
Valor’s Race: SoulBonded with a DiamondBack Gorilla

Domhain is a world dominated by a sport known simply as 'The Race', an international phenomenon that has united Humankind with the Great Tribes. Man and beast ride as one in a race without rules, for money, glory, and fame. Valor Knight is one of those riders, and has spent his childhood training in the hopes that he might one day live up to his legendary family name. But when he and his soul-bonded partner finally get to live out their dream, they come to the realization that it might not be the story of wonders that they once believed. With corruption rooted deep into the heart of his family legacy, Valor must make a difficult choice. WHAT TO EXPECT - Violence - Beast-Companionship -young/naïve yet strong and good-natured protagonist - romance? -A race without rules ( killing, maiming, insulting) - Powerful and bad ass characters, including sentient tribes of ‘Beasts’ - humor (he’s an 18 year old boy with a male gorilla as a best friend so it’s what you might expect)

Jericho_Penn · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 11- Long time no see

 Valor clenched his fist tightly and bit back white-hot anger. After his father died, he heard nothing from his uncle, even though he waited for three weeks in the charred ruins. For three weeks he took shelter from the blistering winds, waiting for help. Yet none came, his father's best-friend had abandoned them.

"You!" He pointed a finger at him, "You- you- you betrayed us!"

The chairman strode swiftly over to him, arms extended.

"I know what you're thinking- "

"You know nothing!" He snarled, swatting away the meaty arms before he could crush him in an embrace. "Father warned you people were coming after him, he called you for help! And you ignored him!"

"I told your father that he could shelter here, that you and he would be safe within the stadium walls."

"He didn't want a sanctuary! He wanted to stand and fight, to protect his home!"

Valor's uncle scoffed, and walked back to the large, padded chair on the other side and sat down heavily. He leaned back and brushed his long hair out of his eyes. "There was little I could do, I am no fighter, my brother knew that."

"You could have brought help…"

Cameron snorted, "Help? Is that what your father said, I was nothing but an administrator here at the time, I had no access to soldiers!"

"It doesn't matter anyways…" Valor said in a low tone, "in the end you abandoned him, and then forgot about me."

The man opened his mouth and closed it again. He sighed and made his mouth a tight line as he studied Valor's face.

"I was told you had been killed."

"That's a lie!" Valor hissed.

For a moment the two of them stared at each other. Valor was ready to attack, and he knew his uncle sensed it. The way that oversized man instinctively leaned back, or the muscles contracting in his shoulders.

"I never meant to cause you any harm," Cameron said in a careful tone, "every day I must live with my regret, everyone makes choices they aren't proud of."

The tension in the room was palpable, and his uncle was sweating like a tourist in Kypeera. He earned a little satisfaction at that, but the very thought of his uncle as the chairman of the region made him sick. It was the unfortunate reality that he would have to endure his presence a lot more if he were to make it as a Rider in the Race.

"What do you want Uncle Cam, why did you call me up here."

"Straight to the point, I understand. If you choose not to forgive me, I won't blame you." The man sighed, "I called you up here to talk about professionalism, and your future in the Race. A third place finish in a qualifier match earns you a one year professional contract. If that's a route that you choose I have a couple papers that I need you to sign."

Cameron quickly looked around his desk before snatching up a couple pieces of paper, he slid them across the desk. Valor sucked in a breath in anticipation.

"If you sign here, I'll be able to submit this document to our recorders, who will update your name into every system across the world. A true wonder of galden if I do say so myself."

The papers seemed harmless enough, though he knew better than to sign them without a look over.

"Valor" Diargo's voice was quiet and felt far away.

"Diargo? Where have you been? Are you okay."

"I should ask you the same thing, sit tight I'm tracking your signal."

"Valor?" Cameron was giving him an expectant look, "are you going to sign?"

He nodded and pulled the papers to him, he flicked over the wording, realizing very quick that he didn't understand half of it.

"Once you do sign, there was something else I would like to discuss with you." His voice sounded different, professionally polite. Like a cunning politician.

"Valor, the enforcers are yelling at me stay away. I'm ignoring them."

He sent a mental confirmation to his friend. The enforcers could do nothing to physically stop the Beast, their commands were futile.

"You can discuss it with both of us."

The man gave him a quizzical look, "Both of you?"

Shouting could be heard outside the door, and Cameron's eyes widened. There were several loud crashes and the shouts ceased.

