staring at their phones.

"Hello?" Touya spoke to you as he elbowed you, earning your attention once again.


You blinked, turning towards the male beside you.

"Got your eyes on someone already?" He asked, making a dramatic voice, before he leaned closer to you with his lips forming a sly smile. "I'm very curious."

"Oh, um...I'm just wondering about..." you turned your eyes towards Shinsou's table. "...them, why aren't they eating?"

Fuyumi and Touya looked towards their direction before they turned to you, quite hesitant to speak. You looked over towards Touya, seeing a lopsided frown evident on his face. "...just stay away from them."

"Ha? I can't."

"Why not?" He retorted, curled his brow, quite baffled at your response.

Fuyumi sighed. "That's because one of them is her roommate."

"Tch," Touya scoffed, before he scooped his dumplings and plopped it in his mouth. "Unlucky doll, if you want..." he leaned closer to you. "You can dorm with me instead, I have plenty of space."

"Ugh, Touya!" Fuyumi groaned.

"Wait, really? That's so kind of you," you responded, almost buying into his offer. "My roommate already hates me, but I don't know if they'd allow that though."

"I'll make it possible," Touya settled, with a quick wink. "But, is he treating you like trash?"

You shrugged. "Kind of, he's just disrespectful I guess...I just don't like him, I still wonder how he even has friends."

"The thing is, they've been friends since high school, they stuck up together since then," Fuyumi explained. "The pairs sitting together are a couple, while Shinsou is the only one who never dated...well, not until he fought over a girl with my brother, Shoto, during their first year of high school."

The mention of Shoto's name made the youngest male at the corner perk up. You looked over at him, seeing his beautiful parted hair, looking pale as his brother, Touya. If there was one thing in common, they were very attractive to the eyes, especially with their unique features.

Shoto frowned with a cold, blank face. "Fuyumi, don't talk about that, it's a long history, don't even talk about that guy here especially."

"Ah, fine, fine," she murmured, before turning to you. "Anyways, I don't think you'd be interested in Shinsou, he's not interested in anyone at all, but a lot of girls seem to like him though."

"Really? Well, don't worry, I won't ever fall for a guy like him, that's for sure."

"How about me?" Touya chimed in, leaning closer to you with his squinted ocean eyes. "Surely you'd fall for me."

You laughed slightly, slight tints of red appearing on your cheeks at how playful he looked, and still remained attractive. "...maybe."

"Atta, girl." He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in closer. "I like you already, you even smell delicious."