
Vampire CEO's Only Obsession

[Mature Content] As the woman with flowing brown hair stood in the middle of the road, her eyes fixed on the approaching car, a sense of desperation and fear washed over her. She knew she couldn't continue living a life filled with suffering and pain. In that fleeting moment, escaping this brutal world through death seemed like the only way to find peace. But just as the car drew nearer, something or someone swooped in like a bolt of lightning and swept her away from harm's way with incredible speed. The next thing she knew, she found herself safely on the sidewalk, unharmed but with tears streaming down her face. Collapsing to the ground, Andrea cried out in frustration, her voice reaching the heavens. "Why does the world inflict so much suffering upon me? Why won't it let me find peace in death?" Her words were drowned out by the raindrops falling from the sky, as if nature itself was mocking her pain. But then, a cold and stern voice broke through the chaos. It was Logan, standing above her, looking down with a mix of concern and authority. "Because that life isn't yours to take," Logan said firmly. "As long as my heir resides within you, your life is no longer solely your own. It belongs to our child and to all the vampires who answer to me, Andrea." He continued, "I have the ultimate say in whether you live or die because, through our connection, every breath you take belongs to me." Bewildered by the sudden revelation, Andrea couldn't comprehend how one fateful night had turned her life upside down. Now, she was bound to a man whose haunted past clung to his heart, and yet, he yearned for her with an intensity she couldn't ignore. Not only did she carry his child, but her very existence provided the sustenance that quelled his vampire thirst. It was a situation beyond ordinary comprehension. Now, Andrea faced the daunting challenge of navigating a world where she became the target of countless predators, all while carrying a sacred child who had the power to either save or destroy the vampire realm. But as the Vampire CEO's Only Obsession, she knew his protective embrace would always be there to shield her from harm.

Sharon_Rose18 · Ciudad
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49 Chs

"You dare to leave your pregnant wife alone!"

"Papa has never eaten anyone food before!"

Bella said taking Andrea by surprise, "Huh? Is that so?"

"Mn.. except from Aunt Amelia's cooking, Papa never let's anyone cook for him.. even if it's Grandma!"

She stated as Andrea's eyebrows twitched, 'Interesting' she thought.

It didn't take long for the food to get ready and so Andrea served it on the nice dinning table and just then Logan made his way downstairs.

"Smells nice!" He complimented as Andrea just nodded.

He took a seat beside his daughters and opposite Andrea as they all took a nice bite of the pasta.

"Mnn!" Bella exclaimed as she laughed slightly while Logan patted her with a smile, "It's really delicious New mommy, right Belle?"

"W-well.. for a pretty face she does know how to cook!" And with that she took another bite.

Andrea just shaked her head slightly, this little brat was getting on her nerves.

"Bella You can call me by my name 'Andrea' that would be more comfortable to hear!" She said as Bella nodded.

Logan's eyes just stared at Andrea who peacefully ate.

She ate two full plate and she still seemed hungry for her. Guess the pregnancy was already taking effect on her.

After they were done eating, the girls kissed their dad goodnight and went to bed as Logan then helped Andrea with the dishes.

"If you get hungry at night, I'll ask Aunt Amelia to bring in some night shifters to cook food for you and the girls, any food of your choice!"

He said as he then turned to her. Hearing his words Andrea, expressionless said, "Sure if you want to, after all it's all because of your baby!"

Saying that, she turned around to leave the kitchen as Logan tilted his head slightly.

Was she using his words against him now?

Frowning he walked towards her just paused as she hissed in pain upon hitting her leg on the stairs, "Ah..esss!"

Seeing that, he sighed as just then Andrea was lifted up the stairs as she found herself in Logan's arms being carried in a bridal style.

"W-wha- what are you doing, let me down!" She said her face s little flushed.

"You said it yourself, I'm only doing this because of my baby!" And with that, he carried her upstairs even with her continuously lamenting.

