

Sven is lazy, slightly stupid and optimistic vampire, despite the challenges he faces. He possesses a childlike wonder and enthusiasm, which is reflected in his love for magical girl shows and merchandise. Sven's otaku nature fuels his imagination and influences his perception of the human world. He often daydreams about the magical girls he admires. However, his insecurity about his true vampire nature and his lack of strength often hampers his confidence, but is also too quick to forget even forget even that. After running away from home due to stupid reasons and escape his familial expectations, to find a better life for himself it leads him on daring adventures as he joins the demon border patrol as he hunts down runaway demons in the human realm.

ArsMachina32 · Ciudad
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1 Chs

Chapter 00: A demon Otaku.

In the depths of a bustling city at night, shadows danced and whispered secrets in the dimly lit alleyways. It was a world where the ordinary transformed into something extraordinary, where the line between reality and fantasy blurred. In this nocturnal playground, a young boy with dark hair adorned with purple accents emerged from the darkness.

The young vampire prepared himself to track his prey.

Vampires! Unholy creatures that hide in the shadows in order to find their next prey. Beings at the top of the food chain, bloodthirsty, cruel, and void of sympathy or love... or so they were believed to be.

As the boy, whose name remained unknown for now, silently made his way through the city, his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly brilliance. He was on the hunt, seeking out his next victim. His steps were swift and purposeful, his senses attuned to the scent of blood.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a young woman walking alone. Her pace quickened, her unease palpable. Seeing an opportunity, the boy stealthily closed the distance, his anticipation building.

"Hiii! Get away from me, you little pervert!" the woman's voice trembled with fear and anger.

Taken aback by her fierce reaction, the boy stumbled backward, caught off guard. He tried to speak, to explain himself, but before he could utter a word, her hand connected with his cheek in a swift, powerful smack.

"Ow!!! What strength and brutality!" the boy winced, cradling his stinging cheek.

The woman's eyes blazed with defiance as she delivered her warning. "And stay down! Next time I see you around here, I will call the cops!"

With a huff of indignation, the woman turned on her heel and walked away, leaving the bewildered boy sprawled on the ground.

As he lay there, recovering from the unexpected encounter, the boy let out a heavy sigh. "She is gone! What a violent woman!"

A voice, almost inaudible, echoed in his ears. "Master! You failed again today... sigh"

The boy, now revealed to be a vampire, sat up, his expression a mix of frustration and determination. "I didn't fail, Bato! That woman was hysterical... she was probably in her period. Her blood would have tasted horrible!"

"Master…Do you know what period means, and please call me Sete. " Asked Sete, whose first name was Bartholomew, but he preferred to use Sete, one of his middle many name.

"Pffft, who knows! That's something I heard on TV about older women, makes sense to me though after today. I told you that going out take blood from adult women was a dangerous idea…the tv said so, something about girl bosses are frightening nowadays," said Sven, the young looking vampire as he dusted off the dirt he accumulated after the beating he just received.

Sete, the boy's loyal companion and confidant, shook his head, disappointment etched on his face. "Master! Stop messing around! How can you go down with a single slap by a human woman!? Enough of this already! I want to go home! To the netherworld! All my friends are there!…Plus, you don't pay me!"

A spark of defiance ignited in the boy's eyes as he defiantly declared, "Well, too bad for you! I am not going back until the old man apologizes to me!"

Sete's shoulders slumped, resignation creeping into his voice. "This is hopeless. We're getting weaker by the day due to this world lack of magical energy… w-we are going to die here."

A flicker of excitement flashed across the boy's face. "Why would you want to go back to the netherworld anyway? Here in the human world, things are so much better! Manga, anime, movies, and games! It is paradise! Heaven!"

Sete's plea held a tinge of desperation. "Master, you are a denizen of the netherworld... please don't say those things so casually..."

The boy, undeterred by Sete's concerns, pressed on. "Bato! Don't tell me you want to go back?! To the food that tries to eat you even though it is supposed to be dead and chopped to pieces when it's served. All the eyeballs and mouths in soups, fingers, unknown creatures that we don't even have names for... shudder it is too much! No! I am not going back! Never! From today onwards, we are humans!"

Sete's eyes widened, a mix of disbelief and concern. "Master!!! How can you say that? You are a true vampire! A noble creature! There are less than 10,000 of you in the whole netherworld!"

The boy scoffed, his voice laced with uncertainty. "The whole netherworld? Don't you think you are exaggerating? The netherworld is pretty big and full of dangers the deeper you go... I am sure there are more if you look... hard enough... Anyway, let's go! There is a new DQT game coming out tonight, two blocks away!"

Sete hesitated for a moment, his gaze locked with his master's. He knew the path they were embarking on was fraught with uncertainty, but he had vowed to stand by his side. With a resigned sigh, Sete nodded. "Ah! Wait for me, master!"

Vampires, undead holy creatures known only for their viciousness and hatred for the living...at least that is how they should be...right?

Chapter end