

  We walked out from behind the tree and started towards the three human men. As we approached them, I felt the hunger start again, coursing through my veins. The smell of their blood curled around me, choking me and at the same time drawing me to them, intoxicating, pulling me in. I could also hear the sound of the blood pumping through their veins. I needed to sink my fangs into them and sucked their juicy blood into my mouth to quench my beast's thirst.

  However, before I could lounge at them and sink my fangs into their neck, Colton squeezed my hand in his, bringing my attention to him. His alluring dark grey eyes looked concerned as he said in a calm voice, "Alexa, calm down. You are doing good, very good. Don't let the beast come forth, don't let him win, don't let him take over."