
Unveiled (MLL)

With each mile that he passed with his car his anger turned from fury to a blinding fire to a pitch black pit of chaos. And yet the pitch black chaos was too small a word as further ahead he went, until there he stood in front of ‘Manerium Somniorum’ The manor of dreams. Standing at the gates his anger dissipated to a form of fear and melancholy. Christian knew it like he knew the back of his hand that these emotions were his. Whatever he was feeling was an aftermath of what the manor was listening in on. The walls were screaming the story that unfolded between their bricks as the windows tried to leap open, over powered by the yearning need for some kind of a void. An escape from what unfolded. The gate of the manor seemed barred from reality. Acutely preoccupied by the nightmare. Participating and escaping every word the manor screamed. Time did not exist beyond these gates. No what was left behind was simply the shadow of broken hearts. With each second that passed Christian watched a darkness descend upon the manor as thick mists of clouds and shadows formed. Untouched was the reality outside the gate but inside Manerium Somniorum dreamed. Dreamed of a heartbroken man. Echoed of an unquenchable thirst. Begged for her return. Pulling every reality into it in its desperation, whispering and moaning Christian or anyone that dared to watch to enter. Enter their dream. Dream their love. And bathe in their despair as a symphony lulled Christian into a heavy sleep. With each ticking minute the manor seemed to draw further and further away, without even realizing his eyes had closed and his body was mesmerized by her. By them. It played out again like a song, starting with a verse. A look. A pair of eyes. A shadow. As translucent darkness shone brightly around a man and interlaced with his soul. And there she stood. It was her form and her face and yet her eyes betrayed who she was. A conscious thought metaphored into her existence, standing right there under the soft glow of his lantern. Christian was the prince and the prince was chaos as their fell in love for the first time. As their skin felt the fleeting graze of her smile and their ears heard the soft whisper of her gown tease the ground. There all three souls stood as one falling in love with the same form and yet a different woman. "We were never meant for tomorrow ..." She said with a trembling voice as her hand reached out for his, so close and yet much like their fates all there was between them were dreams.

taipan · Urbano
Sin suficientes valoraciones
74 Chs

Chapter 35

It started with a whisper. 

A single word. 

Calling her name. 

Calling it over and over till she woke to find a dark shadow inside her room. It stood still right there at the edge of her bed, motionless. 

It raised its dark shape of the finger and beconed her.

"come to me little one. Come back to me … let me taste you."

With that the shadow disappeared but the voice remained.

"Taljack … Taljack …"

Her eyes began to loose focus again as she got out of bed in a sleep driven trance and followed it to the chateau.

She felt the tell tale scrape of the creatures fangs as its teeth sung into the skin of her neck. It did hurt for a second before pleasure began to course through her veins. The Sarrafases hands tightened around her waist as she felt tears rolling down her skin. 

Sarrafas' tear. It felt something in its dead heart. It was seeing some memory that it did not want Athena to see. 

Unbidden a name came out of Athena's lips, "Christian."

The Sarrafas lost control. Its teeth sang in deeper and an imaged formed in front of them.

It was Christian. 

Her musk.

He stood there with motionless with a sad look in his eyes. His wavy blonde hair was much shorter than in her dreams and his smell was different. 

He smelt of Vanilla and coconut and death. An odd combination. His eyes though were sad were also lifeless. Like he had been dead. And maybe he was. 

Athena had already understood that a part him was dead, if he was real at all. 

But, his eyes were not on her. She was not the center of his universe. He was not in love with her. This Christian belonged to the creature. This was their unfinished love.

"Liza …." He whispered. 

His voice shook as he said her name, like a prayer. Worshipping her.

His lips parted as he simply stood looking at her. It was like he could not see what she had become. He could not see the charred skin and burnt hair. He could not see what she had become. 

All he saw was the beautiful girl he once loved. The girl who had long burgundy hair that reached her waist in waves like a river. He saw the girl with the hazel eyes that went on forever. Untouched by darkness. So deeply in love with him.

He could not see her flaws. He could not see she had changed. In this moment she was his again. Like she was all those years ago. 

He knew she had found peace with her for a while but he also knew that she was truly at rest only with him. 

His forlorn desperation made him reach out to her. His hand stilled for just a moment, before reaching  out, his fingertips brushing against the creature's fair cheek. The Sarrafas was quite a magnificent creature once. He palmed her face and leaned in, his lips trembling with anticipation. He was finally going to taste her lips. He had longed for their pressure so long that he could now scarcely tell whether this was a dream or reality. 

He was close, so very close that his breath teased her lips. She wanted this just as much as he did. She was in love with him just as much as he was. 

Athena stood then there an intruder in her memories. Intruding her desire and dreams watching their veil drop. The veil that separated the lovers. She could feel their longing even as a bystander. Wishing that they would meet at some cost. Any cost. Wishing she could help them. 

She knew the Sarrafas did not want to show Athena this moment. But, right now she was weak. She was helpless. 

"Paolo …" 

The creature called him, closing her eyes in anticipation. They were close. So very close.

And just as his lips finally touched hers a loud gurgling sound echoed in her ears. A bright red river of blood escaped his mouth as he choked on his own blood. He tried to say something, perhaps call her name but he was helpless and all alone.

He had saved the Sarrafas, but at what cost?