
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Cómic
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35 Chs

10. First boyfriend

You strolled through the halls, hand firmly held by the older male, while the students made a pathway for the two of you. Almost everyone assumed you were already dating, and it wasn't far from the truth.

You gave Touya a tight squeeze, looking at each other in unison with a cheeky smile on your part, while the usual, tugged smirk on his red lips.

"...I have to go now," you whispered, before you tried to remove your hand from his own, but simply gripped onto it tighter.

"I know, but..." he murmured, as he slowly walked nearer to you, causing you to backpedal against the metallic lockers at the side of the wall. "...first, I'd like a little token from my girlfriend."

A faint shade of red surfaced on your face, taking in a sharp breath with your lips pressed together. You gave him a pouty glare, visibly embarrassed at his public request and declaration of who you were to him.

You simple looked to the side. "...What is that exactly?"

"This..." he gently placed his hand to cup around your cheek, causing you to face front. Your eyes wide, watched his close proximity closing the gap, tilting his nose slightly. He carefully licked his own lips before pressing against your own, lingering to stay there, feeling his soft, luscious lips prodding gently against your bottom lip.

You couldn't help but succumb to his kiss, feeling a tight knot in your stomach, filled with excitement and exhilaration, reminded of earlier when he asked for you to be his girlfriend.

Soon enough, he retracted back, wishing he'd gone further. Eyes looking at you with throbbing hunger, but he bit his own lip to refrain from going for anything messy. You buried your head at the side of his shoulder, visibly embarrassed, yet thrilled at his public affections.

"Touya, not now..." you muttered, the redness on your cheeks never left.

A gentle chuckle escaped his lips before he gave you a bear hug, squeezing you ever so gently. "...You have no idea how much I'm holding back on you, baby-doll."

A cloud of a pouty sigh escaped your lips, lifting your head back up to see his dashing face of a model. You didn't know whether you should be even more embarrassed to have him call you such names, yet you knew that he has always been like that since the very beginning.

A part of you wondered why things were going so quick, yet you didn't complain. After all, you always wanted a relationship with someone in a romantic form, and you so happened to hit the jackpot of dating the one guy that every girl coveted.

Something inside of you felt slightly suspicious, yet another part of you were tempted m to be blind to your own first love. You resolved to plainly ignored your gut feeling and simply smiled at your newfound love.

"...I gotta go now, see you later, Touya."

He simply tugged a smirk before he leaned in once more to kiss your cheek instead. He let go of your hand before you swiftly made your way in the classroom, still visibly red within your cheeks.

Almost everyone turned to face you, began to call you out in things relating to Touya. Some girls even crowded around you to ask questions pertaining to your relationship, but you simply nodded or responded with plain words on him due to how embarrassed you still were. Realizing that your sudden fame has gone out because you were dating Touya.

Yet, in the midst of it all, you felt like a hot iron pressing against your back from the same piercing gaze of a certain purple-haired male.


"Alright, so here are your partners for the biology project, gather yourselves together, exchange seats if necessary just for this class."

You slipped your fingers around the mini paper with a scribble of a 'B'. You stood up as the rest of your classmates had and began to walk around, exchanging paper glances to find your partner.

You were all cheerful and filled with joy walking around to ask the simple question with the presentation of your group letter, still not finding a matching person. Until, you came face-to-face with a purple haired male.

You two continued to stare for a while, his eyes were filled with slight droopiness—not that it already always is—and a tinge of sadness. A part of you remembered of how plainly rude he was for the past two weeks, besides the calming moment when you watched a movie together.

Nevertheless, you presented your paper right in front of him, in anticipation to replicate the same thing. Yet, he simply stared blankly at your paper before he crinkled his brow, looking irritated. He turned away, pocketed his hands within before he began to walk off.

"H-Hey!" You called put, tugged the side of his sleeve. "You didn't show me yours."

He stopped in his tracks, blankly glaring at you before he rolled and his eyes and muttered, "...sorry, mine appears to be blank."

"Ha? There's no blank paper," you retorted with a confused glance, while he scowled and looked back to the front and began to walk off again.

"W-Wait!" You called out once again, clearly confused and frustrated at his sudden change of demeanour once again. You tugged the side of his arm, causing him to sigh and turned back to your pouty, glare.

