
vampire or Ex love

In a world where humans were, a world where many never knew vampires and supernaturals existed. A girl with a weak and frail heart would meet a vampire, having just healed from her past relationship. Would she pursue it with the vampire thereby knowing all the challenges she would face or resume with her past love who keep getting on her nerves. Join me in this suspens filled novel to find out.

Obadeyi_Eniola · Fantasía
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3 Chs

chapter 1:The attack

My name is Bella krut,i am a full teen at least by age.I had a cute boyfriend,you may ask why i broke up with him but i just found out that after three years of dating,on my birthday when i went to surprise him in England,i saw him cheating on me with a blonde,I felt so broken.

Everytime my mind goes back to that day it gives me nightmares cause i had set my heart and soul on his love. I cant even say his name but you will get to know him later,i promise.

I have just returned back from work and my body was seeking for a warm bath in my tub.Just when i had finished dressing into my pajamas about to flop on my bed.I heard a click from my front door and all the hairs on my body immediately stood strong.

This my neighbor hood was popular for being a den of bad abyss by night,just last week there was the news of a girl my age getting raped to death and found in the morning with all sort of sizes of claws on her body.I still couldn't believe it,like who would do such a thing.

I stood strong fast,not knowing where the power came from,i tiptoed out of my room on into my kitchen,i passed through the backdoor, immediately i got out.

I began running for my dear life,i could hear steps at my back as i ran.My mind was not at rest,my heart beating like never before to the extent that i thought it would drop out.

Then i heard voices saying"i think she went that way "i kept running and the only time i thought to look back and check if i was still being followed.I fell down and sprained my ankle,it felt like this night was going to be my last night as i heard those voices drawing closer and louder by the second.

Just then all of a sudden in front of me appered a tall shadow which overshadowed me i looked up and tried hard to picture the face but it was too dark and my sight was getting hazy by the minute,i felt like i was about to faint.

I looked back and i could picture three figure running towards me and the figure.My mind immediately went back to the figure in front of me and I immediately held onto the leg like it was my last source of hope and pleaded the last words my mind could still channel out"pls help me,dont leave me behind.Pls"

I could feel the figure move away from me and the other three figures finally arrived where i stood.I looked up and felt like half of my heart had been cut out,sure i may hate this life but i didn't want to die.