

Chameleon and his friend with other two guys were at the restaurant that they always uses to be, sitting round a round table and having fun. Put different foods on the table, with bottles of wine and a pocket full of ice blocks and with many small cups because it.

It was Wang Lei (Chameleon) birthday so he brought all his friends there to have fun. Told the lady to decorate the place that him and his friends were with birthday ribbons and for people to know.

Wang Lei was wearing a lovely white top and a trousers, dressing different today than the other time and it was it was his day.

"I will tell you that I drink wine than you! Forget about all those ones that I use to drink on the normal day, today is my day and ready to show you guys!" Wang Lei said.

"You know I always uses to drink than you, you too can't delay that and forget about that you drink not than me!" His friend said with loud voice.

"Not need for argument! You guys should come and approve yourself!" Another guy said.

Chameleon stood up from where he was sitting and his friend too stood up, tuned the table and two of them sat down opposite to each other.

"Let see who know on to drink!" Another guy said. Opened a new wine, poured it inside two cups without putting ice blocks inside it and put it at the front of two of them. Other customers that were there with their friends or girlfriends were looking at them.

"I will count three and you guys will drink it once. We will pour another one, the counting still remain the same and you too continue drinking it!" The second guy said

"Okay! Let start, I am fully ready!" Chameleon said.

"Three! Two!! One!!" As the man finished counting, two of them took the cups with their two hands and drank it once.

Chameleon felt pungent in his tongue and two of them put the cup down. The first guy poured another wine inside the two cup and two of them waiting for counting.

"Three! Two! One!!!" Two of them took the wine again and drank everything, put the cup down once. They poured another one and the man counted.

!Go on! Go on!! Go on!!!

All the people that were there had gave them their full attentions and encouraging them with clapping. The lady that was running the place too was looking at them.

Chameleon and his friend put the cup down after five rounds, and the guy pouring another one. Two of them took it and didn't wait for the man to count, drank everything and put the cup down again.

"I told you! You better stop and accept me as the winner!" Chameleon said and talking to his friend.

"Thee! Two!! One!!" The guy counted as the guy finished pouring another cups, two of them looked at each other and drank everything. Chameleon's friend felt like vomiting as he drank the last one and put the cup down.

"He has wanted to vomit, name me as the winner and let the game end!" Chameleon shouted and laughing.

"Not over yet! I am still standing on my feet, pour another wine!" His friend said and didn't want to accept.

The guy opened another new wine and poured it inside the two cups.

!We are waiting for the winner! Winner!!

People continued shouting and looking at them. Chameleon and his friend took the wine at the same time, Chameleon drank everything before his friend. He just drank a little and his stomach had been disturbing him.

He forced himself to drink it finished and wanted to put the cup down, he vomited out heavily and dirty the floor. He stood up quickly and going to the toilet outside the restaurant and beside it.

"I told you!" Chameleon laughed, and people started hailing him. A guy stood up from where he was sitting and walked closed to their table.

"I challenge you! Let do it and with less pepper noodles!" The guy said and sat down on the chair that Chameleon's friend stood up from.

"Wang Lei! Don't do this because you have take much wine already and this will make you to vomit!" The guy that was pouring wine for them said.

"You come to challenge me right and with less pepper noodles! I will surprise you, bring the noodles!" Chameleon laughed and ordered for the noodles.

"Okay! Let carry on then!" The second guy said. The lady that was managing the restaurant got there with noodles full inside a big bowl and with four sticks put beside it. She packed the empty bottles and left the place.

"The game started again! So let go on!" The guy poured wine inside the cups for Chameleon and the guy.

'Three! Two!! One!!!" People joined the guy to call it and said in chorused.

Chameleon and the guy took the cups at the same time and drank everything and put the cup down. Two of them took the sticks, took noodles from the bowl and eating it.

The guy poured another wine, counted the number and two of them drank it. Chameleon's friend had felt fine and got to the place back, met two of them eating noodles.

As Chameleon ate the noodles finished, he started feeling stomach running and also like to vomit. He looked at the guy, took the wine and drank it again.

As he drank it, the vomiting started coming rushy.

He covered his mouth and running out from the restaurant. A young beautiful lady was walking around the restaurant and looking for place but she didn't get it, checking the name when Chameleon ran out and pushed each other.

"Oh! I am sorry and why are you running out!" The lady said with low voice and standing at the front of Chameleon. She was wearing a very beautiful Chinese gown and had a long beautiful hair.

"I am so------" Chameleon vomited on the lady's shoe and the floor as he wanted to say sorry and continued running to the toilet. The lady looked at him and ran after him.

Two of them entered the toilet at the same time, Chameleon started vomiting on the floor and making some noises. The lady was looking at him as she on the tap and washing the vomiting from her shoes.

Chameleon on the tap at his front after finished vomiting and washing his face and his mouth. The lady walked closed to him and looking at him.

"Are you okay! What happened to you and what make you to be vomiting!" She asked with low voice.

"I am fine! Thank you and sorry for the rubbish I did to your shoes!" He said and off the tab.

"It Okay! I have washed it away" The girl was looking at Chameleon and she had like him.

"Okay!" Chameleon said with low voice, going out from the bathroom and holding his stomach.

The lady was walking behind him and ran to the front as he got down. Chameleon was looking at her.

"You are not feeling fine! Holding your stomach mean that you are not really feeling well!" The lady said.

"I am good! Thank you" Chameleon said.

"No! I don't agree! Follow me!" The lady held Chameleon's hand and taking him to the market side.

Chameleon was looking at her and looking at where she was taking him too. All of a sudden, Chameleon removed his hand from the Lady's hand.

