
Uzumaki clan: rise in a cultivation world

Haru is reincarnated as the heir to a dying clan named the shen clan and just as he is about to become the clan leader he awakens the uzumaki bloodline. Not only that he can awaken it in the entire clan however the information that the inheritance comes with, informs him of how truly dangerous this cultivation world is. the story is about the rise of the clan from its lowest to its highest point while garnering greed, envy and a hell of a lot of enemies. [i have never written a cultivation story before so...comment on how i do anyway, have fun]

Narciss84 · Cómic
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12 Chs

Shen clan-Uzumaki clan part 1

[Shen Clan residence - Meeting hall]

*Bang*! "What the hell do you mean you want us to abandon our clan name?" shouted a middle-aged man with a bulky physique and silky black hair. He directed his anger at a teenage boy with pale skin and blood-red hair. The man banged the long desk around which eight people were seated, causing it to creak and crack at the point of impact. The individuals around the table stared at the teenage boy in disbelief, their voices rising in protest against his words.

The boy appeared unbothered by their protests, but when an old man, who seemed to be in a near-death state, spoke, he turned his attention to him. This was the previous leader of the Shen clan and the boy's father.

"Haru... why do you want us to change our clan name and potentially ruin our clan's karma and luck?" The old man's voice was low, hollow, yet powerful.

[MC's POV] Oh, come on, Father, I said in exasperation. What has our karma ever brought us? What clan luck? You're not even 50 yet...heck, you're barely 40 and you're on your deathbed. We are the weakest clan in this godforsaken town. Our clan members have low cultivation talents, and even those mortal slaves who live in poverty and sleep in their own filth mock us behind our backs. So, what clan luck, karma, or honor are you trying to protect, huh?

The people gathered around looked stunned at my rebuttal, and even my father paused momentarily. A gloomy mood permeated the clan's meeting room. My father, looking decrepit and old, sighed before continuing, "sigh How, pray tell, will abandoning our clan name fix our problems? Not only will this action sever all of our ties with our ancestors, but the consequences in terms of karma could be disastrous."

I sighed, realizing it was time to reveal my heavily fabricated "awakening." Seeing me sigh, everybody paid closer attention, as if I were about to divulge a great secret. Shun, the most powerful member of the clan, frowned, while the others just seemed distressed by the topic.

I began slowly, "Mother... Father, have you ever wondered why I was born with red hair unlike the rest of the clan? Have you ever wondered why my physique is so powerful? Have you ever wondered why I always healed from injuries without even using any herbs and pills?" The questions made everyone in the room stare at me intently. It was clear that they were very interested in this topic, and my mother, a sweet-looking woman in her late thirties, appeared shocked. She likely assumed that the issue had troubled me, as I had been evasive whenever the topic came up. My plans would only work if I became the clan leader, and I had achieved that position since my father's rapid aging, possibly due to a curse or poison.

I observed everyone present, including the three elders of the clan: Mei Shen, Shun Shen, and Yu Shen, along with the adults: Wei, Jang, Xin, and Lian. These were the main clan members with any power in the clan, while the rest were either teenagers or children, excluding my father, Rioto.

"I was born with an inheritance," I stated, and exclamations erupted from all over the meeting room. Everyone stood up in shock, staring at me with unbelieving expressions. I remained seated, a small smile playing on my face. Shun took a step back, his eyes wide open, and the others were equally stunned. An inheritance was exactly what it sounded like – inheriting the legacy and power of a powerful cultivator. Those with an inheritance had their future cultivation path set, and the impact of this revelation had left them in disbelief.

My father remained seated as well, likely due to his current condition, but his eyes widened further than I had ever seen before, and a smile slowly crept onto his face. "I see," came his hollow voice, "That's why you have avoided the clan's downfall." I understood his meaning. Every clan had something called Clan Karma, which manifested the clan's power, luck, honor, and various other attributes. The Shen clan had been cursed by conspirators, likely from within the town where we now resided. This curse had led to the clan's decline, resulting in decreased luck and a decline in the clan's overall status. For the past five decades, the children of the clan awakened with poor cultivation talents, had no secret physiques, and found no treasures during their lifetimes. I was the sole exception in the clan – Shen Haru, the only genius to emerge in the last 5 decades.

The rest of the people in the meeting room also grasped the implications, and they slowly resumed their seats. Shun's previously skeptical expression relaxed, indicating he might be more open to my proposal of changing the clan name. I continued, "The inheritance is from an entire clan in a higher world, a clan that was powerful enough to reach the pinnacle and produce a god. Unfortunately, it was destroyed, and while I don't know the exact reasons, the forces at play were unimaginable. However, I can use a ritual to transform our clan into that of the clan I inherited. Every clan member's bloodline would change, becoming more versatile and potent. We would gain knowledge of countless techniques that once belonged to the clan of a god, and, most importantly, the cultivation knowledge and talent of each clan member would become extraordinary." The words were enticing, evident from the gleam in their eyes.

My father gave me a mysterious look before posing a question, "Are you telling the truth?" I nodded confidently, "Yes." He leaned forward, curiosity in his eyes, and asked, "Then what needs to be done?"