Finally getting to their bedroom, he placed her on the soft bed as he stood straight.

Turning her face away, Andrea didn't say anything, "It's late so you should get enough sleep.. if you need anything, you can come find me in the study!"

He said as he then turned around and left the bedroom leaving her alone.

"Why the hell Will I come find you!" She muttered as she then covered herself with a duvet and closed her eyes.

The night was silent and calm and yet Andrea wasn't able to sleep.

She toosed around the bed but feot wide awake. She was a person who slept easily.

Maybe because she always needed her beauty sleep as a child but now she felt so awake and energize.

Was this one of the symptoms of carrying a vampire's child? She thought as she then took up and slowly walked out of the room.

The halls of the mansion were dark and a bit scary. Even though this house was now hers she still needed sometime to get used to it.

She walked slowly in other not to wake the girls or anyone else but as she got to the end of the hall, she saw some light emitting out of a room.

She then walked closer only to see Logan seated charmingly beside his desk filled with files and his laptop as he then an important document in his hands while he made some calls.

Hesitating a little, Andrea then heard him say, "If you are going to come in then come in quick and quite hesitating!"

He said still focused on his work as Andrea just pouted as she gently walked into the study.

"What do you need?"

"I'm bored, can't sleep!" She stated.

"In that case, here read this to pass out time!" He said as he gave onto her a weird Looking book.

Taking it from him, Andrea asked, "What's this?"

"It's the thorns family record manual, there you have all the information of the people who are important and not important and people you should get yourself connected with!"

He stated, "But I don't want to get to know any of them, All I want is to give birth to my baby and leave, I don't see any reason to get To know any of them!"

"You are wrong, there would be a reason!"

"Huh?" Andrea asked.

"In few days time I shall hold a banquet where I introduce you to my family members and the important people of my clan!" Logan then bagn to say.

"Since you are now my wife and you are pregnant with my heir, I have to do a formal introduction and let them know that I now have an heir and my lineage is solid so I'll present you to them all!"

He said leaving Andrea with a sigh! Why the hell did she see this coming! She didn't want to get to know anyone but now she was going to attend a banquet with her as the main topic of the day.

Sighing, she frowned and opened the manual as she saw different names and faces of people with the thorn surname and some from other important families.

Seeing the dissatisfaction in her eyes, Logan furrowed his brows slightly as he then said, "So far you stay with me at all time, I'll keep you safe no matter what!"

He said firmly getting back to his work as Andrea just nodded not seeing a reason to reply to his words.

The study was quiet as Logan continued with his work while Andrea read the Manual.

There were alot of interesting member's of the family, lol!

As she read silently she couldn't help but take a quick peep at the name seated in front of her.

He looked so focussed and serious with his work and it made his look charming.

She never knew how destiny would let them both collide in such a strange way but either way she was proud to say her seven month husband was very "Handsome"


After he was done with his work for the day, Logan looked at the curtain covering the window slightly. The sun was beginning to set and so he was feeling sleepy.

Because they were vampire's and were not fun of sunlight, All the curtains surrounding the house was also closed and thick.

The door was always closed and only the light was the chandeliers and bobs could be turned on.

Even though he wanted to leave the house then he would either place a covering spell upon himself that would keep him protected from the sun light.

Turning around, Logan eyes then went to the woman who was resting her head on the desk.

She was Asleep and looked like a teenager who was tired of studying.

Smiling faintly, he walked towards her and lifted her up in bridal style as he left his study and carried her straight to their bedroom.

As he entered, he the placed her gently on the bed and tucked her in, Covering her with the duvet as he used his hands go removed the strands of hair that were on her face.

With that done, he got ready to go sleep at the other room.

Turning around, he was just about to leave when he felt a soft and warm hands took hold of him and to his surprise Andrea was wide awake her bue eyeys staring at him without blinking.

Before he could say anything, he heard her say, "You dare to leave your pregnant wife alone!"