
Unwanted Marriage: Honey, No More Divorce!

After three years of marriage, Wendy Stewart was used to Michael Lucas's sarcastic remarks, his frequent threats about getting divorced, and even his indulgence of a mistress. She thought that she could bear with this her entire life, until she accidentally got pregnant with a child that Michael did not want. Finally despondent, Wendy signed the divorce agreement and left. She thought they could have parted ways forever, but Michael refused to stop looking for her after the divorce. When they met again, she was the world's top designer. Smiling sweetly at her ex-husband, she said, "My dear, we're already divorced." Michael simply stared at her coldly, "Tell me, what will it take for us to reconcile?"

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The Last Thing She Remembers

The doctor nodded awkwardly. "Sorry about that," he apologized.

"Here's what will happen," the doctor then began to explain. "Since her blindness is temporary, she will be able to regain her sight with our treatment. As long as Mrs. Lucas cooperates well, we can cure her in about a month. The most important issue we're facing now is that Mrs. Lucas seems to be suffering from post-traumatic amnesia, commonly known as selective memory loss. We can't say for sure which periods of time that she has lost, so we need all of you to talk to her as much as possible to stimulate her brain. This might bring her memories back."

Contrary to blindness, amnesia seemed to be much more acceptable.

The loss of memories wasn't necessarily as important compared to blindness. After all, some tragic memories were better off erased than left to haunt that person forever.