"...you're my partner, aren't you?" You asked softly.

"...Go and find another partner."

"Alright! Settle down on your spots!" Your instructor spoke aloud, making everyone sit with their respective partners, leaving you two to be the only one standing alone.

The spotlight shone down down on the two of you, making the rest of the class turn to the remaining figures. Some were snickering and talking about Touya once again—as if everything about you revolved around him. While your partner was softly growling at the mention of him.

"Sit down, you two," your teacher instructed.

You took the initiative to sit down first, followed by the male beside you. The teacher began explaining about the project and handed out a physical copy of the instructions.

You stared blankly at the paper, feeling as if the whole world were against you when you had to be paired up with none other than your moody roommate. You took in a small breath into your lungs before releasing it out, realizing that you had to pass this test to count for your grade—since you were a scholarship student.

You turned to the side, looking at the male who was busy scrolling through his phone. Violet eyes flickering up and down with a frown, as his muscular body frame shown visibly through his black shirt-sleeved shirt, leaned against his chair.

"...Shinsou, you can do this part, filling up the glossary terms of the cell's organelles and some parts in it," you suggested softly, while he simply gave a disrespectful nod.

He never bothered to look at you, but simply nodded here and there when you tried to talk to him about the project. You made a 'tsk' sound, clearly frustrated at his stubborn antics.

You were having such a nice morning with Touya, until Shinsou had to drop a bomb again and ruin your first class. You knew you had to clear the case with him, you just didn't know what was truly going on in his mind.

You inhaled sharply, fist clenching to contain your sudden anger towards his attitude. He was a heart throbber, like Touya, probably one of the top crushes in the school, yet you couldn't care less. Though, you couldn't stay angry even when you look at a face like that.

"Shinsou, seriously, what is your problem? I'm trying to work this problem out with you, and all you ever do is just ignore me, please just tell me what's wrong, I don't want to be treated like this anymore."

His thumb stopped mid-air, before tilting his head towards you, skin as white as a paper, adorning his gorgeous violet eyes piercing into your own. He adjusted himself on his spot before he turned his body towards you, purple hair toppled to the side.

"You know what's wrong?"



You gasped slightly, brows curled in anger at his annoying attitude. "Excuse me? You're the pain in the ass here, you've been ignoring me nonstop, I don't understand why, if there's something wrong, then just tell me."

He clicked his tongue in annoyance with an eye roll. "Fine, you really wanna know what's wrong?"

"Tell me."

"I told you not to associate yourself with Touya, and now you're dating him, aren't you?"

"Huh?!" You gaped at him, eyes filled with offence as he mentioned about your relationship with Touya. "So, you're telling me that the reason you're ignoring me from this project is because I chose to date Touya?

"Tch, exactly."

"You're unbelievable." You rolled your eyes before you huffed back to the front with your eyes crossed. You eventually turned your head back at him. "What's wrong with dating him anyway? Are you jealous or what?"

He remained silent, before he turned back to his phone and furiously scrolled to find something. You scowled, looking back to the front, deciding that you might as well do this project yourself, since you're always the one who does ninety-nine percent of the work in almost every group work.

Right before you could write something, he bumped his elbow against your arm. "...hoy."

"What?" You groaned, before your eyes landed down on his glowing screen, spotting a headline news that says " bloody spectacle of five new victims found dead at the sideway."

You flickered your eyes back at him, lips pursed as you cocked your brow at him. "How does this have to do with our project?"

He rolled his eyes with a frown at you. "This has to do with your boyfriend."

"What?" You snarled, utterly confused at this point. "What are you trying to tell me right now? That he's the murderer?"

He simply stared blankly at you before he released a hot cloud of breath. "Maybe you should ask him yourself, about his work, before you get into something you'll truly regret."

You swallowed, simply stared at him with your brows knitted. A part of you believed he was telling the truth, due to the solemnity of his voice—especially since you knew how honest Shinsou was, despite his attitude. Yet, another part of you felt blinded to the love and affections that Touya showered you with, even though you also felt that he was hiding something from you. You felt truly conflicted, especially since you just started dating, now you truly didn't know what to believe anymore.