
Prideful Mayzin

Once Mayzin was fed properly, Lith took her to do some more activities.

They tried painting together and at first, they were doing it side by side, but with Lith trying to tickle Mayzin with his paintbrush, Mayzin got annoyed and made him sit on a chair.

She used him as a model to finish this painting activity. It was pretty realistic whatever she made and also looked really good.

Lith was amazed by it and wanted to award Mayzin, but she declined affection and stuck to a simple hug.

It was then Lith's turn to make a painting and for that, he made Mayzin lay down on a couch in a sexy position, having her flaunt her sexy curves.

Mayzin was against doing this, but with Lith telling her she was his date and had to do whatever he asked of, she snorted and did it.

Lith then made seductive expressions while painting Mayzin and made her wonder just what the hell was going on in his perverted brain.