
Uzumaki Legend

Naruto's son, accidentally returns to the past after being defeated by the Otsusuki and meets his grandparents. Seeing that he had nothing left to lose, he decides to give them gifts, gifts that will change the entire history of the shinobi world. One of the gifts is the best Dojutsu in the shinobi world, created by Jiraiya. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or its characters. This is my first story Fanfic focused on the restoration of the Uzumaki clan. Harem (Hinata, Ino, Karin, Honoka, Tayuya, ...) patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/kralux Hope you enjoy the fanfic :)

kralux · Cómic
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58 Chs

A day in the park

"How was your day Naruto" Kushina asked her son.

Naruto smiled and proceeded to tell her about his day.


That same day in the morning


Naruto woke up at about nine a.m., he looked out his window and saw the sun shining in clear skies.

Naruto marveled at the view. 'Today is going to be a wonderful day' thought the little boy as he got up his bed.

Naruto ran into the kitchen only to hear his mother saying.

"NARUTOO don't run inside the house, how many times have I told you" Kushina shouted from the kitchen, only to hear a mischievous smile in response.

Naruto ran to his mother to hug her "Hi mom" Naruto said as he hugged his mother's legs.

Kushina smiled and said "I see you are very energetic today" Kushina said.

"Yes, today is the day you will take me to the park" Said Naruto

Naruto had never been to the park in Konoha, ever since he knew that in the park many children play, Naruto has been asking his mother to take him there. But Kushina always refused saying that Naruto was too small.

Yesterday, after much insistence Kushina had finally agreed to take him.

"I'm sorry Naruto, I won't be able to take you today, your dad and I have to do something very important" Kushina said.

Naruto listening to her became sad and his eyes filled with tears.

Kushina seeing that said "But don't worry, I have found the perfect substitute to take you" Kushina said.

Naruto's eyes started to sparkle with emotion and he hugged his mother. "Thank you Ka-chan" Naruto said

Kushina smiled and caressed her baby's head, when the bell rang.

"He has arrived" Said Kushina

Naruto perked up and ran to open the door.

When Naruto opened the door he found a boy about eight years old with black hair and eyes, next to him was Naruto's best friend.

Naruto smiled at the sight of them and said "Hi Sasuke, hi Itachi" Naruto greeted with a smile.

Itachi smiled and said "Hi Naruto-kun."

Sasuke looked at him and said "Hn"

Itachi looked at his brother and said "Say hello properly to your friend Sasuke" Itachi said ordering his little brother.

Sasuke sighed and said "Hi Naruto."

Kushina who appeared behind Naruto and greeted the two boys with a smile "Hi Itachi-kun, Hi Sasuke-kun. Come in, Naruto still has to brush his teeth" Kushina said as she urged them inside to wait while Naruto prepared to leave.

Naruto ran to brush his teeth and put on his clothes to go out.

Sasuke and Itachi were in the living room sitting waiting for Naruto as they ate ice cream that Kushina had given them.

Naruto came into the living room, looked at Itachi and his mother and said "Let's go."

The boys said goodbye to Kushina.

"Be careful Naruto, don't fight and obey Itachi. understood?" said Kushina.

Naruto nodded and said "Ok, I will obey Itachi" Naruto said with a smile. As they started walking towards the park.

Naruto looked at Sasuke and said "hey Sasuke do you think there will be a lot of kids at the park?" Naruto asked his friend.

Sasuke looked at him and said "yeah, there are a lot of annoying kids. I've been there with my brother before and it's nothing special" Said Sasuke.

"Hump, the only annoying one is you who doesn't know how to make friends" Said Naruto snorted.

Sasuke got angry and said "Who doesn't know how to make friends? Just so you know, all the kids wanted to be my friends" Said Sasuke

Naruto gave a mocking look and said "And from what I see you rejected them, duck hair."

Sasuke looked at him and said "You don't know anything, Tomato. Hump" Sasuke said as he crossed his arms and turned his head to the opposite side

"Hump" Naruto said as he did the same thing.

Itachi seeing this scene sighed "Come on guys, don't fight. We're almost to the park."

