
I Have a Request as Well

"Yes, indeed Michael would not serve you poison." Christian burst into laughter all of a sudden.

The next moment he poured the whole glass of water into his mouth. Wendy was stunned.

"Has Christian really lost his mind? Or has he decided to end his own life since there isn't any way back at this point?" Wendy thought to herself.

Christian smashed the glass onto the ground and it shattered into pieces.

"Neither would I." Christian looked at Wendy and uttered it word by word as lots of thoughts raced through his mind.

"Neither would I?" Wendy was confused and didn't quite catch it when he said it.

Had he meant that the glass of water wasn't poisonous?

"You believe that Michael would not do something like this to you, but you do not believe me." Christian shook his head in disappointment.

Wendy was speechless.

Why should believe Christian?

Believe someone who kidnapped her.