

Chaos has fallen on the earth and the darkness has been given it's freedom to bring upon it's wrath on the living it considered unworthy. The Armageddon has come crashing down into the world at an unexpected time as the skies shook with the force of the shattered seals that hold together the gates of purgatory and the imbalance that has occurred through the planes that separated the world of the spiritual from the world of the physical. Terror rains down on the powerless living ones that have no idea of the wickedness that would follow with the shattering of these seals and now the land, air and seas have been plunged into a state of destruction, death and desolation. The sin of a child and the failure of an entity, the warnings that were not listened to, the hidden that which to come onto the light. Such many events brings the world to this unfortunate disaster and now the days of suffering continues. Now with their fates interconnected and their souls tied to become one, both physical and spiritual beings would now have to traverse the path that would lead them to the fulfillment of their destinies which would either bring redemption for the guilts of their sins and what it had caused the world or would lead to their exile and destruction. As they continue forward fighting against all odds to achieve their goals, they would slowly unravel the mysteries and truths behind these unfortunate events that would lead to a long road of suffering, regrets, deaths and sorrows and eventually carry them forward till they find the redemption they seek...... Or maybe not.

Uniqueverz · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

CHAPTER SIX: Trouble Brewing

Three months, two weeks and four days.

This was the number of days he had been staying in the inn ever since he came to the kingdom. Not being one to get along with people in any way, Young as usual was always alone and apart from the times he would go out to get something to eat or just get a view of the kingdom he was in, he spent his time in his room not doing anything.

However he had gotten quite familiar with a few people in the inn, all of which approached him and that was what got him doing what he was doing now. Mr Gerald, the inn keeper had given him a job at the time as his money was slowly drained from paying every month so he had to find a way to pay for where he stayed and now he was the person employed to carry the drinks and wine sold in the inn.

Quickly dressing up after a quick bath, Young stood clothed with a fine silk made long sleeve and a little black rough leather pants with a pair of sandals covering the sockings he wore in his feet. Around his waist as always was his leather belt which had opening in which he kept a lot of short knives and daggers.

Ready, he walked out of his room and went downstairs to meet with Mr Gerald. Sighting him in the area he always was, Young walked towards him who in seeing Young smiled and spoke. "Oh Young, you are here."

Through the walk over to where Mr Gerald was, Young took his time to observe his surroundings. For some days, he noticed that the people was busier than usual.

They all moved to and fro doing one thing or the other. The inn was looking better than before as the workers decorated the place while gisting and laughing.

Something was definitely happening of which he had no idea of.

Mr Gerald seeing how Young who had gotten to where he was and nodded his head at his greetings before looking back at the people with a little curiosity chose to speak up.

"You want to know what is going on?" He asked in his always calm voice. He reached out for the small scroll where he wrote down the drinks Young was to get.

"It's the festival." One of the workers who he knew her name to be Evelyn who had walked over just in time to hear Mr Gerald's words answered just as Young took the scroll and put it into his bag.

With the no expression on Young's face, Mr Gerald explained. "The festival is one that the kingdom celebrates in this time of the year to give respects to the old warriors who had fought to keep the safe and able to still stand at the time the demons attacked."

At the mention of the demons and that terrible day, a furious gaze swept across Young's face but was gone just as quickly as it came. However Mr Gerald was able to notice this slight chance and though it came a little shocking to him knowing Young to be one that has never shown any form of emotions, he knew well that everybody had bad experiences with incident and chose not to speak of it further.

Young after listening to their chatter and Mr Gerald giving him instructions on what to do (something he had heard every time), Young immediately moved out of the inn to see Alpha waiting for him. The horse was strapped to a carriage which had empty boxes of which the wine and drinks were kept.

The tall powerful creature had an angry expression on his face and even sneered at his master. Young understood what it was angry about, A king reduced to an horse delivering drinks did not at all sit well with him but Young ignored him as always and just climbed on the front of the carriage and whipping the ropes, Alpha started moving towards the wine factory of which they were to buy from.

