
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Cómic
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35 Chs

25. Cherry Lips

The chills of the shrill wind sent goosebumps all over your exposed arms. You shivered, embraced yourself tugging along your black tee. Your short jeans, cropped up to your knees wasn't helping with the chilly feeling. You dismissed the feeling when your eyes gazed below, upon the beautiful scenery of forest trees from your bedroom balcony.

The foliage of dark green spikes that surrounded the the dark oaken trunks, multiplied a thousand times more, encompassed the wide landscape. A hazy mist evidently spread below by the cold humid, giving off a ghastly yet, majestically beautiful in its nature. Anything with lush greenery in the outside scenery was always a go to distraction from the daily grind of life.

Your hand clutched onto the metallic railing of the glass fence around the mini balcony, index finger tapping on it as you daydreamed of what the sleepover would be like.

It definitely wouldn't be like any sleepover you had before since it will be with your very first boyfriend. Your eyes flickered up at the sky, filled with hues of red, purple, blue, and canary yellow, amidst of the descending sun—its rays shining of what seems to be left of its glory before night dawns close.

A faint smile crept your lips of possible things you could do tonight, though you ensured it would be far from anything along the lines of being defiled. But then again, it was your boyfriend you were talking about, which made you wonder what he last did with his previous girlfriends—realizing that this won't be his first. Nevertheless, you were planning to smoothly ask him some peculiar clouds that rummaged within your mind, awaiting impatiently like a Venus flytrap, waiting to capture the bugging flies that lingered in your heart.

You swivelled your body away from the gorgeous view, strolling your way back into your empty bedroom while hearing some television noises played from the living room downstairs. Before you decided make it down there—to possibly snoop to see what your roommate was doing—you began to pack your stuff in your mini-backpack.

Just some necessities like your toothbrush, extra clothing, and some blankets—not that Touya doesn't have any—but just in case you don't end up sleeping with him. Though you had high hopes it would happen. Imaginations went through your mind of a serene slumber with the moon lit high up, right beside your model-like boyfriend. Through it all, you forced yourself to think nothing more, nothing less of what could happen—just to stop your heart from fluttering in excitement of endless possibilities.

After a quick pack of your backpack, you began to take one step at a time downstairs. Your foot stepped on the oaken tiling, eyes loomed at the simple design of the living room. A large indigo couch in the middle which was filled with cluttered papers everywhere, a laptop at the edge of the seat while the puff purple hair of your roommate stood out in the middle, faced towards the loud, large rectangular screen.

You went your way around the couch, eyes widening when you found that he was sleeping. A hefty chuckle escaped your lips as you stood motionless when you scanned at his position, you made your way to sit beside him with stealth, ever so quietly.

You flickered your orbs down to his lap, where his grey kitten sat, rising and descending ever-so-gently in its breathing. Their breathing was near parallel, though the kitten was much slower in its calm slumber. It was such an adorable scene, causing you to fish out of your phone and snap a quick picture.

A small, innocent smile graced your lips, eyes filled with cheeky pleasantness at the picture you took. Soon enough, your eyes began to linger onto the male, not realizing how he seemed to be glowing in the midst of the dimmed surroundings of the photo. It was evening time making the photo look dark, and it was only a few more hours until the sleepover.

Your eyes zoomed to his face once again, flickering back and forth from the photo and back to his actual face. His top figure was accentuated with a grey turtleneck sweater, along with dark hazy grey jeans with some styles holes. He seemed to be wearing heavier, and dark winter-like clothing atop, yet you realized that no matter what he wore, he always seem to look like a model in any pose. It was as if he had that look where he could wear a sackcloth and look great.

You slowly shifted yourself on the spot, removing some papers off to the side and organized them to one pile. Right before you leaned your top body close to behold his relaxed face.

You've never seen him sleep at this time before. In fact you've never bothered to see him sleep at all—after all the chills and creeps that went through your body every time you sleep—as if someone was watching you. Overall, you decided to head on straight to sleep during those times and kept your waking hours during the day time where the glory of the sun excels the darkness of the night.

This was a rare sight for sure. Amidst of his pale face along with a perfectly chiselled jawline, what stood out the most was his lips. Reminding you of all those times he made fun of you, taunted, and joked with you, causing little chortles to escape your own.

You pressed your lips together to a thin line, averting your eyes from his beautiful purple lashes and back down to his crimson lips, ones that looked like he just ate cherries with its juices making his lips red. It almost made you jealous on how nearly perfect and natural his features looked, especially with such a calm demeanour at the rare moment in time. You still wonder how he was able to sleep in the midst of the loud noises from the telly.

His head slightly tilted down, brows crinkled slightly before his head bobbed back up with such drowsiness that filled in his expression. It made you laugh slightly, as if that was your expression in a boring lecture in one of your hated classes.

Suddenly, his head began to descend down towards your direction. Your eyes filled with slight panic before his head rested at the crook of your neck, tickling that sensitive area by his purple strands. Feeling a mixture of softness and pricks from the pointed ends, nevertheless it was soft and poofy, almost like a puffy cloud or cotton candy.

Your eyes remained wide, right before you carefully began to pat on his disheveled purple hair, quite unsure why your heart began uproar in its rhythm erratically at such closeness from your roommate. Though, images of the time when he made the move to make you feed him many hours ago surfaced in your mind, leaving your cheeks to plump with rosy hues. You exhaled sharply, reminding yourself that he was just a friend, knowing full well you already have a boyfriend.

You inhaled sharply before you spoke, "...um, Shinsou...you awake?"


No reply.

