
Moral Shackles Break Further

Lucifer appeared beside Lith and hugged him. She gave him a kiss on his cheeks and clapped her hands happily.

"Amazing! That was so amazing! Hahahaha!"

Lith's bloodlust gradually vanished after every werewolf in the village was killed. Within a few seconds, he was back to normal.

But Lith felt really, really terrible.

Looking at the corpses of children, women, and all the innocent people he had killed, Lith's expression contorted, and his mood turned for the worst.

'I… I killed innocent children?' Lith couldn't help but think.

"Hmm?" Lucifer, who was celebrating happily, felt something was off.

She turned to look at Lith's face, only to see him in a sad and depressed mood.

Lucifer knitted her brows, but then she remembered something.

'Ah, it must be that post-crazed stage.' Lucifer thought.