
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Cómic
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35 Chs

2: First Night with roomie

"H-Huh?" You blinked, quite alarmed at the sudden hostility of tone within his deep voice. Before you could put the cat down, he gently, yet quite abruptly took ahold of the kitten from your arms, causing his pale, cold fingers to brush against your own.

You awkwardly fidgeted on the spot, as his violet eyes narrowed at you with a blank stare. The silent awkwardness was slowly suffocating your lungs like a pillow smushed against your nose. You couldn't take it any longer, so you hastily lifted your arm up to him with a kind, bright smile—though quite nervous.

"My name's [Last Name], [First Name]," you introduced shakily, feeling nerved out by his hostile vibe, as you kept your hand towards him—genuinely expected him to shake it, but had no response. You cleared your throat, cocked a brow at him to make it obvious. "...I'll be your roommate, and I hope we could get along?"

"...Shinsou Hitoshi," he replied softly, before he left you hanging and turned away. "...We'll get along…as long as you don't touch my cat again."

You gulped, as you sweatdropped. "...oh, okay."

You simply sighed, knowing this wasn't the type of roommate you had hope for.


You began to unload your stuff, though the problem was that your roommate's other things were placed on your bed. You really did not want to talk to him at all, after the reveal of his protective nature—when his cat was involved. You could either go up and talk to him about his items, or simply unload the items off the bed yourself.

You only had one safe and obvious option left—remove it yourself.

Your entire plan was to avoid speaking with him at all costs, since his menacing aura was simply not comfortable to be around. After all, you wanted—or more so needed—to get along with him, since you'll be living together. The least you could do now is to hopefully make him forget what just happened by doing the best you know how—keeping silent, not to touch his cat, and start afresh.


After removing the items towards the left side of the room, you began to organize your items, placing your clothes to hang, and folded some under, positioned your textbooks on the shelves and some in the cub boards. It was near evening and your tummy notified you of its hunger with a rumble.

You went into the washroom and once again, and your face was nothing short of awe and quite mesmerized at the sight before you.

You could remember your room back home, which would measure up to half the size of this washroom, but no even close to the luxury this provides. It almost put your house to shame.

How rich is this school? It's absolutely ridiculous, I feel like a street kid picked up to be a royal for a day…

You quickly dressed up from your outdoor clothing, and into your comfortable clothing of a white sleeved shirt with shorts. You soon hummed your way out of the washroom, found that the purple male was cleaning up the items you removed and he seemed quite preoccupied with it, silently organizing his things in place before glancing back at you.

His eyes remained on you for a while, observing your new attire before he lazily returned his items once again.

"...do you need some help?" You offered softly, hoping to earn his favour.

"...Nah, I'm good," he replied nonchalantly, kept his focus on his work.

You frowned slightly, knowing it would be hard to get through this kind of guy and right before you could make another step, the little kitten came along and made her way towards you. She made meow sounds and circled around you like before, earning the attention of the purple-haired male across, towards the left corner.

You panicked on the spot, lips wobbling as you flickered your wrist up and down at the cat in hopes to scramble the little creature away.

"Shoo...please go, kitten, shoo...!!" You pleaded, with a wave of nervousness taking over your body at the consciousness that Shinsou had a watchful gaze on you.

"Tch," Shinsou scoffed, forcing not to smile, sounding as if he was concealing a little laughter. "...Don't shoo her off, she obviously likes you."

"Ha-Ha…" You chuckled nervously. "...yeah, but you said not to touch her..."

He cleared his throat, nodding with brows raised causally. "...Yes, but I never said she can't touch you."

"O-Oh.," was all you said, before you cleared your own throat, averting your eyes awkwardly elsewhere. "...But, that doesn't seem fair...if she likes me and is doing all these things to me then...wouldn't it be kind to reciprocate even a touch back?"

"..." he remained silent. His eyes narrowed with a sharp gaze onto you, as if he was reading you, or more so didn't look particularly pleased with your statement. You stood frozen, armpits sweating as he proceeded to make one step after another on the carpet floor towards you, fixating his sharp violet eyes down at you, quite serious.

Your heart began to pound, blaring in your ears as he drew closer to your ear and whispered, "You don't have a say to what belongs to me, got it?"

