
Chapter 80 The Policewoman Su Jingxue_1

Xu Fan had just finished buying medicine at the pharmacy and was driving his car back home at a moderate speed when he suddenly felt a painful twist at the bottom of his heart, followed by a surge of tension and unease.

Xu Fan always had this feeling only when a loved one was in danger.

Tongtong was left at home alone; could something have happened to Tongtong?

Xu Fan immediately pulled over to the side of the road and turned on the surveillance camera through his phone.

The Star of Zhonghai residential area was equipped with all-encompassing encrypted network cameras, and each homeowner could log into their account on their mobile phones to view the surveillance cameras at home in real time.

As soon as Xu Fan turned on the surveillance camera, he saw a scene that nearly tore his heart apart.

Tongtong was being held hostage by a man in black, who also had a handgun pointed at Tongtong's head.