Naruto looked at Itachi and asked "Hey Itachi how is the ninja academy, do you learn a lot of awesome jutsus?" Naruto asked eager to start training as a ninja.

Itachi looked at him and said "The academy is okay, although they haven't taught jutsus yet and we only learn theory" Itachi said to Naruto

Naruto looked at him confused and said "How have you not learned any jutsu if Daddy told me that you were one of the most talented shinobi in the village" Said Naruto to Itachi

Itachi was touched that the Hokage considered him so much talent and said "Everything I've learned was from training with my father and my clan. The academy is only good for teaching basic things and teamwork. I had applied to graduate in the first year, but the Hokage and my dad told me that I was still too young to do so" Itachi said.

Naruto nodded and said "Hey Itachi show us a cool jutsu" Naruto said excitedly to the older boy.

Sasuke who was listening said "Yeah nii-san show us a jutsu" Said Itachi to his brother.

Itachi seeing the excited looks on the two boys' faces had no choice but to do as they requested

Itachi proceeded to make a hand seal and blew a small fireball.

Naruto and Sasuke's eyes glowed with amazement.

"Awesome Itachi" "Awesome nii-san" Naruto and Sasuke said.

After that they resumed their walk

"How does the chakra feel Itachi?" asked Naruto curious.

Itachi looked at him and said "I can't tell you Naruto, your mom told me not to teach you anything related to ninja because you are too young" Itachi replied

"Then teach it to me Nii-san" Said Sasuke making Naruto mad.

"I can't Sasuke, dad told me that you will only start training when Naruto does, our parents and Naruto's parents decided it together" Said Itachi

Sasuke was sad that he couldn't get ahead of Naruto while Naruto was glad that Sasuke didn't get a head start.

"You won't teach us anything Itachi, I just want you to describe what chakra feels like to you" Naruto said.

Itachi looked at him and started to think 'If that's all it is I can tell him' Itachi thought.

"Chakra to me feels like a warm liquid that is above my abdomen that I can circulate through my whole body" Itachi explained.

Naruto suddenly stopped and closed his eyes 'Warm liquid over the abdomen' thought Naruto as he searched for the feeling Itachi said.

Naruto searched inside his body until he felt the same sensation that Itachi had explained. 'Is that my chakra? It seems to be blocked by a valve. I'll unblock it' Naruto thought.

Itachi and Sasuke looked at him confused.

"Why did he stop, Oni-san?" Sasuke asked.

Itachi realized what Naruto was doing when.


Suddenly a large amount of pressure hit the brothers.

Itachi stepped in front of Sasuke and looked at Naruto in shock.

'He's unblocked in an instant and only with a vague description. Besides, this amount of chakra is greater than mine and his chakra feels very powerful' Itachi thought.

'What's happening, Naruto?' thought Sasuke.

A powerful energy was dancing around Naruto, the ground began to shake from the amount of chakra Naruto was emitting.

'So this is what chakra feels like. Great, this feeling is amazing' Naruto thought as he enjoyed the feeling of his chakra. Naruto felt very powerful, he felt like he could do anything he wanted.

Naruto opened his eyes and looked at his arms and clenched his fists, his muscles felt powerful. The chakra around him was almost visible.

Itachi who had difficulty looking at Naruto because of the strong wind caused by Naruto's chakra shouted "Naruto, control your chakra or you will be drained" Said Itachi.

Naruto seeing that Itachi was serious closed his eyes and tried to stop the flow of chakra. A few moments later everything was back to normal.

Itachi sighed in relief 'Naruto is a genius, I don't know how he managed to create such a strong chakra pressure, that's a technique that only jonin commander level ninja can do, it requires a great amount of chakra and chakra control to do it. Naruto was able to do it because of his abnormal chakra volume compared to his body. 'His body was like a pressure cooker about to explode, sooner or later this would happen' Itachi thought.

Naruto looked at them with a smile and said "Chakra feels great Itachi" Naruto said with a smile.

Itachi put on a serious face and said "Don't do that again Naruto, you might have depleted your chakra and made yourself sick" Itachi said

"I'm sorry Itachi-san, but when you said how the chakra felt I couldn't help but try to see if it felt the same" Naruto apologized

Itachi nodded and then smiled "You're a genius Naruto, you managed to unlock your chakra in an instant. It took me an hour of meditation to unlock my chakra" Itachi said.

