
Valhalla: Battle for the afterlife...

Killswitch · Fantasía
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9 Chs


Gregory's eyes widened with a mix of confusion and unease as the giant's words echoed through the icy cavern. He had anticipated freedom or at least some measure of understanding, but now he found himself confined within an ice cage, a prisoner to the enigmatic frost giants. The cold tendrils of the cage crept around him, constricting his movements and muffling his protests. He could see nothing but the frozen walls that surrounded him, leaving only a faint glimmer of light filtering through the translucent ice. It was in this eerie silence that Gregory discerned the approach of the giants, their colossal footfalls echoing ominously. As if drawn by an invisible force, the giants gathered around the cage, their towering shadows casting long, eerie shapes across the ice. The frost giants loomed over Gregory, their frost-covered bodies exuding an aura of power and ancient knowledge. One of the giants, adorned with intricate ice armor, stepped forward. His voice boomed through the cavern, reverberating with an air of authority. "A present to the King," the giant declared, the words seemingly heavy with purpose. "We will bring him before Loki, King of the Frost Giants." Gregory's mind raced with questions, his heart pounding within the confines of his chest. Who was this Loki, and what did he have to do with his unexpected arrival in Jotunheim? He frantically searched for answers in the inscrutable expressions of the giants, but their stony visages betrayed nothing. With measured precision, the frost giants hoisted the cage upon their shoulders, their immense strength making the burden seem effortless. Gregory found himself jostled and rocked in his icy confines as they navigated the treacherous terrain of the caverns, their destination unknown to him.The journey seemed endless, the air growing colder with each passing moment. As they ventured deeper into the heart of Jotunheim, Gregory's unease grew. He wondered what awaited him at the side of Loki, the King of the Frost Giants. Would he be seen as a curiosity, a prisoner, or something far more sinister?. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the giants reached their destination. The cavern opened up into a vast hall bathed in an ethereal blue glow. Enormous pillars of ice lined the chamber, reaching towards a majestic ice throne where a figure sat, cloaked in darkness, Gregory could only see shapes. As the giants approached the figure, a voice resonated through the hall, suffused with an icy authority. "Bring forth the captive," Loki commanded. The giants lowered the ice cage onto the shimmering surface of the floor, the cage clinking lightly as it made contact. With a trembling heart, Gregory prepared himself for the encounter with the enigmatic king. "My king, it is meat, but the meat speaks," the giant bellowed. There was a moment of silence, the cage still closed. "Bring the fleshling to me after my rest for judgement," The King commanded waving his hand so that they take leave. Gregory was lifted once more and taken to another room. Hours passed, and Gregory started to feel unease, he could not tell if it was day or night but he could hear other giants snoring. As the giants who had captured him positioned themselves around the ice cage, safeguarding their captive, their immense forms cast long shadows across the chamber. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation as icy tendrils of curiosity wove through the air. Their eyes fixated upon the empty ice throne. Gregory asked himself, who is this Loki, the King of the Frost Giants.In the midst of this charged silence, Gregory's mind whirled with a mixture of fear and determination. He had been reincarnated into this unfamiliar body, equipped with newfound powers that were yet to be fully understood. As the night draped its velvety darkness around them, Gregory felt a surge of magic flowing through his veins. Harnessing his newfound abilities, Gregory summoned the warmth hidden within him, directing it towards the surrounding ice. With a wave of his hand and a focused intent, he wove a spell that bridged the gap between fire and ice. Gradually, the frigid walls of his confinement began to melt, liquefying in response to the magic coursing through Gregory's fingertips. With a mixture of awe and elation, Gregory watched as the cage's icy prison transformed into a shallow pool of water. The blades of his holstered sword, now looked like a dagger in the face of these beasts, a small dagger, but shimmering like a mighty sword in his perspective, slid forth from its icy sheath. Gregory's moment of liberation had arrived, and he felt an unwavering determination to free himself from the clutches of the frost giants. Silently and stealthily, taking advantage of the giants' slumber, Gregory moved with a grace previously unknown to him. His steps seemed to blend with the shifting shadows of the chamber as he approached the giants who had stood guard over him. One by one, Gregory unleashed swift, calculated strikes upon the giants, delivering fatal blows to their jugulars. The ferocity of his actions was a testament to the primal instinct that had awakened within him. Shimmering arcs of crimson sprayed upon the frozen ground, the giants' slumber turning into a bittersweet dreamscape. Yet, as his triumphant coup unfolded, an unforeseen turn of events interrupted Gregory's onslaught. One of the giants, stirred from sleep by the sound of his brethren's fading breaths, awoke to the scene of carnage unfolding before him. Before Gregory could react, a colossal hand swung through the air, delivering a devastating blow that sent him hurtling across the chamber. Pain coursed through Gregory's body as consciousness slipped away, leaving behind a hazy abyss. The last remnant of his awareness was the vision of Loki rising from his throne, an expression of both intrigue and annoyance etched upon his regal countenance. It was in this state of unconsciousness that Gregory's fate irrevocably bound itself to that of Jotunheim. The secrets that lay buried within him and the web of destiny he had unwittingly uncovered unveiled, paving the way for an intricate dance between darkness and light, as