

Enjoy your day guys!!

As Li Qiang, Xin Ying and his brother left had gone; Wang Wie stopped kissing Zhang Min separated from each other and looking at themselves for few minutes. Zhang Min link her lips and looking at Wang Wie smiling at her in a sweet romantic face.

“What is that for? Why did you just kissed me?" Zhang Min asked with low voice.

"It's to tell you that, I like you and that is the only way to show you, my hardship and secret care mean nothing but sign of love He said with low voice.

Hmm!" Zhang min said with low voice.

"I decided to tell you now before it late and that is why. Even now I dont know if its late ready because I know that Li Qiang like you and maybe you too like him" Zhang Min giggles.

"I and Li Qiang are very close friend and I like him as my friend, I don't think he has something deeply for me than friendship because he doesn't tell me anything" Zhang Min said.