Though he had walked the roads many times and he ignoring everything around him, Young was still able to see the people running around making decorations and all having smiles in their faces like all their problems were solved. He couldn't blame them, everyone at one time just wanted to smile and forget everything happening but Young was never among those. Nothing made him happy in any way, absolutely nothing.

His thoughts went on as he remembered the being which he had inside him. After the incident at the gate he passed when he had come to the kingdom which still surprised him and elevated his curiosity of what the being could possibly be further, he hadn't been able to connect to it through out the months no matter how he tried. He hadn't gone into that dark place even when he had meditated and it frustrated him a little bit. The image of those purely horrific eyes didn't however leave him mind and was printed permanently in his memory. As of the time he had first come to know of the being's existence inside him, it was a wonder to him of how it had entered into his body.

Was it just a dormant entity that was in him all along which had revealed itself due to the circumstances then or was it forced and sealed into his body. If the latter was true, then what so ever was done to the being must have been powerful for it to succeed in putting him in his body. What ever it was, Young was going to make sure he found out everything about the being that slept silently in his body.

This were his thoughts as they went further into the kingdom to were the factory was located. However at that time, something pinched his insides and Young immediately understood what it was. Though sometimes it was wrong and nothing usually happened in the end, Young was already used to this as his eyes sharpened and his face became serious. For this was the feeling he always got whenever trouble was meant to come to him.

Somewhere else in the kingdom.

A figure is seen standing in a dark room. He wore a black garment which had a hood covering his face. He also had a sword strapped to his waist and was holding an object in the shape of a ball in his right hand. The object gave out a faint red glow and did nothing to bring light into the room. On the floor were he stood were two books on his right and left side, both opened to display some strange writing with signs and symbols in them. Apart from that, the room was completely empty.

The figure had been standing for quite a long while as he waited for something.

Then all of a sudden, the books on the floor started to float as they slowly raised to the air and the writing, signs and symbols all started to glow giving a good amount of red light. The figure then stretching his hand out opening his palm with the object on it. The object also started to lift up and then floated on the air as well. The figure then started speaking in strange words and as his words left his lips so did the glow in the object lightened up little by little until it's light was almost becoming eye blinding yet the figure didn't seem to be affected by it as he continued rambling on his words.

With a few minutes of chanting, the light in the object slowly started to fade away. The books had returned to the floor with the glow they gave before completely vanished. As soon as the glow completely faded away from the floating object putting the room back in it's darkness, the object fell to the floor in a thud and scattered to pieces. The tired breathing and panting of the figure was heard as he tried to gain his composure. Doing what he had done had taken a huge toll on his body that he struggled to even stand on his two feet while waiting for what was going to happen next.



Three minutes.

A smirk appeared in the lips of the figure as from where the object crashed in the blink of an eye, a huge twirling ball of light emerged giving off a furious wind while the books on the floor had suddenly caught fire and burnt in a way that there wasn't even ashes remaining. Finally after sometime, figures of men slowly started to appear, walking out of the twirling ball one by one until four men and two women stood in front of the figure with the twirling ball of light vanishing into thin air and any evidence of what caused it disappearing along with it.

"Welcome." The figure spoke first, his voice coming out pained as his body still suffered at what he had just done.

"Pfft." One of the men sneered at the figure

"You have not failed, give him his reward." The man which stood in front of them spoke as he was the leader of this group of people.

One of the women walked to the figure and stretched something over to him which the figure took with a pleased and greedy expression.

"Remember that you will have to come back here to get us back out." The leaders cold voice spoke out as he motioned towards the woman who understanding what was to happen turned to the figure stared him right in his eyes and her completely red eyes shone and the figures eyes immediately became mesmerized before he answered. "Yes, my Lord."