ancient powers clashed and a story filled with sacrifice and redemption began to unfurl.As Gregory slowly regained consciousness, a dull ache pulsed through his body. He found himself in a vast chamber, dimly illuminated by ethereal blue crystals that adorned the walls. In the center of the room stood Loki, now revealed to be human-sized, his features displaying a mixture of annoyance and disdain. "Awake at last," Loki sneered, his voice laced with a biting mockery. "It seems I was mistaken in expecting any semblance of strength or intelligence from the likes of you." Gregory pushed himself up, the ache in his muscles intensifying as he braced against the cold unforgiving floor. "Who are you?" Gregory demanded, his voice filled with a touch of defiance despite his vulnerable state. Loki's lips curled into a condescending smirk, his eyes flashing with a feral glint. "I am Loki, the King of the Frost Giants and the Lord of Jotunheim," he proclaimed with an air of self-importance. "And let me make one thing clear, I hold no regard for Valhalla or the realm of Asgard." Gregory's brows furrowed in confusion at Loki's disdainful declaration. But before he could speak, Loki gestured towards a massive door at the edge of the chamber. The door swung open, revealing a labyrinthine maze that stretched as far as the eye could see. "Your survival hinges on your wit and ability to navigate this labyrinth," Loki scoffed. "If you make it through, I will grant you the privilege of facing three riddles. Succeed, and you just may have the chance to continue living."Gregory's heart pounded with a blend of trepidation and determination as he registered Loki's challenge. "Do l have a choice?," Gregory asked scratching the back of his head with a hand in his pocket, the height of arrogance in front of a king. "I respect your mettle human, but you killed my giants, that warrants punishment that surpasses death" Loki said, waving his hand. He knew he had no choice, he had to focus, to overcome the daunting obstacles that awaited him. With a resolve steeling his spirit, he strode towards the maze's entrance, his path forward bathed in eerie blue light. As Gregory ventured into the labyrinth, the air grew colder and the walls seemed to shift and change, attempting to confound his progress. But he pressed on, his mind sharp and his senses attuned to the ever-shifting paths before him. Hours turned into days as Gregory maneuvered through the treacherous maze, encountering dead-ends, illusions, and cunning traps. His determination never wavered, and he relied on his intuition and newfound abilities to overcome each obstacle. Hiss feet were now stained red with the blood from his cracked and bleeding skin, the cold was ruthless. His clothes were thin and soiled from the blood from the giants, offering little protection from the bitter cold. He shivered as he walked, his lips blue and his limbs shaking with the effort of each weary step. The snow crunched beneath his feet, and the wind whipped his hair around his face. He could see his breath as he exhaled, each struggling breath a small cloud of white mist. His stomach ached with hunger, but he pressed on, his eyes fixed on the horizon. He was growing weaker with each step, his legs like lead as he dragged himself forward. His vision was beginning to blur, and he felt dizzy and faint. It had been three days in the labyrinth. He was so cold, his skin numb and his fingers stiff. He felt like he was going to collapse, but he knew he had to keep moving. He had to find a way out, or he would die out in the snow. He had to keep going, even though it felt like an impossible task. The man's hands and feet were swollen and discolored, his skin blackened and blistered. He could barely feel his fingers and toes, the cold having seeped into his very bones. He couldn't remember a time when he was warm, when his skin was its normal color and his body felt strong and alive. He wondered if he would ever be warm again, or if this was the end of the road for him. Tears froze on his cheeks as he struggled to keep moving, driven by an instinct to survive. The man's stomach felt like a bottomless pit, a never-ending void of emptiness and need. His hunger was an all-consuming sensation, filling his mind and body. He couldn't think of anything but food, his thoughts consumed by thoughts of warm bread, sweet fruit, and fresh water. The thought of even a single bite of food filled him with a desperate longing, his mouth watering at the very idea. But he knew there was nothing to be had, and he had to keep moving on. Gregory's legs finally gave out, and he tumbled to the ground, landing face-first in the snow. He lie there for a moment, too exhausted to move. He felt the cold seeping through his thin clothes, and he closed his eyes, feeling as if he could sleep for a thousand years. He felt the snow melting against his cheek, and he remember that he had to keep moving, he turned on his back to look up. With a great effort, he raised his head and opened his eyes. All he could see was the blue-white sky, and it felt as if he was falling into the endless depths of the heavens. As the man lie there, staring up at the sky, he noticed something falling from the clouds. At first, he thought it was just a trick of the light, a shadow cast by the king. But then he slowly noticed that it was snow, tiny flakes drifting down from the sky. The snowflakes landed on his face, and he felt a moment of relief from the cold. He watched as the snow began to pile up around him, turning the world into a blank canvas of white. "This is it, isn't it, a dishonorable death, is that my voice in my head urging me to go on, Hellbound, is that a name, ooh you are in my head, l am finally losing it, who am I to defeat feats meant for the gods" he muttered ",the snow, wow, it is so beautiful, so calming, I fought a good fight I guess, it was beautiful and pure, a world of possibility huh, possibility and death". Instantaneously it was merciless and relentless, determined to bury it's victim alive. As the man watched the snowflakes fall, slowly letting go, accepting his untimely demise, the face of Thor flashed in his mind and immediately he pushed his body up. "Thor can never be right, l will prove him wrong," Gregory whispered through his cracked lips.