
First Hunt

As the sun rises the young wolf is walking around, the forest until he sees the main wolf 'Alpha" chasing after a deer and jump upon it even killed it; but before the young wolf get away he was confronted by the Alpha in his human form, standing there that is until the young wolf turned into a beautiful young lad and hears birds chirping and; feels the sun upon his skin until dark clouds covered the sun and began to rain then the Alpha and the young lad, runs back to the pack but at the castle there's candles being lit and the royal vampire king is; waking up and gets off the sofa and gets changed into his tux while waiting for his daughter, to wake up.

But as the royal vampire king's daughter starts to, wake up and sees her father in a tux but as she sits up she sees a red dress on the sofa and then; the royal vampire princess hugged her father thankfully and when the royal vampire king left the area, where they've been sleeping so that the royal vampire maids can get her changed and ready; while the royal vampire king is walking with hand in his pocket like businessman and as he, came upstairs the royal vampire king is handed the reports by one of royal vampire guards before he put; on his royal vampire gloves while the royal vampire butler is doing his hair.

-What is this for?

-We've found, the werewolves sir.

-It's my darling daughter's birthday, tonight. Don't screw it up!

Then the royal vampire king turned around and sees, the daughter in the dress with the hairstyle and as walked over to her putted the royal vampire princess' hand on his arm before heading outside and getting into the limousine.

But in the treeline of the forest the young lad is watching, the limousine leaving the castle even sees the young royal vampire princess and then the young lad turned; started running even turned into a wolf while chasing after them.

Then the royal vampire princess looks out of the window, and sees the wolf from before running after them until she hears a voice in her head.

'-Wait! I love you! Please, stay here with me!'

But the royal vampire king used his powers and then the young wolf started feeling pain and collapsed as the limousine continued driving, but the royal vampire princess tried to jump out of the limousine until the royal vampire king grabbed her; and used his sleep power even put her asleep while the young lad turned back to normal, and tried to reach out trying to keep his eyes open but he fell unconscious.

Moments later a wolf spots someone laying on the ground, but as the wolf approached he realised it's the Alpha's son then the wolf howled notifying the pack; and before he knew it the pack arrived in their normal form then one of the werewolves, checked the young lad's pulse but while he turned him over they gasped in shock.

-Jamiin, can you hear me?! Jamiin!

Then, the werewolves picked him up and carried back to the village and the Beta picked up a photograph of the royal vampire princess and the; teenage boy having fun and then the Beta wiped his tears away even headed to the village as he turned into, his wolf.

But somewhere the limousine arrived at a mansion, and then the royal vampire king with his daughter got out of the limousine and entered; the mansion even sees other vampires wearing masks as they went upstairs and was greeted, by the royal vampire king's best friend then the host vampire looks and sees the royal vampire king's walking; over to her father wearing a Masquerade mask and the royal vampire princess curtsied, in respect.

-Welcome to your first, Masquerade party Marie.

-Thank you, kindly sir.

Then the royal vampire princess starts heading downstairs, while the royal vampire king and his best friend is talking while watching her walking; around greeting other people until they spotted a teenage boy wearing a Masquerade mask and a tux, walking over to her.

-It's okay. He is the son, of my son.

-Congratulations, I didn't know that you're a grandfather.

-It was supposed to be, a secret.

-How is he?

-He's around his 102th birthday.

Then the royal vampire king quietly exclaims and his best friend, lightly chuckles but on the Masquerade floor the royal vampire princess sees a teenage boy bowing; in respect.

-Can I have the honour, and pleasure?

-To what?

-To have this dance, my lady.

But the royal vampire princess respectfully, declined and continued walking and greeting other vampires but the teenage boy continued to persuade her; he grabbed the royal vampire princess' arm and the royal vampire king turned his hands into, fists until his best friend looked the bodyguard and nodded.

But in the village the teenage boy wakes up, in his bed and sees the whole pack in their wolves sleeping then he exclaims quietly and got out of; bed even carefully left the bedroom.

And as he runs even turned into his wolf, and entered the forest but before he could do anything he is carefully listening then he hears the royal; vampire princess' voice and starts running to where she is as he keeps picking up speed.

As the teenage wolf arrived and sees someone, trying to hurt the royal vampire princess but when he howled to let her know he is there the royal vampire princess; sees him and yells out then the wolf runs and jumps at the person even turned back, to normal with his red Alpha eyes still showing.

-And who the hell is this?

-Your worst nightmare.

But as the teenage vampire came at him and the teenage boy, grabbed the royal vampire princess and runs away as he turned into his wolf with the royal vampire; princess is sitting on his back while the teenage vampire chasing after him.

Continues in the next night.

Here you go, guys.

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