Sasuke who was standing next to him looked at Naruto with a bit of jealousy as he saw him being congratulated by his older brother

Sasuke closed his eyes trying to do the same as Naruto, but he failed to sense his chakra.

"Can you help me unlock my chakra Oni-chan?" asked Sasuke to his brother after failing to unlock his chakra alone.

Itachi looked at him and said "I'll ask Father if he'll let you learn first, originally we would wait until you turn five, but since Naruto has already unlocked his chakra father may let me help you" Itachi said

Sasuke was glad to hear what his brother said. 'Just wait a moment Naruto, I'll catch you' Sasuke thought as his eyes filled with determination.

They resumed their walk towards the park. Naruto as he walked secretly circulated his chakra throughout his body.

'Great, soon I'll be able to learn cool and powerful jutsus' Naruto said as he played with his chakra.


Finally they arrived at the park

'It's just like the park back at the compound' Naruto thought not very impressed. Playing in the park is not what he wanted anymore, Naruto was anxious to get back home so he could play with his chakra

"Stop right there" Said a childish voice.

A boy with brown hair and sharp teeth approached them. The boy had his face painted with what looked like two red fangs on both cheeks.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my park?" Said the boy.

"It's rude to ask other people's names without saying yours first" Sasuke said to the boy.

"My name is Kiba, Inuzuka Kiba and the park is my territory. what is your name?" Said little Kiba

"Uchiha Sasuke" Sasuke replied.

Kiba looked at Naruto waiting for his answer, but Naruto didn't respond

"Hey boy I asked you your name" Kiba said.

Naruto who was distractedly moving his chakra around his body finally looked at him

"What?" Naruto asked

Kiba got angry and said "I asked you your name"

"Oh, my name is Uzumaki Naruto and you?" said Naruto with a smile.

Kiba was irritated that Naruto hadn't paid attention in his earlier introduction. "Inuzuka Kiba. The park is my territory."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Naruto asked.

"It means that you can only enter the park who I let in" Kiba said.

Naruto looked at him and said "Who decided that you are the owner of the park?" asked Naruto

"Myself, I marked the territory therefore it's mine" Kiba said.

"You marked it like a dog right? My dad told me that Inuzuka are dogs, and dogs mark their territory by peeing. So you peed around the park. right?" Naruto said

"WE INUZUKA ARE NOT DOGS, we just have dogs, dumbass" Said Kiba angrily.

Naruto clutched his stomach and started to laugh at Kiba

Kiba got even angrier and when he was about to say more Sasuke interrupts him

"Forget it, you won't be able to win against him, if you insist you will only be humiliated" Sasuke said with a pitiful look towards Kiba. Sasuke had been teased by Naruto since they have known each other.

"Hump, ok I'll let you pass you, but not him" Kiba said pointing at Naruto. But to his exasperation Naruto wasn't there. Kiba looked around looking for him and saw that he had already entered the park

"Hey I told you you can't go in" Kiba said only to be ignored by Naruto.

"Looks like no one respects you Kiba" Said a boy while munching on potato chips.

" What a drag" Said another boy

"Who are they Kiba?" Asked a blonde girl accompanied by a pink haired girl

"Hello" said Naruto greeting the children

"Hello" They all replied

"I'm Na..." Naruto was about to introduce himself, but Kiba interrupted him

"This is Naruto Uzumaki and this is Sasuke Uchiha. The older boy is..." Kiba said, but when he went to introduce Itachi he noticed that he had disappeared.

Itachi was in a tree watching the boys from afar, giving them free reign to make friends.

"Uzumaki? Aren't they the ones who make those beautiful rings" Said the blonde girl.

"Isn't that the clan that Kushina Uzumaki, the wife of the fourth Hokage, belongs to?" Said the pink haired girl

"Yes, Kushina Uzumaki is my mom and Minato Namikaze is my dad" Said Naruto proud of his parents

"OH awesome" Said the children.

" what a drag" Said one boy.

