
All Shackles Broken (2/3)

Lith's friend shivered in fright as he heard the revelation. He couldn't believe that his friend had done such a thing!

He could not believe his friend would do such a cruel thing. His friend peeked inside the cauldron and…

"BLERGH!" He vomited out everything he had eaten until now.

Inside the cauldron was blood and in it were sliced pieces of…

"No…." The friend felt like his heart had been grasped by a cold hand. He was too afraid to even think of what was inside the cauldron.

He looked at Lith and met his eyes; Instead of his easy-going and fun-loving friend, he saw a blood-drenched demon.

The friend shivered and instinctively stepped away from Lith.

"No… it couldn't be… it couldn't be you. My friend was not someone so cruel… he... he would never do such a thing… no… you, who are you? What did you do to my friend!?"

The guy questioned whether or not the man in front of him was Lith!