You swallowed anxiously, as you nodded with your lips pressed together. "...o-okay." That was all you could say at this nervous state since you obviously didn't want to ruin to everything now—right when you knew he was going to be your roommate for the year—at least, until you possibly switch rooms at some point, since rooming with an opposite gender is not usually the norm in schools.

Righr before he retracted off from you, you swore you heard him make a small sniff, a whiff of your smell. You panicked even more, realizing that you may smell bad—especially when you knew you hadn't taken a bath about two days earlier.

He almost immediately retracted his form away from you, crinkled his nose in slight disgust before he turned his head to the side with a slight tinge of red rising within his cheeks.

"...you smell different."

"...Ha?" you blinked, quite unsure of whether or not it was a good thing. His words sounded as if he was disgusted, but a part of his expression was pleasantly conflicted. "...do I smell bad?"

He flickered his squinted eyes back at you. "Somewhere along those lines…sure."

"O-Oh, t-thanks for being honest," you gulped with a nervous laugh. "...I'll make sure to take a bath later."

"...I didn't mean it like that," he murmured with a sigh, as flickering his eyes down to pet the cat in his arms.

"Oh...then what do you mean exactly?" You asked, quite hopeful.

"...it's..." he inhaled sharply before he shook his head. "...it's nothing."

He swivelled towards the opposite direction to make his way downstairs. You stood on the same spot as you watched him make his way to sit on the sofa with his cat and turned the television on.

"...Huh, weird," you murmured under your breath, not realizing that the moment you said that, he turned to look at you.

You held a breath, vowing to yourself not to speak about him out loud. Hopefully he wouldn't be able to read your mind by your expressions or even a single utterance.


You swirled the large spoon around the pot, swishing the macaroni in the boiling hot water as you hummed your favourite tune along with your right foot tapping for some beats. Soon enough, the food was completed and you took ahold of it and placed it in a white, ceramic plate. You poured in some cheese powder flavour before the fun mixing process begins.

As you were mixing, Shinsou entered in the kitchen with his cat, eyeing you and your food once in a blank expression, before he made his way to the corner—to where the cat tray food was laid.

You began forking some macaronis with satisfyingly gooey cheese before plopping it in your mouth. The flavour eased in your mouth as you chewed thoughtfully. You were tempted to see him or even take a peak, but you didn't want to be weird or strange.

Just a little peak wouldn't hurt, right?

You succumb to let your eyes slowly wander to the corner. Realizing that he was feeding the kitten personally—instead of simply filling the tray. How adorably personal.

Your eyes slightly widened as you watched a side view of how relaxed his violet eyes were, as he fixated his violet orbs onto the cute creature...with a soft smile. There was no cold, menacing, hostile, or even passive look. It was the look that could melt your heart, as if he was looking at the most precious gem in the world. Maybe he does have a soft side in him.

Oh, how you wished he would treat you like that one lucky little kitten one day.

The moment soon ended when he furrowed his brows and slowly glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, with a frown. He was back to his usual self towards you.

You chewed your bottom lip before snapping your eyes back down on your food and began to plop them into your mouth sporadically as you felt the hot, yet cold gaze from his fixated stare, as heated as the newly baked macaroni.

You wished he would stop staring, but your wish was nothing but like a shooting star. He just wouldn't stop staring. What's wrong with this guy?

Should I even room with a guy in the first place?

it wasn't like I had a choice…


After you had eaten, you took ahold of your new set of garments, placed them in your arms before you stepped foot into the washroom. You dropped off the clothing at one corner and placed the robe towel near the corner of the shower tube.

You hopped right in, basked yourself under the warm waterfall of liquid droplets skimming down your bare skin in a relaxing, soothing way.

"Ahh..." you sighed in relief, "...nothing short of a better day than a nice, warm bath."

Suddenly, the door began to open.

Your heart dropped, not realizing that you had forgotten to lock the door.

"W-Wait! Don't!" You yelled, reaching at your arm in protest against the transparent glass perimeter wall but it was too late. He already went in.

You quickly turned your whole body to face the opposite direction, internally panicking at the fact that you were bare naked and exposed.

"...sorry," he murmured as he made his way to the toilet, not even soaring a glance since he didn't seem to care. "...I really have to do it right now."