



Pain is invisible, subjective and open dispute unless it is one's own pain. Aches are worse, always taken to be less than they are and hardly ever thought of without the possibility of the sufferer magnifying their woes. Sometimes thinking the reaction of a person has to another's pain tells more about that person than they'd like. Maybe it's just that they were never listened, but no matter the cause they lean toward disbelief rather than empathy.

She killed many

Yet hear I am disagreeing from what I saw.

Looking forward from the corner of the road, a 1952 Vincent 1000 Black Shadow. It has existing 110 mph Rapides machine as 'The world's fastest production motorcycle'. Trying to comprehend what was going on. I kept on looking around, it was completely empty road except from some brown logs, my car and her motor bicycle.

Seems we're heading at the quarters

"She seems very different" I whisper to myself as if I was talking with someone

"I saw her killed many, but this time… she killed reckless… she killed no mercy" kept talking to myself while driving. I can't take my eyes off her motor bicycle as we roam the road.

She's mad as hell

Trying to conceal her temper; Trying to contain her actions.

Anger as blood red

Her thoughts are running wild, spinning out of control

Betrayal seems to harsh, untold truth can make someone choke.

Furious beyond thoughts; Furious beyond actions

A web of lie struggling in her heart.

Is it because of Knight-Drain?

I feel an ache inside as my thoughts suddenly expresses by tears. I am more than flesh, greater than bones.

I am what you need.

A solution to her troubled world.

why do I feel like your doormat?

She breaks my heart every day without knowing it. I offer what she need, who values what is free? Who cherishes something that appears in infinite supply? it isn't as endless as it appears. As my heart breaks so do I, dying a little more every time I saw her like this. I gripped on so tightly despite the fact that my palms where sore and numb. My nails dug deep onto the steering wheels to give myself a better grasp, to give myself one more hope that I would succeed, yet from the very start I know I can't win. A tear rolled onto my cheek, but I didn't care; I had to stay focused. I used to tell myself,

"I need to stay focused"

"She doesn't need to know"

I pretend like I'm over it right away yet I never am.

I can't.

It just takes time to heal and she can't help me with that. No-one can be inflictor and healer. Trouble is, all I have is her. Whilst I'd never give her up, never let her down, never stop loving her covertly.


"Hey! Any plans to go inside?... are you staying on your wheels until night?" Lycko shouted from outside. Seems we reach the quarters pretty fast or it was me drowning with my own thoughts that I didn't notice that we finally reach the area.

Wiping my tears from my cheeks secretly afraid that she might find out. Slowly I got up from the seat holding on to the door of my wheels for support. My body felt as if I had been bruised in every corner. My legs felt shaky and could not support my body yet my head was the only thing that was feeling heavy. I place my hands on her shoulder and arched my back as the pain was rushing through my body like an igniting fire. My eyes squeezed closed as my face contorted.

As if I never had experienced such pain in my life.

I could feel my head spinning ultimately I fell onto the floor my jaw clenched I grabbed a fistful of my hair pulling on it this helped to ease the pain.

"H-Hey! We're close! Just… just contain your posture until we reach the hall" she sweetly said

Slowly the pain was fading away my hand released my brown locks trembling with fear. Sweat trickled down my face my breathing slowly went back to its normal rhythm.

"Ughh!" I moan as we walk inside the parliament.

"Hey! What happened" Price ask, as he reach out his hands

"Woah! What happened to your bloody hands Angelycko?" Gray ask while putting an ice on his neck.

They lay me against the chesterfield and let me rest and feel ease.

"Here, take this ice! Seems you too have an exciting battle" Drain coldly said

"Tss!" Price hissed.

Everyone is quiet seems like observing something.

"So! What happened?" Pendelton broke the silence, but instead of answering his question we hear a famous hissed.

"Hermano and I encounter the Poisonous Supremo" Lycko stated while cleaning her dagger

"Bloody hell" Gray whisper

"We also encounter one of them!" Price angrily hissed

"What! Where?" she asked out of curiosity.

"At the subway station—" – Gray

"Tunnel under the subway station" Price added

"What?... so… you mean the information in 1920 and 1948 was there?... I don't get it" she speaks fast out of frustration.