"No sense breaking down this door, right?" Diargo voice sounded in his mind.

"That thing is like five hundred years old! Definitely DON'T smash it."

Diargo didn't respond, instead the door started to open and Cameron jumped in his chair, a furious yet worried expression on his chubby features.

"What on Domhain"

A massive furry head poked around the door. Bright amber eyes peered around the room, searching for a familiar face.

"It took you long enough" Valor exclaimed, practically jumping in the air, papers rustling loudly in his hands.

There was an indignant snort as the Beast tried to squeeze his frame though the doorway. The ape grunted in frustration trying desperately to manipulate his wide shoulders through the entrance. To the dismay of the chairman, the ancient wooden doorframe started to creak out of protest.

"Uncle cam, you remember Diargo." He said with a proud grin.

Diargo took a moment to greet the Chairman, still stuck halfway through the door. "Tell him I said Hello."

"He says hello."

Cameron raised his eyebrows, his upper lip curled back slightly in distaste. "The Beast talks?"

The response made him cringe and winced at his friend's mental fury that was always so readily available.

"Tell Him I also think he's fat now, like a desert pheasant."

Valor risked a glance at his friend. The ape was lying prone on the stone floor, his legs slowly being worked into the room. His fangs were borne menacingly at his uncle.

"I'm not gonna say that."

Cameron frowned, "Beasts are not allowed here," his frown turned sour, "a little late for that information I suppose."

"He deserves to be here just as much as I do, look he won't cause any harm."

The Trykoori had given up the impossible task of entering the smaller cave. He was laying on his belly, two arms crossed in front of him as if he was getting ready for a nap.

"I'm as tame as cattle."

That did little to alleviate the sour look on the chairman's face but he gave a disgruntled shrug.

"Let's get this over with, I don't think any of us want to be here." Valor said quickly.

Cameron worked his jaw, looking back and forth between his nephew and the giant gorilla blocking his exit. "Fine… Are my Enforcers, okay?"

The question was directed at Valor, who said nothing but stepped sideways and looked back at his friend. Diargo paused for a moment, glanced at Valor and then at the Chairman, "Well, they're definitely alive".

Valor nodded expectantly; his lips pressed together. "They're not dead."

Cameron nodded and then cleared his throat, "Well let's jump right into it, as you may know, Domhain is split up into six separate continents. Each continent varies in size and is further divided into different regions. But there is one thing that Domhain has in common, regardless of the area."

"The race," Valor said.

His uncle nodded his head, "Over the years, the OGD has been in control of the race, and has consequently grown in power and influence.

"My dad used to tell me the OGD controls the world."

Cameron nodded once again, "Effectively, and for centuries."

"What is OGD?" Diargo looked at Valor.

"OGD stands for Official Governing of Domhain… I think"

Cameron continued, "There are however, other organizations tied to the race, groups of people who 'act' under race law but are autonomous. They run outside of our jurisdiction. These include the Beast Tribes."

"He's talking about Trykoori."

Valor narrowed his eyes, "The OGD is in charge of the Race, but these 'groups' operate outside of it's laws… How is that allowed?"

His uncle sighed, "simply tradition, ancient families and societies that have bought their way into the system, overtime this turns into real organizations with real power. That same tradition is what embeds the race into the very bones of Domhain. There is nothing the OGD can do about it."

Valor's eyebrows knotted together, "Are these groups… bad people?"

Cameron hesitated, "No, not exactly. Each group is a political powerhead in terms of status and each group typically has their own agenda when it comes to the greater good of Domhain and the Race."

Diargo grunted beside Valor, the ape's amber eyes narrowed when he heard 'greater good of Domhain'. Cameron cleared his throat and continued.

"My point, is that each of these organizations are official, meaning they can sponsor teams and brand them as their own. Once sponsored you are legally bound to their cause, both in and outside the race."

"Outside of the race… Like an employee?"

"More like a Mercenary. traditionally organizations try and develop relationships with teams before offering sponsorships but," His uncle leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head. "You are a talented young man; I think it's only a matter of time before other organizations try to snatch you up, so…" Cameron paused to exhale, his confident smile reaching from ear to ear. "Valor Knight the OGD would like to sponsor you."

I realize now that my text has not been translating properly onto this platform! Diargo does not speak outloud, instead he communicates with Valor mentally. Hope this clears some confusion, see you tomorrow!

Jericho_Penncreators' thoughts