
Episode 4

(The opening shows Carl by the stairs)

A man: It's a rare condition

(Harriet is in the kitchen)

A man: This day and age

(Mother Winslow is reading a newspaper and sitting on the porch)

A man: To read any good news on the newspaper page.

(Laura is in her room putting money in a line)

Love and tradition of the grand design,

(Eddie is playing basketball with Carl)

Some people say it's even harder to find.

(Steve is shown holding a bunch of papers, then fell)

(Kanisha catches the paper and looks at Steve)

Well then there must be some magic clue inside these gentle walls

(Rachel is shown talking with a bunch of kids)

Cause all I see is a tower of dreams

(Joyan: a woman who has short black hair, brown skin, wearing square glasses, a pink shirt, black skirt, leggings, and white heels is in the library)

real love burstin' out of every seam.

(Maxine is reading a magazine)

As days go by

(Steve and Joyan are reading)

we're gonna fill our house with happiness.

(Laura is talking with Harriet)

The moon may cry,

(The Winslow is shown riding bikes)

we're gonna smother the blues with tenderness.

When days go by

(Rachel is rocking her baby)

there's room for you

(Maxine and Laura are jumping in the bedroom)

room for me,

(Harriet and Carl are at a restaurant)

for gentle hearts an opportunity.

(Mother Winslow comes through the door, while holding a tennis racket)

As days go by

(Joyan is holding a balloon)

it's the bigger love of the family

(The opening ends with Winslow family with Steve, Joyan, and Kanisha in the living room, while Rachel is playing a piano)

(The episode opens with Steve and Kanisha at the school)

Steve: I'm ready for the picnic

Kanisha: I hope you plenty of cheese for our picnic

Steve: Why of course

(In the corner)

Laura: Guess we can't do nothing about that

Maxine: After all, we are not the right people to convince her

(The screen switches to Steve and Kanisha flying)

(They land on the grass with a picnic basket)

(Kanisha takes out the picnic blanket)

(Steve takes out the bread, then trips)

(Kanisha grabs the bread)

(Steve puts the cheese on the bread)

(Kanisha adds meat)

(Steve amd Kanisha eat sandwiches together)

Kanisha: So, you were kicked out of your last school, because you were too clumsy

Steve: Yeah.

Kanisha: How did you get tangled up in those wires?

(The flashback shows Steve trying to fix a wire, then gets stuck in another wire, and is tangled up)

(Flashback ends)

Kanisha: That makes sense.

Steve: Can you show off your powers?

(Kanisha turns into an eagle, then changes into an snake, and turns back into normal)

Steve: Can you turn into a dog?

(Kanisha turn into a golden retriever)

Steve: You wouldn't mind if I pet you

Kanisha: I don't mind

(Steve pets Kanisha in dog form)

(Kanisha turns into a griffin)

(Steve gets on Kanisha the griffin)

(Kanisha flies off)

Steve: Woohoo!

Kanisha: Ready to dive

Steve: Okay

(Kanisha dives down towards a lake)

Steve: Say Kanisha, could you breath under water?

Kanisha: Yup, and I could give you an air bubble

Steve: But, I don't have a swimsuit and I don't know how to swim

(Kanisha heads to the lake)

Steve: Kanisha, wait

(Steve's clothes to swimwear)

Steve: You have mind powers.

Kanisha: Yup

(Kanisha dives into the water)

(Steve covers his mouth and he has a air bubble)

Steve: I can breath

Kanisha: Yup, I can lend you my powers, including that

Steve: But, you don't have an air bubble

Kanisha: I gave myself gills like fish

Steve: Wow!

Kanisha: I know this place is amazing

Steve: So, did you always like your powers?

Kanisha: It has its ups and downs

Steve (one eyebrow raised): Such as?

Kanisha: I get bored easily, I can be intimidating, rumors; on the positive side, I can do anything, travel anywhere, and remember everything

Steve: Even travel back in time

Kanisha: Yes, but wouldn't it be better, if you could make a time machine

Steve (looking sad): I don't have the materials

Kanisha: How about I help you?

Steve (smiles): Really? (Looks surprised) You like science?

Kanisha: Science is a big part of my life

Steve: When you got your powers, you were in middle school

Kanisha: 7th grade to be more specific

Steve: You seem so wise

Kanisha (surprised): I am?

Steve: Yup

Kanisha (blushed): Thank you

Steve: Kanisha?

Kanisha: Yeah

Steve: You know what it's like to be alone, since your family is gone

Kanisha: I do, are you feeling sad because you were left at the orphanage?

Steve: I just feel that I'm causing the orphanage trouble.

Kanisha: Maybe you could stay with me for a little bit .

Steve: I couldn't let you do that

Kanisha: I don't mind, I live alone and if you're worried about your lab, I have an empty basement as well

Steve: It could get messy

Kanisha: I have multiple hands that can clean

Steve (with sparkly eyes) (looking at Kanisha): Are you an angel?

Kanisha: Partly

Steve (confused): Partly

Kanisha: Yeah, I have DNA of mythical creatures, regular creatures, and etc

Steve: Does that make it hard to sleep?

Kanisha: No, a tad

Steve: How deep have you gone in the ocean?

Kanisha: So deep that it looked dark

Steve: Cool (lightbulb) Kanisha, I have an idea.

Kanisha: Great, what is it?

Steve: We need to teleport to my lab

Kanisha: Okay, and I know no look in your mind, I have future vision

(Kanisha and Steve teleport in the basement/lab in new clothes)

Steve: Amazing, you predicted my next choice of clothes easily

Kanisha: Well, I have a sense for these things

Steve: (walks to the shelves) now, where did I put? (grabs a a tube) here

Kanisha: I'm happy that you found it, but curious and worried, what is it?

Steve: It is experimental truth formula

Kanisha (backs up): Why do you need that?

Steve: Don't worry, Kanisha, I would never use it on you, it can also be used as fuel.

Kanisha: Fuel for the machine I will help you design

Steve: Exactly

Kanisha: Great, do you have the blue prints?

Steve (walks to the shelf): Here!

(Steve gives Kanisha a blue paper)

Kanisha: Wow! (Makes a bag of screws appear)

Steve: That was fast

Kanisha: These were lying in my room, no use for me, so (gives it to Steve) here

Steve: Thank you, thank you

Kanisha: It was (trips) nothing

Steve: Kanisha, are you okay?

Kanisha (lying on the ground): I'm okay

(Steve helps Kanisha up)

Steve: Thank you

Kanisha: If you are wondering, if I'm okay, I'm fine

Steve: You sure? My research shows you rarely trip or fall, because of your perfection powers

Kanisha: I have bad moments

Steve: Kanisha, we're friends (puts his hand on Kanisha's head) are you sure you're feeling well?

Kanisha (thought): Oh no, I'm going to (passes out)

(Steve catches Kanisha)

Steve: I knew something was wrong, don't worry, Kanisha, I have just the thing (walks off)

(Kanisha is on a chair frozen)

Kanisha (thought): Great, I can't move.

(Steve comes back a test tube and sprinkles on Kanisha)

Steve (closes the test tube): There that should do it.

(Kanisha's legs move and help her up, then she runs and stops Steve)

Steve: Seems it did the trick

Kanisha: You are a genius, thank you Steve

Steve: I know, and your welcome

Kanisha: So, you ready to start building that machine

Steve: Of course.

Kanisha: Great

(Episode ends with them building a machine that looks like watches)