"no! I called them for help… t-that very moment when you passed out I reach out to them for help and as I walked towards the lot he suddenly appears and everything happened so fast" I stated

"We used your trackers to hunt you… to know where your location… the tracker stated that you two locates at the tunnel under the old subway station" Gray started to voice out.

"As we discover the so-called location, we immediately drive… reaching it was the very big mistake…" –Price

"It was a bait" – Gray

"We don't know how to start searching for you guys… Everything was dark… Everything rested on us... I peer as I stare at the silver chip beneath my feet… It was your tracker Lycko—"

"Wait?... My tracker was here!" she stated as she gropes for it.

"after that… Gray and I seems pretty convince that something bad happened to the both of you… but I saw a figure… mere like a shadow running opposite towards our direction… until someone spokes words" Price stated clearly

"What words?" I curiously asked

"this!" Gray handed a tape recorder

"W-wait! You record everything?" Price asked. He seems very suspicious, sweats started to form in his forehead.

"What's the problem price?" I ask

"N-nothing!" he stated nervously

"I recorded everything for evidences" Gray seriously mocked

What's wrong Price?

As the recorder started to play, each one of us are attentively listening. Noticing that Price seems to be restless.


"Now or never" Price whispered

"Do or die" Gray mocked between his breathes

A moment of silence were footsteps and echoes was the only thing we can hear from the record.

"Are you sure they're here?" Gray talked

"Really?! You're the one who track them not me idiot!" Price hissed seems with an irritated tone

"Their trackers stated and pointing this place so I guess they're literally here hiding or something!" Gray said

"Jesus Christ! You're unbelievable!" Price stated.

"G-Gray!" Price mumbled

"H-Hey! What happened… what was that?" hearing Gray's footsteps

"Is this?—"

"The tracker"

"who did this?" Gray mocked again

A whooshing sound echoed over the recorder.

"Price, what happened to you?... what are we doing here? This is the end of the tunnel… why'd you run?" Gray confusedly asked

"Someone was here!" - Price

"Maybe it was Lycko" Gray said

"No! It was a figure of a man" Price stated

"oh! Maybe it was Knight-Lock!" Gray added with a pursuing tone.

"I'm sure it wasn't Knight-lock" Price said

"The Chase is on my dear, we will Find you!" - anonymous

"Who are you?" Gray shouted

"I will hunt you down like the vermin you are and exterminate anyone remotely connected to you. Don't think you can evade me forever?"

"Damn! It was creepy!" I murmur in between the noises from the tape

"Indeed!" Lycko added

"This is a trap Price!" Gray hissed

"Each one of you are already in our cross hairs. We have a bullet made just for Chase, a poison made just for Louise, a knife just for the impostor and a worthless arrow just for the twins and I know all of you are going to love it." -anonymous

"Did you think that Lycko and Lock are with them?" Gray asked

"Maybe yes… Maybe not" – Price seems trembling

"So run" -anonymous

"run as far as you want, hide in whatever recess of the town each one of you can occupy but know that we will find you as we do all traitors. We promise each one of you not only death, but a painful end beyond measure." - anonymous

"We're almost there!" Price whisper

"Should you ever stop running we will only catch you all the sooner so don't even think about asking for mercy now, never learnt the meaning of the word. So let us toss this bullet in our hand while we meditate on your destructions and the cold leap of joy we will feel when each one of your light is extinguished from this vile planet of "happy" creatures. That which we cannot exploit we will destroy." - anonymous

"Gray, prepare for battle" - Price

"Is your heart pounding yet? Price Williams? Are your feet burning as they run over the hot coals I scatter? Soon you will flee on blisters, then raw flesh. Your father isn't the only one who keeps his promises child, you should have switched sides when I offered you the chance." – anonymous

*A loud thudding sound*

"G-Gray I know how can we solve this!" - Price

"H-Hey! Gray Come on wake up!" – Price

"What happened there?" Lycko asked

"Someone struck this into my neck and everything went disaster" Gray handed us a Needle

"Aripiprazole" Lycko and I whisper

*The Record continuous to play*

"Hey wake up! Man Come on!" Price shouted

An eerie sound suddenly covers the whole recorder.

