
Valkyrie's Shards

Olrun, a cybernetics human developed to fight an alien invader. After the war is over, he should be decommissioned and all of his memory should be wiped, but all fo the sudden, he got teleported into a dungeon in front of a young princess and her servant to help them save the world from the demon lord in a post-cyberpunk world full of magic and wonders.

bananaaa · Ciencia y ficción
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3 Chs


We kept walking through the dimly lit corridor, outside the room where I was awakened. It was humid, and some walls already deteriorated into ruin. Floating long tubular crystals, with two hexagonal rings of white metal at each end of the crystal, acted as the source of light. The floor was covered in moss.

"Why are you in need of my power anyway?" I asked the two people whom I just met who are walking a couple of steps in front of me. Pasta was marching cheerfully, while Ravioli was being cautious about our surroundings.

"Are you an idiot or something?! Didn't her highness already told you earlier right? We'll be fighting the Demon Lord," he said while walking forward. His gaze was directed at me. I could see that he was annoyed by my presence.

"I just require more detail sir Ravioli. Throughout my life, I was not aware of the existence of the Demon Lord. Is he some kind of evil creature that comes from the demon realm to destroy humanity?" I curiously wondered.

"Pftt...." Ravioli laugh. "Are you a kid or something?" he continued.

I looked at him and I pondered.

"The Demon Lord is a virus!" Pasta said while smiling at me. She was still walking in her marching pose. "It corrupts a lot of golems. Security golems, farming golems, servant golems, all of them were corrupted by the Demon Lord!" she answered.

"Then, how will my power contribute to solving this issue? It seems that you are already well aware that I specialize in physical fights. I do not know whether I am capable of removing a virus," I asked her.

"Well..., the thing about the virus, is that it evolved throughout the years. Not only that it corrupt golems, but the virus can also now corrupt biological creatures like humans, animals, and magical beasts. the most dangerous thing about it is that it turns everyone into a very aggressive and angry monster. It somehow can give everyone extra powers and it turns everyone who is infected into mindless-destruction-wishing creatures!" she replied enthusiastically.

"I see. So you want me to protect you from these mindless-destruction-wishing creatures," I replied.

"Yes! And also, we want you to...."

"Your majesty, I think it is better if you do not spoil our plan with this tool that we just found," Ravioli interrupted the conversation.

"Okay!" she lifted one of her hands while smiling. She directed her eyes forward. "Oh look!" she pointed her finger toward a massive source of light. We seem to have reached the entrance of the cave from which I was awoken in.

As we stepped out of the cave, we were greeted by the scenery of a forest. Plenty of tall white-ish trees with round green leaves. Green bushes were abundant. Plenty of mosses were sticking onto rocks and what I can conclude as robotic torsi. There were some artificial robotic parts scattered on the dirt floor. Some seemed to be destroyed by violent force, while some seemed to just rust from their old age. It was beautiful and serene somehow.

I saw many creatures that I have never seen before. They seem... fictional. Floating colourful starfish sitting on top of a bubble. A rangale of deers with red eyes, neck, face, and horns that seems mechanical and artificial. A herd of robotic skeletons that resembles a stingray were seen cruising in the sky.

I locked my gaze towards the sky. "Is that what you would consider a golem?" I asked as I pointed my finger at the flying stingray.

"Yes!" she replied.

I was amazed, and somehow felt a little bit of sense of relief. It seems that my doubt was correct. Some of the technologies that I saw with my own eyes felt familiar, yet foreign to me. A mix of modern technology that felt common throughout my life and magical fantasy that I often read in books. No matter how absurd this is, it seems that I have been transported into a different world.

"On our right!"

A giant five meters long and two meters wide snake was rushing through the air towards us. Its four dragonfly-like wings were detached from its body, yet, It floats near its chest. Its white body and wings were long, sharp, smooth, and clean. It has no scale, but the whole body seems to be protected by sheets of white metal. Its head was shaped like an axe with two pairs of black eyes.

It screeched towards us, revealing its many sharp teeth that decorate the inside of its mouth. As the creature got faster and closer, Pasta immediately put both of her hands forward. A transparent honeycomb-like structure suddenly surrounded our party, and just like how the creature rammed everything that lays in its front, the legless floating creature slammed its head onto the shield that Pasta has erected. The shield managed to deflect the creature's first attack. Due to the strong impact, it crashed its body into the forest floor and its head managed to crack the dungeon cave wall.

Pasta's usually cheerful face was all nothing but serious.

"Prepare to fight! It's not over yet!" Ravioli warned us.

The servant was correct. The creature shook its head and it immediately stood up. Its tail spiralled and its eyes were full of killing intent. All of us were already in our stance to prepare for a fight.

The beast screamed at us. the roar was so loud that it created visible sound waves, and the grasses were blown away.

"What should we do?" I asked the two people who seems to have more experience than me in handling this sort of creature.

"What!?" Ravioli glared at me as if he saw an idiot. "We kill that thing of course!" he continued.

"Yeah..., but how?" I asked him.

"We can aim for its neck. Other body parts can be too hard to crack through."


"Okay! I'm gonna drop my shield, both of you immediately run towards its opposite side," Pasta said decisively. "Are you guys ready?" she continued.

"Yes!" Ravioli and I said, almost at the same time.

"Okay! Go!"

The shield slowly dispersed. I immediately ran towards its right side, while Ravioli jumped to its left side and aimed to stab his neck from above. I sharpened my nails and fingers. I jumped, but It instantly noticed my attack. The giant white snake Immediately used its tail to flick me towards the trees. It quickly shifted its gaze toward Ravioli, and it tried to bite him.

Ravioli noticed the attack and he directed his spear toward the jaw of the beast to launch him and avoid getting his limb bitten.

I got up after being thrown. I immediately took a low stance. I changed my left hand into a long gun barrel and I promptly aimed for its neck. I shot the plasma thin and concentrated plasma beam in a hope that I can penetrate its neck. Unfortunately, my shot only managed to bruise the white snake and cracked a little part of its neck.

It flickered its wings and its eyes were pointing at me. The towering beast rushed towards me. Pasta immediately pulled up her shield to cover for me. The beast bounced upward, leaving its neck open.

Ravioli soon rushed to the bruised area from below. He jumped. He directed his full power at his weapon. You can see an energy gathering on the tip of his spear. He quickly launched an attack and the spear managed to break through the tough layer and stabbed through the neck of the creature.

The beast fell to the ground.

While the beast was still twitching, Pasta approached it. Full of wonder, she tried to touch the nose of the beast. But unfortunately, it managed to use its last strength to bite Pasta's right arm off. All three of us were silenced by the sheer shock.