
Valhalla: Battle for the afterlife...

Killswitch · Fantasía
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9 Chs


Curious and intrigued, the beings of Asgard sought his presence, wanting to learn from his experiences. They respected the power he had wielded, to the point where rumors of a possible return to the mortal realm began to circulate. Gregory found himself in the presence of the gods, each eager to learn and understand his connection to the magic of Midgard. The All-Father himself pressed Gregory for answers, his one eye piercing through the young warrior's soul. "I see the remnants of Midgard's magic within you, strong and thriving even in death," Odin rumbled, his tone filled with both curiosity and concern. "It is rare for such power to linger so strongly in a fallen warrior. Can you explain this anomaly?" With a heavy heart, Gregory recounted his journey, from his reincarnation as Erin to his battles against the witch hunting mob. The gods listened intently, their interest piqued by his tale of betrayal, revenge, and the surge of magic that had accompanied him along the way. Though the gods celebrated his accomplishments and marveled at the strength of his magic, none could truly understand the depths of Gregory's sorrow. His mother's ultimate act of betrayal had left an indelible mark, forever tainting his perception of trust and love. As he continued to be wined and dined in the illustrious halls of Valhalla, Gregory could feel the weight of sadness resting upon his shoulders. The magic he had gleaned from Midgard seemed insignificant compared to the pain he carried within him. In this realm of eternal warriors, Gregory yearned for closure and redemption. He questioned his purpose, whether the power he wielded was a gift or a curse. And as he quietly navigated the majestic halls of Valhalla, he vowed to find answers and seek solace, even if it meant confronting the gods themselves.Within the depths of his sorrow and contemplation, Gregory was startled by the sudden arrival of Thor as the god who had orchestrated his reincarnation. Thor's disdain for the mortal realm still radiated from him, apparent in the contemptuous look he cast upon Gregory, it was more so now than it was before. "Enough of this somber display," Thor grumbled, his voice tinged with annoyance. "Your time in Valhalla has come to an end. You shall be sent to Jotunheim, the realm of the giants, where your fate shall be determined." Before Gregory could react or question his fate, Thor, without a care for his well-being, forcibly pushed him towards a swirling portal that materialized in the hall. Resistance was futile, and with a jolt, Gregory found himself hurtling through the portal, his surroundings changing in an instant. As Gregory regained consciousness, he found himself in a new body, now a fully grown adult human. A surge of relief washed over him as he realized his time in the fragile form of Erin was finally over. The strength and capabilities of his new body brought a sense of contentment he had longed for since his untimely demise. But as he stood and surveyed his surroundings, a sinking feeling gnawed at his heart. The realm he found himself in was vast and desolate, a wasteland of eternal cold and shadow. The chilling wind whispered through the expanse, carrying with it a haunting emptiness that sent shivers down his spine.Gregory's heart sank as he came to the painful realization that he had been transported to Jotunheim, the very realm inhabited by the giants. Far from the realms of Asgard and Midgard, this land of ancient beings and towering creatures held an aura of foreboding. Though fearful, Gregory could not allow himself to be consumed by despair. He had faced betrayals, wielded magic, and navigated treacherous circumstances before. He would not let this realm break him. With determined steps, Gregory explored his surroundings, seeking understanding, and seeking a path forward. He knew that to survive in Jotunheim, he would need to rely on his wit, his newfound strength, and the remnants of magic that still coursed through his veins. He took a deep sigh and murmured ", alone again, always alone". As he ventured further into the frozen landscape, he encountered treacherous paths, intense cold, but what he feared most was the giants - formidable beings whose presence seemed to threaten his very existence. They towered over him from what he learnt, their cold, piercing gazes filled with ancient wisdom and power. Gregory recognized that his journey in Jotunheim would be one of trials and tribulations. It was a realm of giants but also a realm of uncharted possibilities, a place where he could learn and harness the darkness that dwelled within. With each step he took, Gregory braced himself, ready to face the giants and unravel the mysteries that lay hidden in the heart of Jotunheim. Jotunheim was a realm of ice and snow, where the giants made their home. It was a place of dark, rugged mountains and deep, frozen lakes. The giants were recorded to have lived in caves and caverns, where they kept their treasures and their magical items. They were said to be fearsome and powerful creatures, with the ability to control the weather and the elements. The storms that raged in the realm of Midgard were said to be the work of the giants, who were angry at the gods and sought to cause them harm. The realm of Jotunheim was a dark and dangerous place. The realm of Jotunheim was not just a place of danger, but also a place of great beauty. The ice and snow that covered the land were said to sparkle and shine, and the cold, clear air made the stars and the northern lights seem brighter and more vivid than ever. In the deepest, darkest part of Jotunheim, there was said to be a lake of pure ice, where the most precious treasures of all could be found. Lost in thought, striding without a care, his eyes met theirs. Gregory's heart hammered in his chest as his eyes widened with terror. Every fiber of his being wanted to turn and flee, to escape the daunting presence of the frost giants that towered before him. The sheer size and power emanating from their colossal forms overwhelmed him, freezing him in place as though he were trapped in the icy cavern itself. As the giants stopped their feast of raw flesh, their jaws clenched and their eyes darted towards Gregory. Time seemed to slow, the frigid air hanging heavy with a mixture of curiosity and surprise. The creatures blinked, their piercing gazes locked onto the unfamiliar sight of the reincarnated man. A mixture of apprehension and awe washed over the faces of the frost giants. They had long grown accustomed to the solitude and predictability of Jotunheim, rarely encountering anything or anyone beyond their own kind. The arrival of Gregory in their midst was something entirely unforeseen, an enigma that rendered them momentarily speechless. The giants, usually known for their fierce and relentless natures, remained motionless as their thoughts churned within them. Gregory could almost sense the weight of their collective confusion, their minds grappling with the unfamiliarity of his existence. It was as if they had been abruptly interrupted in their natural habitat, forced to confront a puzzle they did not know how to solve.Gradually, a wave of realization washed over the giants. They began to exchange silent glances, their immense frames shifting slightly as they communicated through unspoken understanding. It was a rare moment of unity among these formidable beings, as something new and unexpected surged within their icy hearts. Curiosity started to replace terror in their eyes, and the giants inched forward, cautiously closing the immense gap between themselves and Gregory. Their massive strides caused the ground to tremble, sending shivers down his spine. Yet, as they approached, something unexpected happened - their menacing expressions softened, revealing a newfound gentleness. They extended their massive hands, the chill of their touch sending a shiver racing down Gregory's spine. Tentatively, he reached out his own hand, hesitating only for a moment before allowing it to connect with one of the giant's fingers. The sensation was akin to touching caressed ice, cool and yet strangely comforting. In that instant, Gregory realized that his fear had gradually transformed into curiosity. The initial horror he had experienced upon encountering the giants had given way to an inexplicable connection, an unspoken understanding that transcended the barriers of language. He was terrified no longer, for he now stood united with these awe-inspiring beings, in a shared curiosity about the mysteries of Jotunheim and his own existence within it. "Price for the king! meat!," one of the giants bellowed.