
Vamp Wine

A mad scientist who creates bizarre weapons, various drugs, creating wacky technology for their amusement is injecting a syringe of unknown liquid through its veins A selfish princess wants something she lacks so she scoured the world A false god decided to help humans to challenges herself In the end, these three people only one should be the one left behind ======================================= I have a wacky idea to mashup Honkai Impact, Punishing Gray Ravens, and Ark knights... and let's add some mutants including various post-Apocalyptic creatures will it flop? definitely yes! it won't follow the normal storyline and I will change many things including the world settings will I regret doing this? Absolutely yes! I will bash myself in the head every chapter probably and ill try to focus on my character as close as possible I'll change the synopsis if my brain will come back will I drop this? probably Don't expect too much!!!

ILikeYuri · Derivados de juegos
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51 Chs


Due to the settings of the world, the Nations from the Arknights aren't badly beaten up but sure they are behind Arc city and other modern cities made by humans

[I actually can't progress beyond chapter 3 in arknights because I don't like to grind materials to lvl up my units and I can't just sit there and watch auto because it's boring as heck so yeah I have almost 0 Knowledge on the game and rely on wiki]

[But the anime of arknights should arrive soon because... I hope]


In the bedroom, there's a flying sphere connected to the TV while watching a live stream of Vocaloids

[(  ̄ω ̄) if only I have a body... I could dominate the world with my music and can have a chance to collab with Miku and Gumi]

[(〃>_<〃) ah... so frustrating! because Noire go all out on me!]

[( °ロ°) wait... why do Noire go all out on me? is it sparring? or something else... if my memory serves me right...]

[(* ̄▽ ̄)b I'm only a memory though!]

[(・_・ヾ wait... why I can't remember more? did the incident wipe out some of my memories?]

[( ̄_ ̄)・・・ hmm...]

[(⌒▽⌒)☆ I forgot!]

[\( ̄▽ ̄)/ since I can't remember it, why should I bother!]

the sphere continues to watch the live stream while talking to the TV screen and acting like she is communicating with the people on it


A fully clothed individual and a silver-haired feline can be seen talking to each other

Tsuyumi: it seemed nothing changed even I did that... my pride has been shattered yet I didn't get a single yield

Kal'tsit: It seemed we should take it slow

Tsuyumi: I wish, but the more we delay it the more spies will join our ranks

Tsuyumi: despite we screened very strictly I doubt there were no spies who got inside

Tsuyumi: also there's a problem with Theresa and her kindness...

Tsuyumi: many members will lose their trust in her the more as time goes on...

Kal'tsit: tell me Tsuyumi... why do you desperately need Noire's trust?

Tsuyumi: she is the key, to stopping Theresis without causing casualties on our side...

Kal'tsit only looks at Tsuyumi and stayed silent

Kal'tsit: I guess it's better for her to not trust you at all...

Tsuyumi: I guess so


Noire is walking around the city and goes towards the supermarket and buy an Ice cream that is over two liters

Noire: (geez... I thought having ears will lessen the stares, but I'm standing way out too much)

Noire: (also I need to contact the Gray ravens to endorse my weapons...)

Noire: (being in a mishmash world is not good... I forgot that gunpowder didn't exist in this world and some chemicals that I like to use aren't here)

Noire: (all of them are energy-based and arts-based, and just plain metal)

Noire: (also the sword that I used to smack the sea god... is on the depths by now and I need to get it back)

Noire gets a strawberry and chocolate ice cream, she paid for it and stores the others in her storage and like a normal person somewhere living somewhere on the west side of the world

she decided to just grab a spoon and eat the ice cream from its container gaining the attention of the people who sees it

"Tsuyumi: Noire where are you?"

Noire: ahh! I forgot!

she runs while not forgetting to eat the whole thing fast and store the container and spoon afterward


Kal'tsit and Tsuyumi with the rest of the group are waiting for their supposed escort

Closure: Dr. Kal'tsit what are we waiting for?

Kal'tsit: is a person that will guide us

Theresa: I see...

they immediately see a gold hair Cautus running toward them

Noire: sorry~ I just forgot the time and have a little break I didn't think that you guys already arrived, tehee~

Tsuyumi and Kal'tsit are having a midlife crisis seeing the distant and somewhat serious vampire is acting so cutesy and an airhead doesn't match the person they think of, it's more like Noire and this person isn't the same person at all

Theresa: it's fine, My name is Theresa and this is my companions

Noire: it's nice to meet you Theresa~! then what do you want to do? straight towards the office or go around first?

Theresa: Hmm... I guess we should go sightseeing first if that's okay with you guys?

Tsuyumi: no problem at all

Kal'tsit: yeah...

Closure: ohh! sightseeing!

the rest just nods at it

Noire: then let's go~! oh! my name is August by the way~


they go towards the parking lot and Noire approaches a modified limo and got a stare from the two until she fishes out the keys inside of her breast and makes the door open

Noire: come!

Tsuyumi: (how and when did she get this expensive car? barely 10 minutes have passed yet she already made it more convincing that she is the guide that has been sent to us)

the ride has been peaceful except for Noire- August and Closure's constant talking while the rest can only lament

while Theresa is looking at August with scrutinizing eyes

Noire: Theresa, do you want to ask me about something?

Theresa: you look and feel familiar...

Tsuyumi, Kal'tsit, and Noire become alarmed by that

Noire: ohh~? that isn't the first time I've heard that...

Noire: it's the usual pick-up lines of people who wanted to date me~ don't tell me~?! sorry I'm not looking for someone currently...

August said it with a clear teasing tone with a cheerful demeanor

Theresa: I don't mean it like...

Theresa becomes embarrassed fueling August's heartily and cheerful laugh

The car routed towards the famous spots in Rim Billiton and the end is the initial goal of the group

they passed by the church

Theresa: wait...

hearing that Noire slow down the car and stopped near the Church

Tsuyumi: why so suddenly Theresa?

Theresa looks at the windows and there is a group of Cautus playing but there's a secluded kid in the corner

Theresa: August, can an outsider adopt a child?

Noire: you can! but there are a lot of processes but I could help you if you like~!

Tsuyumi: (Noire... you are getting vaguer and vaguer than I expected, that means she has a connection with the higher-ups in this city)

Theresa: then... I would like to adopt one

All: what?!

Noire: okay~!
