
Time To Change Classes


Iris stuffed her mouth with the delicious Dragon Filet Tonkatsu, looking like a little squirrel who had stuffer her mouth with nuts.

"Sho guuud! From where you learned to do this one?" asked Iris.

"I saw it when I read books from Earth's libraries of old, I found that there were many interesting recipes of old. This one seemed simple enough. The dragon meat of the dragon heroes is superb and the highest quality we had ever eaten, perhaps better than the Draconic Fathers as they had not been affected by things such as the Dimensional Dungeon… And the oil of the Dragon Hero of Earth is rich too, adding to the flavor." Said Noah.

Noah had suddenly become such a good chef! Or well, not really, it was just a single preparation.

At the end, he had to make many more to appease the appetite of the big bellies of his family, and then, several of his subordinates looked at him with puppy eyes, so he gave up and cooked for them too.