

Enjoy your day!!

Chameleon entered the restaurant that he and his friends always used to be to have fun and staying there for a hole day, he was wearing a thick shit with a jins trouser and putting a jacket on because of the cold. It was his house that he was coming from and came there as usual to drink, eat and wait if any work could come.

The young lady that own the small shop greeted him with a very attractive smiles on her face, Chameleon just looked at her, replied to her greeting and going to the back seat that he and his friends always to sit. Chameleon understand everything that the lady was doing, as she was trying to gives him green light but him didnt like her.

Chameleon sat down on seat beside the wall, used chair's back to touch the wall and put his two legs on the wood table with the black boot that he was wearing.

The lady got there with a very hot tea inside a middle ceramic cup and putting it on a very small tray.

"There is really a cold so I brought you hot tea to take the cold from the body" she said with low voice, carried the cup on it handle and put it down gently beside his leg.

"Oh! Thank you, but your money will be later maybe in the evening-----" The lady said loudly.

"No! I don't sell this, I give you. So enjoy yourself" Holding the tray with her two hands, and checking her hands with a smiles.

"OOkay! Thank you" Chameleon said with low voice and looking at the lady going to her post, he took his eye away from her and keeps playing with the local rope made bracelet on his left hand.

The door of the restaurant opened, Chameleons very close friend entered with a young man which maybe older than Chameleon for two years. The lady greeted them and they too replied.

"Good morning bad guy! I have known that this is where you will are that is why I don't brother to go home" he said as they greeted each other with handshakes. The man was standing beside Chameleons friend and looking at them.

"Sit down please" Chameleon's friend over the man a seat as he too sat down and two of them facing Chameleon.

"Before I say anything! Let me drink this for the cold" Wanted to carry the tea.

"Will you put it down! What is doing you self" Chameleon put his legs down and wanted to collect the cup.

“Take a breathe now and calm down!" Did a sign with his hand to Chameleon and drank from the tea.

"What is now your problem" The man was just looking at them with a kind of looks and didn't believe they could do what he was there for because they didn't look serious.

"Chameleon! It's job that this man brings and its very urgent please"

"Oh! I am sorry I don't want to step out this morning, maybe later in the afternoon" Chameleon said as he took the remain tea and drank from it.

"That afternoon can't work for this at all even nothing can be done again by that time. He want us to help him to stop a wedding going on right now by taken the bride missing from the wedding" Chameleon looked at the man.

"Why did you want to do that Sir? What is your own relationship with the bride?"

"She is my girl and we love each other, but this wedding going on right now is arranged my her parent" Chameleon looked at his friend and looked at the man.

"What if she knows about it and happy with it? You can't just destroy someones day because of your own feeling" He said with loud voice and very serious about it.

"This is not be selfish, she is not happy about it and I have promised her that I will try my best for it not to be done" The man said with sadness and looking very painful.

"But still, I am not stepping out still afternoon except on one condition" Dropped his legs from the table and looking at the man, starring at each other.

“He is going to do it and if he can't, he can go" His friend said.

"The condition is! You are going to give us triple of what we use to collect. Our normal bill is ten thousand yen and with that, is now thirty thousand yen. Now the ball is your court" The man looked at two of them, put his hand in the pocket of the cloth that he was putting on and brought out some money.

"This is twenty thousand yen, just please help me with this"

"Wow! It's done already, let go there" Chameleon passed the money to his friend and got up, his friend put the money inside his pocket and two of them going out.


It was inside the very big hall in Dragon Kingdom that the wedding was taken place. It was two noble family that were coming together so it was all the chiefs and the important people in the palace that were there. Everywhere was so clumsy and crowned, as some were coming down that was how some were going up.

Chameleon, his friend and the man arrived to the place, stopped walking and looking at people going and coming down. All of them looked at each other for few second and climbing the staircase going inside.

The guards at the door greeted with honor not that they knows them but Chameleon had took one of the chiefs image as they were coming inside so he was the one they were seeing.

Chameleon came out from the body and three of them keeps walking.

They got into the hall, saw beautiful girls from Night Mansion dancing and joyful with a hand fans on their hands and which were different colour.

"That is the wife's father over there, he is a noble chief" The man said. Chameleon and his friend didn't say anything just looking at everybody going up and down.

"That is the man, she is marring to over. It's like she is not out yet" Showing them everybody.

"You know what now! You can go and stay outside so that it will be easy for us to locate you after getting her" Chameleon said.

"Go and wait us outside as he said" The man looked at two of them and leaving the hall.

Chameleon and his friends left the place that they were and going in very well. Two of them turned to their right hands and going to the concern there where was no many people so that they could talk.

"Let think of what we can do very well, this place is a very a big place" His friend said.

"I think we should separate like we don't know each other, you will be walking behind me and help me incase if is want to be a problem okay!"

"Okay! Right now its what you say" His friend said, two of them joined their hands together and separated it after few seconds and Chameleon leaving the place, his friend too followed him after few minutes.

Chameleon was just getting down to the main hall when he and the girl that he met on his birthday met each other again. Chameleon was very happy to see her again even the girl, the girl was wearing a very lovely and beautiful dragon wrapper and packed her long hair and style it very beautiful.

"Hi it's you again. What are you doing here?" Chameleon asked.

"Am the one that supposed to ask you that because it's my sister's wedding" Doing the same way she was doing on the other day and her legs not balance on the floor.

"Wow! Today is your sister's wedding, congratulation to her" Said with low voice.

"She doesn't want to hear that because she is not happy with the wedding, she has the person that she wanted to get married to but father didn't allowed her to"

"Why! Is that your father over there, the chief?”

"Yes! And that is the man he wanted her to marry to over there, my sister is so sad today even me is it"

"Where is your sister?" Asking those questions so that he could know how to go with their plans, his friend too was near there listen to their conversations.

"She is the room over there, dressing for. She will be extremely happy if the wedding doesn't hold today"

"Dont worry! I am going to help you and your sister, this wedding won't hold trust me"

"Are you going to do it? Even why you are here?" Chameleon didn't say anything just smiles at her and leaving the place, the girl was looking at him going to the front at where the husband is.

Chameleon walked close to the husband and greeted him and the chief so that he could be able to take the husbands image and have the boldness to enter the room.

"Do you know him, who is he?"The chief asked his daughters husband to be.

"I don't know him!" Said with low voice.

"Mr. man who the hell are you? And thank you for the greeting, you can go now" said with loud voice.

"I a very sorry Sir, don't be agree!" Chameleon said loudly and he had took his image, he quickly leaving the place and two of them were looking at him.

Suddenly as Chameleon just left, a smoke of the dragons fire created to everywhere and none in that hall seen anything, everything was just white off. Was Li Jun that came there with his dragon and to carry out a task.

All off them in that hall use their heads to rub their face as the smoke gown down and looking at everywhere.

"What! Guards" The husband shouted as he saw the chief lying on the floor in a pool of blood and dead.

All the ladies that were dancing started running out from the hall with scares including some other peoples.

"Nobody should go out still I fish out the guy that left this place right now!" Guard close the doors The husband shouted and Chameleons friends started running to the direction that Chameleon went to.