I couldn't help but smile victoriously. If this plan failed, I would have had to leave the clan and start a brand new one, despite having grown up here with my mother and cousins. My closest relationships were with the people of this clan. Since my reincarnation in this world and the realization that it was a cultivation world, my number one goal had been to achieve immortality, much like the characters in the wuxia novels I'd read in my past life.

However, numerous hurdles stood in my way, primarily the lack of resources and the dearth of talented individuals in my clan. At first, I didn't hold high hopes. But then, I received knowledge in my head about a clan I knew all too well, and my excitement knew no bounds. The clan was the Uzumaki clan, and I possessed their bloodline. However, it wouldn't work unless I created an entire clan with it; it was a give-and-take situation. I'd become stronger more quickly while helping Tien, probably my ROB, recreate the Uzumaki clan. I just needed to wait until I could lead the clan of which I was the heir.

[Clan hall]

"Come on, come on, everybody get inside!" shouted the leader of the clan's guards as every clan member filed into the hall. They were directed to a wide, intricately carved stage at the center of the hall. Present were all the members who had attended the earlier meeting, including five children aged between 3 and 8, as well as two teenagers—a boy and a girl, both around the same age as Haru. Haru himself stood on a platform above the stage in front of the hall. Once everyone was inside, the clan guards, along with their children and families, if they had them, joined the gathering.

Haru gazed at the guard who had brought in the younger clan members and asked, "Have you locked down the clan's perimeter as I asked?" The guard replied with respect, "Yes, Clan Leader," giving a nod. Haru then turned his attention to the crowd assembled below the stage.

"Greetings, fellow clan members, and the guards who have chosen to stay, even after I informed you that staying would forever bind you to this clan. Your loyalty and dedication have not gone unnoticed. Some of you have even brought your families here. For this level of trust and commitment to a dying clan, I am truly honored."

My words were met with applause from the guards and the younger clan members. I continued after the applause died down, "Today... the Shen clan comes to an end." This statement triggered murmurs and exclamations of confusion from the crowd, with some asking, "Huh?" and "What is Big Brother Haru saying?" It was heartwarming to hear their reactions.

I pressed on, "Today, the Shen clan will undergo a transformation. You will all understand when the ritual commences. I need Karen and Huan to stand in the center of the gathering, with the children forming around them, the adults surrounding them, and the elders positioned at the back." I gave the order, and everyone followed suit. The teenagers moved to the center of the assembly,the adults around them and the elders around them.

"Good," I continued, "Now, I need the guards to stand at the edges of the carved-out markings beneath the clan members' feet." The guards promptly followed the order and positioned themselves as instructed. Finally, I turned my attention to my father and said, "Father, remember what we discussed." He nodded and assumed a cultivation pose on a specially designed section of the spell circle.

"Now then!" I shouted. "Everybody, sit in the cultivation pose." The clan members followed my instructions, and the adults helped the younger children with their posture. "Good," I said, "No matter what happens, no one should move. Just stay immersed and accept whatever you are given."

I then moved to another spot on the array that had been meticulously carved out and made a seal sign with my hands. [TIENWAY EPILOGUE SEAL-HEAVENLY CLAN INHERITANCE] Instantly, the seals expanded to cover everyone, spreading and glowing with a golden radiance. The entire clan residence emitted a brilliant light that drew the attention of the entire town. The seals didn't just cover the clan members; they also encompassed the guards and their families. A wave of shock and awe rippled through the gathering as everyone's eyes shone brightly, and a series of images and clips streamed through their minds.

They witnessed the entirety of the Naruto anime, from its beginning to its conclusion. Then, the focus shifted to the Uzumaki clan, depicting its rise from the Warring States period to the point where it became the sole dominant clan in the Land of Whirlpools. They saw the clan come under attack by three major ninja villages, leading to its destruction, with only a few survivors escaping. Following this, they observed the Uzumaki clan in the Heavenly Thousand World, witnessing its prestige, power, and mastery of various treasures and techniques.

In the real world, unbeknownst to those experiencing this vision, their bodies were undergoing transformation. They became visibly younger, their hair taking on a rich blood-red hue, and their skin appearing smoother. The guards and those positioned at the edges also underwent changes, though theirs were less profound but still noticeable.

The individuals seated within the array were nearly unrecognizable compared to their previous appearances. They had become more beautiful and handsome, exuding an elegant and supreme energy. As they continued to watch the unfolding scene, they absorbed knowledge about the universe, the higher realms, future cultivation levels, and how to reach them. Unbeknownst to them, the clan's estate underwent a dramatic transformation. The ground around the clan expanded, hills rose to greater heights, waterfalls seemingly appeared out of thin air, enhancing the landscape. Spiritual energy permeated the clan grounds, causing rare herbs and spirit trees to spring forth instantaneously. The entire scene was nothing short of magical, and the clan was now surrounded by people, both cultivators and non-cultivators. However, an invisible barrier protected the estate, keeping outsiders at bay.

[alright readers, i'm writing exams so while i have a lot more to write and want to write, I can't right now cause my breaks are over. the next chap is either next week Friday, Saturday or Sunday. This Isn't exactly the perfect version of this chapter as that got lost so...yeah. have a good time and please download, comment and pls give me some powerstones. The support would be appreciated. Have a good night...or day depending on where you are]