You sighed at the slight heaviness that overtook your shoulder, while half-glad that he was resting underneath your neck, so that you could balance and support yourself to keep him in a somewhat comfortable position. Though in your mind you wanted to push him off the couch, but you wanted to keep this rare silence of his calmness that only once every blue moon, all to yourself—while it lasted.

You didn't want to disturb or wake him up, so you continued to sit still on this position. The only thing you could see at this moment was his hair. You've always wondered what possibly caused him to choose such a crazy yet unique type of hairstyle, something you kept in mind to ask later on.

A Cheshire smile creeped your lips as you began to stroke his hair through your fingers gently, cherishing ever stroke as if it was your last—considering how he would never allow you to do such things.

You kept your breathing steady, to ensure that even your breathing wouldn't affect his sleep in any form or fashion. Soon enough, you began to slowly close your eyes while slowly descending your head to reston his head likewise.

It was too soon to end, but it did when you decided to do such a small feat.

"Oi, get off me, you dork," he murmured groggily.

You pouted, lifting yourself up from him, realizing that he wasn't leaving from you, unlike what he told you to do. You blinked repeatedly with visible confusion that settled on your visage.

"Now, you get off me, Shinsou."

"Nah," he retorted with a taunting tone of his deep voice, abruptly coming closer to your neck in a teasing manner. "...I'll stay."

You bit your lip to suppress the butterflies rummaging your core at his sudden gesture, especially with the goosebumps and tickles it sent in such an area

"Ha? You meanie," you muttered, before you forcefully pushed his head off to the side, causing him to groan.

"Gosh, you're annoying."

"Says you, you're the one ruined the moment," you muttered in disdain, huffing in annoyance with your arms crossed. "...You can't just tell me to leave when you're contradicting your own words."

He simply laughed, quite gentler this time—which almost made your heart skip a beat. But, you simply brushed it aside, not wanting your cheeks to grow any warmer than it already has.

You jolted in place when he began to lean closer to you with a feline smile, the tip of his pointy nose nearly touching the side of your left cheek. You gulped, not moving an inch as you kept your face forward.

"...what are you—"

"I'm doing exactly what you did to me," he cut you off with a smug look, while you simply pursed your lips thinly to suppress the feelings inside.

Your brows curled, eyes warily flickering to the left corner to spot his beautiful, gleaming orbs of violet staring into your soul—as if he knew what you were doing all along.

"...You knew?" You muttered softly. "...You were fake sleeping the whole time...?"

His lips pulled to the corner, tugged to a smirk before he retracted his head away to the front in silence with slight scoffs. Leaving you to sigh in relief of the sufficient space given back to you.

"I don't sleep, darling," he chimed in with such smoothness within his deep voice, turning his face to meet your own.

You pursed your lips, nose scrunched up as you looked away from those sexy eyes. A pouty cloud released from your lips as you let out a mocking laugh. "...ha-ha, no wonder you have those heavy bags under your eyes."

He simply chuckled, revealing his Cheshire grin of his teeth this time while he looked straight to the front. "...Not my fault that school have salty teachers who wants to put extra load on my shoulders."

"Pftt," you laughed softly. "I'll have to agree with you on that one...but I gotta ask you something..."

He immediately turned his head back to you with brows raised. "What is it?"

"I was wondering..." you began, as you looked up at his hair. "...did you purposely make your hair look like that? And that has to be your natural hair colour, right?"

He chuckled adorably before he shook his head, while gently stroking his hair up and down, while looking up. "...I don't like having my hair to the front when it's down, especially when it's wet and gravity takes over, I'd prefer not for that to happen at all, so I apply some gel to spread at some parts to keep it up and messy, but yes, that's my natural hair colour."

"...wow, that's unexpected," you replied, clearing your throat when he cocked a brow at you. "...I mean it's as if there's a meaning behind it, something that makes you look kinda messy but carefree in a way, it does match your personality too, considering your don't-care attitude."

He simply laughed. "Nah, there's no meaning behind it, I just like it like this, but funny how you can think of such things, it makes sense, you're not as idiotic as I thought."

"HAH?! Why you—!!" You abruptly reached towards his hair, before he swiftly took ahold of your wrist before your fingers could touch.

"No touching," he spoke solemnly with a smirk. "Only my kitten can do that."

"Oh?" You spoke, while removing your hand from him and immediately grabbed ahold of his cat.

"What are you—"

Before he could finish, you plopped his kitten on top of his purple poof-upped hair, while the kitten's paws rested down to his forehead.

"Oh my gosh, your hair can be a literally hive," you joked with a small laugh, while he simply glared at you, per usual with a light huff.

He began to grab his the kitten down, but you stopped him before he could even attempt. He crinkled his brows at you in evident confusion, but you simply drew nearer with confidence in your lips.

"Keep her there," you instructed assertively. "...after all she's your princess, isn't she?"


"So...that's her throne, duh," you sneered as you drew closer to him, kept your hands clutched around his wrist to ensure he wouldn't remove his cat.

"Tch, get her off, I don't want her on my hair."

"Nope." You shook your head playfully, causing him to roll his eyes off from you.

"If you don't..." he flickered his violet orbs back into your own with a taunting smirk before he drew closer, nose raised slightly. "...then I'll assume you like holding my hand and staring at me like this."

"HA?! I don't—!!" You protested with a huff, clearly flustered at what he was implying.

He began to flicker his long lashes down, eyeing your lips before looking back into your eyes. You stood still, hands still locked around his wrist as he began to draw dangerously closer and closer. It began an uproar in your heart at what he was about to do and could possibly do in the momentary silence of eyes locked at one another. He parted his cherry red lips before he spoke, "...[Name], there's something on your lips..."