Then in the blink of an eye, all six people were gone leaving only the figure in the dark room looking at his reward with a completely satisfied smile in his lips.

"My Lord indeed." The figure snorted as his eye color had changed to a dark purple as he gave out a laugh.

The feeling kept on nagging at Young but he completely ignored it. Never being one to run away except the chances of survival was slim, Young wasn't one who avoided trouble at every slight warning. Through out his life, he had being in one trouble to the other, having to fight all the time. Trying so hard to survive. Why? He had no idea only that he despised death by his own hands.

Their carriage had gotten to the final road to their destination and Young had been carried away by his thoughts that he didn't notice all the things that they passed before getting there. He however had notice one or two things but of what wasn't important to him.

Finally, the sight of the wine house. The house was a two story building that was built with with rocks and marbles standing out amongst the other buildings around it. In front of the factory were men and women doing different kinds of work here and there moving boxes of wine in and out constantly. It was a lot busier today cause of the upcoming festival.

Young came down from the carriage upon reaching the front yard and without giving anyone around him any looks brought out the scroll opening it to look at what it was he was to buy. It came as no surprise to him that the orders today were almost twice the amount he was required to buy after knowing of the upcoming festival. He however looked at Alpha and gave him a look as if telling about what was to happen. A hoof of his noise was Alpha's response.

Seeing this, Young then moved towards the wide wooden door that was painted in the color red which was opened wide for people to go in and out from. His eyes moved searching for the person who he always gave his scroll to for him to receive the wine. Not seeing him, he walked further inside going to the room which was the man's office ignoring everything and everyone he passed.

Mr Martin sat on his chair, an almost bulging vein in his head as his eyes looked at the numbers of wines that was to be sold today. Too focused on what was on the table looking back at him, he was unable to hear the knock on his door at first only coming to reality when a second and louder knock vibrated to his hearing.

"Come in." The chubby middle height man spoke with a hint of tiredness and irritation.

Young opened the door and walked in and Mr Martin who had knew the purpose for the emotionless being for coming simply signed. Not wasting time, Young dropped the scroll in front of him not even taking a sit as he usually did. Mr Martin really wanted to give him a scolding but knew it will only end up doing nothing so instead he opened the scroll looking at all written on it before calling one of the workers of which he handed the scroll to after giving him instructions on what to do. Young paid the money and followed the worker who had walked over to a big spacious room, the room where the wines were kept. There were some workers inside and the one Young followed spoke up and in no time the drinks he had come to buy was being carried one by one out. Young knowing it will take a while helped in carrying as he led the people behind him to his carriage arranging the wines inside the many empty boxes. In and out they went and after a long time, everything was arranged in the back of the carriage and Young was ready to go.

However through out the carrying, Young was still being disturbed by the feeling of something bad about to happen. After he was done, the feeling had escalated causing him to freeze where he stood as his hand went over his chest.

The hairs on his body stood and his mind was alerted. He turned his head were he stood and his gaze settled far ahead on a mango tree as he could have swore to see something suspicious lurking behind it.

His brows furrowed as he squinted his eyes in an attempt to see what it was clearer but just as soon as he thought he saw it so was it suddenly gone from his sight. Then Alpha had released a terrific sneer also looking towards where Young looked confirming his suspicion. He didn't want to assume anything yet but from the steady pinch of warning that alarmed his insides was enough prove that he might be caught up in trouble anytime soon and though it didn't in any way give him the slightest bit of concern, Young didn't want to deal with anything troubling at the moment.

So ignoring what ever that was, he climbed on the carriage as he motioned on Alpha who seemed ready to dash towards what it was to move forward going back to the inn.

However it had come to his knowledge that he might not be safe in the kingdom like it was in every other place for him. Though he was always prepared for anything, he still wanted it to not be this early but as usual fate was never going easy on him. Trouble was coming to him and as always he knew.

Keeping that in the back of his mind, his eyes set forward as They moved back to the place where they had come from.