
Capture the Flag (4)


Dennis blocked the large hammer with his lance, neutralising the attack of the giant teen for the seventeenth time he felt his hands becoming increasingly numb.

He distanced himself and gazed at him. His eyes had a serious look this time instead of the playful one he always had. The reason being, the opponent this time was a lot more powerful than he initially thought him to be. Gazing at the giant teen's eyes, Dennis asked seriously

"What's your name and class rank, mate?"

"Gunther. Class rank 11." The giant teen, Gunther said, matching his gaze.

"Alright Gunther, let's spar seriously now." Dennis said with a smile but kept his serious look.

Gunther nodded his head and clutched the hammer tightly.

Dennis took a deep breath and rotated his lance while chanting a spell, pointing it to the sky, he said, "Sun's Fury!"