"You're from the famous Uchiha clan, aren't you?" asked the fat kid

"Yes, I'm Sasuke Uchiha, member of the Uchiha clan" Sasuke answered also proud to belong to the Uchiha clan.

"And you guys what are your names?" asked Naruto to the boys

When they were about to introduce themselves Kiba stepped forward and said.

"This is Choji Akimichi and this is Shikamaru Nara. This is Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno" Kiba introduced them.

Naruto nodded to each of them and said "Nice to meet you, let's be friends" Naruto said to the kids.

The children nodded at Naruto's proposal.

"What do you guys normally play?" asked Naruto to the group

Kiba stepped forward again and said "We play hide and seek and we play ninjas" Kiba said

"I play cloud gazing and Shogi" Said Shikamaru

"I like to eat" Said Choji

"We play dolls" Said the girls

"How do you play Shogi, Shikamaru?" asked Naruto interested in the game.

" What a drag, I'll explain it to you another day Naruto" Shikamaru said lazily

Naruto nodded and said looking at everyone "I have an idea. Why don't we all play hide and seek."

The children nodded at his proposal except Shikamaru who wanted to continue looking at the clouds. With a bit of insistence he agreed to play on the condition that he would not be the one looking, so he could continue looking at the clouds.

So the boys spent the whole afternoon playing happily until Itachi arrived and brought them back home.

When Naruto and Sasuke left Ino and Sakura spoke quietly. "Which one do you think is the coolest Sakura?" asked Ino to her friend.

Sakura thought a little and said "Naruto is very cool, but Sasuke is more cool" Sakura said.

Ino shook her head and said "No, how can that guy be cooler than Naruto. Naruto is the son of the Hokage and the strongest Kunoichi in Konoha, he's also very handsome and he's very warm"

"Sasuke is from the Uchiha clan, my mom told me that the Uchiha clan is the strongest and also Sasuke is a little bit more cute than Naruto" Said Sakura

"Bullshit, my mom and dad told me that the most powerful clan is the Uzumaki clan. Besides, Naruto is much more cute than Sasuke" Said Ino

"Bullshit" Said Sakura

"True" Said Ino





And so they continued for a long time until they went home.


At Naruto's house

"So that's how your day went Naruto" Kushina said after Naruto told her everything he did.

"Have you unlocked your chakra Naruto?" asked Minato who was holding Honoka.

Naruto looked at him and said "Yeah, I did it unintentionally daddy" Naruto said.

Minato sighed, he wanted Naruto to have a normal childhood until he turned five, but now it's impossible.

"Naruto-nii will you take me to the park with you next time?" Honoka asked who, even though she was technically the older sister, she treated Naruto like the older brother

"Yes Honoka, I'll take you and Karin to the park, I'm also going to ask Hana-neesan to let Hinata come with us" Naruto said to his sister

"And how was your day Honoka?" asked Kushina to her daughter.

"I've been playing with Karin and Tayuya all day, Ka-san" Said the adorable little girl who earned a hug from her mother.


A little later Minato Naruto and Kushina were in the courtyard of the house.

"Show us what you did when you unlocked your chakra Naruto" Minato ordered.

Naruto nodded and closed his eyes to concentrate.

Suddenly the chakra pressure hit Minato and Kushina who looked at him in disbelief.

Naruto opened his eyes and said "I don't know what's going on, it's weaker than before.

Kushina and Minato were even more surprised by their son's words. 'He has a Chunin level amount of chakra and even he said he is weaker than before' Minato thought.

But what puzzled them the most was the technique Naruto was using, the technique of drawing chakra from inside your body and pulling it out through the tenketsu to create chakra pressure is a Hokage level technique. The minimum amount of chakra to do it is Hokage level chakra and Hokage level chakra control. How was it possible for Naruto who had chunin level chakra and just unlocked his chakra to be able to do it?

Suddenly a mini Kurama appeared in front of Kushina.


"I can explain it."


If you liked the chapter don't forget to comment and give me your power stones.

If there is any mistake in the chapter let me know. Thanks

One question. Who do you want to be Kakashi's partner? Anko or Yugao or Kurenai?

And for Urara? 

And Usagi?

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to write a review if you like the story.

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