
Memory Failure

As with all final meetings, this one was emotional and filled with parting sadness.

Eventually, all good things must come to an end, and this meeting was no exception.

Walking down the stage, Wendy noticed that many of them were teary-eyed.

She walked towards one of the designers and held out her arms.

Happy for Wendy but sad that she was leaving them, the designer hugged her warmly.

Then, Wendy went on to hug another designer.

And so, it went on. She hugged each one of them in turn.

After she had hugged each member of her design team, Wendy sniffed and, unable to control her emotions any longer, began to cry.

"Oh, Miss Swift, please don't cry. You're making me cry too."

"Me too... boohoo... " And so, the conference room was filled with sounds of people sobbing.

Trying to alleviate the sorrow in the room, Todd smiled and opened his arms to Wendy, "You've hugged everyone here. Don't forget Timothy and me."