
Chapter 2:

I suddenly awoke by feeling a sharp pinch and a bright light shining in my eyes, I opened my eyes and realized that I was in a different room and it did not feel like I was on a plane anymore but I felt so weird that I could not tell for sure. I tried to get up but found that I had been restrained to the bed I was in, I started freaking out until I realized that my boss was telling a person in what looked like scrubs to undo the restraints unless I tried to get up than he walked out of the room. I tried to say something but the person by my bed just lightly pushed my head down and told me to stay still. I felt another sharp pain and let out a little Ow and turned to the person by my bedside who quickly apologized and said that she was having trouble finding a vein. I just glared at her and tried to wiggle the restraints loose to the point where I could once again, slip my hands out. As I was doing so I had not realized that I was causing my hands to bleed, once the person standing beside me realized this she called the doctor over who took the restraints off and I quickly flailed my arms hitting the nurses and doctors around me than I got out of bed and made a run for it. Although my attempt to run was merely ended by my boss as he swooped me up before I left the room door and placed me back in my bed. "Now, now there Ophelia my Wife you have a concussion and need fluids let the nurse give you the IV" No! I said as I grabbed where she was going to insert the needle so that she could not do it. Why are you all of a sudden so lovey dovey can't you just leave me alone?! "This about you not knowing why I chose you and why I won't let you go correct." No! "If I tell you will you let the doctor treat you?" No! "Ok than we will knock you out and do it anyway." Wait. Fine. "There you go, now relax so the poor nurse can find a vein." No. I clenched my fists again, you have not told me yet! "I was going to tell you while the nurse treated you." Than it's not happening and you can forget about treating me, I am leaving! With this she got up and had barley placed both feet out of the bed when she realized that her foot had a shackle on it connecting her to the bed. YOU! She yelled as she charged towards her boss. Just as she was about to punch his face she was pulled back by the chain and face planted. Argh! Henry was hoping that she would calm down and realize that she could not reach him and go and lay down, but he knew that was just wishful thinking. Ophelia face planting made her even more mad and she got up and sprang towards him braking her foot in the process. OW! She exclaimed as she fell to the ground. When she was in tears Henry picked her up and she punched him hard in the face and gut. "Why can't you just accept me?!" Henry looked down at her and put her in the bed where she started attacking him with her hands. Than she saw a needle in Henry's hand and took this as her chance to stab him with it when she felt a slight pinch and realized that he was injecting it into her so she started throwing punches which quickly became slower and more off target until they ceased to exist and Ophelia closed her eyes. "There there little one sleep tight" than he motioned for the nurse who came in and put the IV in to administer fluids. Henry than looked to the doctor and asked how they could treat her concussion. "Well sir, the only thing we can do now is put her on bed rest and wait for the concussion to clear which take about 2-3 weeks." Replied the doctor. Ok than arrange for her to be sent to my home and I will arrange for all the right medical equipment to be put into a room in the first floor for her. "Yes sir." And with this he walked out. When Ophelia awoke she was in a new room strapped down to the bed unable to sit up. As she started attempting to wiggle free someone walked in the door and and administered something into the IV bag beside her bed. "Oh, hello Miss! I will go tell Master that you have awoken" with this the girl walked out of the room. As soon as the girl was out of the room Ophelia started moving her arm attempting to move the IV out from her vein, she had almost got the IV out when someone walked in and saw what she was attempting to do. "Oh my miss! Master! Master!" They started calling, writhing the next 25 seconds Henry came running in like he thought something had happened and his wife was dead. Ugh. Not him again Ophelia said to herself. What happened! Henry demanded. "Well master I came to check on Miss Adler here and I saw that she was trying to force her IV out and than it fell out and she started bleeding so I remembered what you told us and started calling for you." Well thank you, you can go get the head doctor now. With this the person left. Oh Ophelia why do you keep doing this to yourself? You are just going to injure your self further. With this he bandaged her arm and moved around the bed with the IV bag and went to insert it into her forearm when she freaked out and kept jolting her hand. Henry ended up calling for a doctor who held her hand down so she could not move it while Henry inserted the IV. Ugh! Just let me go! Yelled Ophelia at them. Oh honey I am sorry but you are my Wife and I would not be a good husband if I did not care for my wife. With this he got into the bed next to her and laid her head down on his shoulder forcefully. Only a few more weeks my darling and you can start wheeling yourself around the house.