
CH 2: The Day the Weapon was Activated [2]

"Kh... W-Where... Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, Kushina... I'm glad you woke up, you've been asleep for a couple of days, but it's normal after what happened..."


Still weak, kushina turned to the left of the bed to find her old friend Konan, the blue-haired woman with deep amber eyes, sheathed in a black cloak with a bandage on her forehead instead of her sash and several vendolets on her face... She was surprised to meet konan, since despite the continuous communication between them, they knew it was unlikely that they would meet again in person due to their very different lifestyle...

So Kushina was silently grateful that her friend could be with her at such a difficult time.

"Konan... I'm really glad to see you, but... Why are you here?"kushina asked confused and the blue-haired girl instantly darkened her eyes.

"A few days ago, Sanzouou no Hanzo (Hanzo of the Salamander) ambushed us and..."konan sobbed before she could continue "Yahiko and Nagato were ambushed and killed along with the others... I was the only Akatsuki who could escape"Her voice was barely audible "I started to walk without direction and when I realized, I was already here".

"Konan..."kushina was really moved by the tremendous losses that her friend had had "I... If I can do anything for you, don't hesitate to ask me"

"I, I just want..."konan took a few seconds before continuing "I want to have a place to call home" She finished saying, she hide her face in her hands and burst into tears.

It was something really reasonable. Nagato was her best friend and Yahiko was the man she was in love with... they Both were only 22 years old and had already suffered terrible losses, so she could understand her. Her friend's crying was really touching to the point that she remembered again the loss of her beloved Minato and tears came to her eyes as well.

However, despite how much she was suffering too, she had her little son and could not afford to be weak. Her duty now was to fill that baby with love and take care of him for as long as she could.....

She wiped her tears with her right forearm and turned to look at the desolate Konan.

"Come with us..."The blue-haired girl turned to look at her friend strangely "Maybe we are not Yahiko and Nagato, but my baby and I can be your new family..."

- I..."In the midst of her grief,konan saw a glimmer of hope.

Konan began to think...What did she have left in the world? Kushina was the only friend she had, since during Hanzou's ambush of the Akatsuki, only she had survived. She certainly had Jiraiya-sensei, but outside of that, she had nothing left except for the redhead and that baby, whom she had yet to meet.

"You're all I have left besides Jiraiya-sensei and I can't turn down that kind of invitation now..."The amber-eyed girl smiled almost imperceptibly despite the sadness that was invading her, being reciprocated by the amethyst-eyed mother

"And now... I would like to know where my little boy is"kushina murmured thoughtfully.

"he was in an incubator," Konan answered, "When I asked about you, I was informed about your baby too...".

"I understand, after what happened it was logical" Kushina lowered her eyes and was visibly saddened.

"What happened?" konan asked intrigued.

kushina asked her to close the door completely and when she returned to her side she began to tell her everything in detail: the surprise attack of the masked man, the extraction of the Kyuubi and its attack on the village, as well as the subsequent sealing of the Bijūu in her own son at the cost of her beloved husband's life...

Unable to help herself, when she finished her story, Kushina burst into tears.

"Kushina, just like me, you have suffered enough..."

Once kushina released her pain, the two melted into an effusive embrace to share their feelings and realize that at the end of the terrible experiences they had had, at least they had each other. It may not have been a very hopeful thing, but at least it was a comfort for the complicated life that without their most important emotional supports, they were about to face.

"Excuse me, Kushina-san..."The door opened softly.

A brunette nurse entered carrying a small baby who had the same short blonde hair as his father, though in a slightly darker shade, and possessed curious markings resembling three pairs of a fox's whiskers.

He slept peacefully, wrapped in a white blanket.

"That's my..." murmured kushina in astonishment, while Konan looked curiously at the newborn.

"I-It's your son," replied the nurse hastily, "Here you go!"

To the bewilderment of the Kūnoichi, the girl carried in her hands the little baby quite separated from her body and barely holding it in front of her... As soon as Kushina took the little one that was offered to her, the nurse made a coarse bow and left the place hastily before the confusion of kushina and konan.

For Konan the behavior of that girl was quite strange, but for kushina the reason was obvious....

Her son was the Jinchūuriki of the Kyūubi.

Her admired Mito, had told her that in the collective would always remain engraved the hatred for the Bijūu, since at the time they were used as weapons of great power during the wars and that hatred was also focused towards their containers, regardless that the person in question was exemplary and blameless. Kushina did not really live that experience since her status as a Jinchūuriki was always kept secret....

But now, it was common knowledge that her son contained the beast within him and that guaranteed him an extremely difficult life on the emotional level.

"My little boy..."The redhead smiled softly and began to cry moved once she took him in her arms and felt his warmth "I will take care of you and protect you forever" She hugged him gently before the smiling gaze of the blonde and the nurse "No one will hurt you while I'm with you, Naruto..."