"Another Williams in the depth of death… Isn't it exciting Price?" man exclaimed

"Where is Angelycko! I told you! stop destroying my family!" Price shouted

"Let's just say she's finally might be resting! HA! HA! HA!" the man laughs

"What the fuck!" Lycko hissed in the middle of our listening.

The audio become chaotic, grasping and moans either footsteps was the only thing we can possible hear.

"Oh! Is that a gun?... I know you can't pull the trigger! You're such a pussy Price!" the man sounded like he was teasing Price

"Come on! Pull it!... PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER!" he shouted.

A loud banging sound echoed

"I told you not my family!" Price shout

"You're not one of them Price! You're not a Williams!" the man shouted as he coughs

"I AM!" Price hissed

"Wait! What?" Gray unbelievably hissed.

Gray Stop the recording. Everyone was silent. Reflecting the details, we have heard.

Trying to process everything.

Trying to absorb.

"You're not our Brother!? Aren't you?" Gray stood up and shout

"I am your brother!" Price convincingly shouted

"NO! YOU'RE A FUCKING DUMB IMPOSTOR PRICE!" everyone was shock as Gray shouted

"Gray… look… I know your upset—"–Price

"Yes! I'm fucking upset!... All this time Price!?" Gray started to cry

"Hey! Gray calm down" –Pendelton grab his arms yet Gray manage to avoid it

"I am your brother" Price convincingly stated with tears

"No! How can you manage to hide it—" – Gray

"I know everything"

We quickly gaze towards her as she manages to speak out.

"I know everything" I spoke in between of their chaotic situation

"What?... You fucking know about Price?... How come you hide it Angelycko?" Gray angrily hissed

"You know?" Price restlessly asked

I just nodded, managing not to look at them

"So! I am the only one between us three who doesn't know the fucking truth?" Gray shouted

He's indeed angry and upset at the same time

"You're a fucking selfish bastard Price!... so do you Angelycko!" Gray grasps for air and punch the wall

"It might be selfish but I kept it secret… I pretend to know nothing… Price is still our Price… Believe me Gray he was still the same old Price" I calmly stated, I feel my system trembles and want to shut down.

"Then prove it!" Gray slightly calm down when he looked me directly in my eyes.

"When we we're a little, I hear mom and dad arguing something about Price… In front of Price… Hearing shouts and cursed against each other. Ever since that day Price become silent… he doesn't even talk… he doesn't even laugh… he's dull and numb way back there… while you manage to annoy Price, I started searching the answers to why and how… until one night, I hear dad and mom argue about Price's real father… at first I think of maybe Price was adopted or something because I don't know everything about twins… but one time hearing Price cry on his bed makes my heart crush into million pieces… I've try to asked dad but he just answered me different…" as I started to tell story, I can't manage to remove my stare at Gray. My tears started to fall down like a waterfall.

"It was nonsense Lycko!" Gray shouted

"Don't you ever shout at her!" Price hissed

"Oh! Really—"

"I just decided to do actions on my own… facing battles alone… I spent times to the library searching… Superfecundation is the term I first learned about fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse, which can lead to twin babies from two separate biological fathers. It is a term derived from fecund, which means the ability to produce offspring… hard to believed but its true, Price is still our twin brother… It is possible for us twins to have different fathers in a phenomenon, the experts called it heteropaternal superfecundation, occurs when two of a woman's eggs are fertilized by sperm from two different men. Identical twins occur if that fertilized egg divides into two separate eggs." I explain as much as I can without removing any eye contact.

"How could—"

"The man in the recorder, do you know everything about him?" Pendelton asked me directly

"T-that man… That man killed our mother… the line that the man says Your father isn't the only one who keeps his promises child, you should have switched sides when I offered you the chance… Dad promise him to give Price just to keep me and Gray alive but it turns out that Dad fooled the man by sending us here in this town… to hide… up until our so-called group was form… he stops when the news spread all over the town… he stops because he knows I can fight… we can fight… He offered Price to be at his side but Price declined his offer—"

"How did you know about the offer" Price ask me between his sobs

"I was there Price, the night when he killed our Papa. I saw exactly how the bullet enters inside his chest" I stated

"Who's your father?" Lock asked Price

"He was the man in the recorder" Price trembles as he speaks

"He killed his own father" I speak out