"Where the hell are you taking me to? Who are you and what the hell is your problem with me?" Chameleon shouted and said with loud voice.

"Calm down! I am just trying to be nice!" She held Chameleon's hand again and continued taking him inside the market. Chameleon had fed up, looking at the unknown lady and she didn't release his hand.

"This is where we are coming to!" She released Chameleon's hand as they got to the front Zhang Min at where she was sitting and selling her medicine.

"It's him I brought here! He is vomiting and it's like he is having stomach running or something!"

"Okay! This my drug will take care of it, be stomach running or pain. Just take a spoon and drink water with it!" Zhang Min took one up.

"Every day or just once?" The lady asked and she was the same age with Mother commander older than Zhang.

"Morning and Night for two days! And that is when the drug too will finished. It's fifty yen" said with low voice.

"Okay!" The lady put her hand inside Chameleon's pocket and brought out all the money that was inside it.

"Take and thank you!" She put the remain money back inside his pocket and gave the drug to Chameleon. Chameleon did even know what to say, just looking at the lady as she was taking money from his pocket and also returned it back after she had took the fifty yen.

"Come in other time!" Zhang Min said and greeting them goodbye. Chameleon was just looking at the lady with a big surprise and the way she was smiling.

"Oh! That is where I have been looking for since!" The lady said as they walked a little far from Zhang Min.

"See you in other time! Bye!! And use the drug please!" Said and running to the building.

"What is your name?" Chameleon asked loudly but the lady didn't hear again, it was her cloth carrying by breeze that he was looking at. Chameleon looked at the drug, held it very well and going back to the restaurant.


Sound of a window opened by Xiu Ying's uncle's wife as she heard the sound of a foot entering her compound, she saw Xiu ying walking inside and looking stressful.

She left the window side and running out from the house with loud voice voice, shouting Xiu ying.

Xiu ying just came home to sleep, take a normal bath in the morning very well and changed the clothes that she had been wearing for the past two days now.

"Stop there you this daughter of a bitch! Where are coming from? And where have you been all these days?" Xiu ying was standing far from her.

"As if you care? Is that how you care?" Saying inside her mind and didn't reply her, just looking at her.

"Have you turn to deaf and dumb now? Or they have turned you to deaf and dumb from where you are coming from. I am asking for the last time, where have you been for good two days and didn't brother to come home?"

"It's within the kingdom that I am!" Xiu ying replied.

"You are very stupid for that reply! No I thought it's another Kingdom you are coming or it's Thailand or Laos or Vietnam that you are coming you this bastard!" Mother commander looked at her and didn't say a word.

"You left the house, nobody to take care of the house! Nobody to feed my fish! Nobody to make food for me and my children, I am did one that is going all that!"

"That is why! am i a maid, I am tried!" Xiu ying said to herself and with anger showed out from her body.

"Now! Go inside now and clean the entire living room for me. You can't left the house for good two days and returned at night and go to sleep. Never!"

"As you said Ma!" Xiu ying walked closed to her, passed beside her and going inside.

"Look at her, that is how her mother too always uses to walk around the kingdom before she ends up in the hand of the King and him killed her. Maybe that is what will end you too silly girl!" Abusing Xiu ying as she was entering with her.

Xiu ying met her cousins at the living room playing game and that was the only thing they know how to do. Xiu ying looked at them with bad eye and going to the backyard, she took a broom at corner as she got to the backyard and went back inside.

She arranged everywhere in the living room before she started sweeping. Warned the children not to dirty the ground again and started sweeping.

The two children were pouring the dirty from groundnut on the floor at where she had slept and calling her back.

As she was sweeping it that was how they were pouring it and laughing at her. Xiu ying had been getting angry but she can't abused them because of their mother.

"Stop during all this rubbish and get out!" Xiu ying said with anger and she had used command tone.

"Okay!" Two of them said in chorused, stood up and leaving the living room.

"They left! And said only okay! Wow!!" Xiu ying was so surprised and didn't know what just happened. She was standing and thinking of what just happened.

"Those spoil brat just left like that! It's strange!" She continued sweeping the floor and very fast with it.

She finished sweeping the floor after few minutes, returned the broom back to the backyard and got down to the living room. Her cousins had been back to their game and their mother too was there.

"I am done Ma! Can I go to my house!" The woman looked at her with bad eye and hissed.

"Well! I have something to tell you!" Xiu ying looked at her.

"I have been telling you all this while to bring a husband home but I see that all those rubbish you are doing around have been sweetie you. So I have get a husband for you!"

"I don't said that I am ready for marriage yet!" Xiu ying said loudly and looking down.

"You are very stupid for saying that! Oh you want to end up like your mother right and bring a stupid fatherless child to this family again like you!" Shouted at her.

"Want I said must hold! He is a son of a noble man from my Kingdom and he has ready to take care of us especially me. So prepare your mind that you have get a husband and very soon you will meet him!"

"Did I make myself clear? And start learning how a house wife dress, cook and satisfy her husband on bed. I will be teaching you all that Okay!"

"I have heard you!" Xiu ying said with low voice.

"Agree or not agree, you are going to marry him!" Xiu ying looked at her with bad eye and leaving the living room. Sound of the door closed as she left.

Xiu ying removed the plank at the entrance of her house and entered into the house. Took the long cloth that she always uses to sleep, came out and sat down on the stone at the front of the house.

"Father! Father!! Why did you dead now. I am not ready for any marriage, I want to marry the person I love not by forcing me on someone that I don't know or even know maybe I will like him or like his personality!" Saying with tear dropping from her eye.

"Father! Father!! You don't promise to leave me now!" Crying bitterly and looking at the sky