
Chapter 1: The Boss

I had just sat down in the office next to my best friend Ollie. She greeted me with the largest smile on the planet and asked me if I knew what was happening in the boss's office. Our boss is the President of one of the most successful and richest businesses in the world. Ollie looked at me and took no answer as my way of saying that I did not know. "The boss has brought in his father and 4 others from the district office heads to review people propose to pick the best one and give them funding! Ophelia this is your time to present!" Ollie practically yelled at me while jumping with glee. YES! Ollie you're amazing, and the best friend ever!! I quickly sat down at my desk and grabbed my computer to make my way with Ollie to the Bosses office where I would sign up to present my proposal. It was at this point when I tripped and nearly faceplanted if it weren't for the hand that had grabbed my waist and caught me. Bashfully I looked up, only to see that the man who had caught me was our Boss himself. His black lustrous hair and fine lips had caught me off guard when I was pulled back to reality only to recognize that it was the Bosses father who had caught me and was making sure I was alright. "Op-el-elia, hmm that's a nice name are you ok?" The boss's father looked at me with a weird look that I just couldn't decipher. Oh yes, I am fine thank you for catching me, all I could in my head was, This guy is way too old for me! And he has the audacity to catch me by the waist and stare at me lovingly. Ugh! Men these days! "Father let go of the poor girl before she presses charges, and stop staring at her." The boss, Matthew looked at his father with a hint of disappointment, apologized to me, then got back to listening to the presentations. Finally, it was my turn to present my proposal. I was called into the office. About 15 minutes later I walked out and the Boss said that no more proposals would be listened to. "Ophelia! Ophelia! Hello, Girl talk!" Ollie early yelled at me. Oh ya sorry, they clung onto every word and I think I may get the funding!! "Way to go, girl! I am so proud of you!!" Before I could reply to this a loud voice boomed out of the boss's office, "Attention. Attention. Ladies and Gentleman will Ophelia M. Lu please come to the bosses office." Before I could react Ollie began pushing me towards the office but stopped pushing when I started walking in by myself. Hi, you wanted me? "Yes, Ophelia you are being promoted please sign here, and here please" Without even thinking to read the contract she was signing, Ophelia happily signed her name. The assistant stood behind the table Ophelia was sitting at just sat there and stared sadly at Ophelia, once she had finished signing she handed the papers over and stood up to leave when all of sudden, the assistant spoke. "As of today, March 20th, 2020 Ophelia M. Lu and Henry J. Alker are officially wedded." WHOA, WHOA, WHOA. Hold up their buddy I did not agree to any marriage I agreed to a promotion! "No ma'am, if you would have read the fine print under the lines you just signed, and the contract, you just signed a contract saying that you agree to marry Henry J. Alker." Just then she felt a hand touch her shoulder at which she shuddered and jumped back. Now, this was all a shock to Ophelia because she was a 19-year-old Virgin who had just graduated from college and was taking an internship under Ollie. Yet, somehow. she had managed to get accidentally married to their boss?! A large voice spoke, darling my Wife, shall we head home? How are you OK with this sir? You just married a 19-year-old against their will and knowledge?? I am pressing charges! "Now why would you want to do that? After all who would believe the crazy 19-year-old teen who is trying to win a fight against the President of one of the most successful and richest buildings now would they?" Then I am telling my parents! "Well, surely I wouldn't have done this if your parents had not already agreed to wed you off to me now would I?" Astonished all Ophelia could think was how betrayed she felt, and then she thought, I still have Ollie I can go love with her! Ollie walked in to see Ophelia arguing this than said, "Bro, I guess the news did not go well did it?" OLLIE! You were in on this?? "Yes, of course, why else would I have taken such a young apprentice under my wing and trained her?" Ophelia's knees great week and the last thing she remembered was falling. As she awoke, she realized she was in a hospital bed and gave a huge sigh of relief as she thought that the events of the last 3 hours were a nightmare. Ollie? Ophelia asked as she looked around only to see that a man was holding her hand. And not just any man, her boss?? As it turned out, her dream was not a dream but reality and she had been betrayed by everyone she knew and trusted. She gently pulled her hand out from the bosses grip and slowly got up and headed to the door, as she slowly opened it and looked outside she realized that there was bodyguard standing outside the door and realized that she couldn't leave. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and slowly turned around, as she did so she looked and saw that her boss had grabbed her shoulder and asked, "Leaving so soon? You just awoke, let's let the doctors examine you." What do you mean to examine me? I can leave whenever I want, she walked to the door and just as she was about to reach for the handle she felt a sharp pain and realized that she had accidentally pulled her IV drip out and was bleeding. Upon seeing this her boss immediately pressed the nurse button and grabbed the towel and held it up to the cut. Oh relax, I am perfectly fine, plus I did not even need the drip anymore, it's just a little blood. Your not a vampire are you? I jokingly said. He just stared at me and I got a little nervous and asked in a serious tone, You're not right?...

"Oh no, of course, I am not a vampire! Why would you think that?" He asked in a tone as if I was crazy. "I just did not want my wife to be hurt" Whoa, whoa, whoa, once again buddy listen here... I AM NOT YOUR WIFE! "Umm, yes, yes you are. I have the papers if you are in denial" He said as he motioned for his pocket to pull out the papers. I am not in denial, I am just not your wife! "No, I think you're in denial here" he handed me the papers and I forcefully took them, read over them, then ripped them up in front of his face and said There, I am no longer your wife. This action made him a little shocked at first but then he casually said, "Ok, well first that was not the original copy the one you have there is a printed one well, now in pieces. Therefore you are still my wife, and in the contract, you signed that you would not divorce me." Urgh! Some nerve this guy has. I thought to myself. Well, then Mr. if you have nothing better to do I need a bandaid. "The nurse is here, lay back down so she can put your IV back in" Nah, its good I don't need the IV, actually I feel perfectly fine so if you could bring me my discharge papers I would be more than willing to sign them. The nurse remained silent as I stood there then looked to my boss who told her No. I looked at them both and realized what was going on here, my boss was going to have the hospital administer me unneeded medication against my will. WOW... As I stood there thinking about this the nurse had asked me to please sit down on the bed. I looked at her and kindly told her No thank you, can you please bring me my clothes? She quietly looked at my boss again and he shook his head no, I then looked to her and told her that she only had to listen to me because I was the patient and not my boss. She then looked very frightened and kindly asked me again to go sit down on the bed. I told myself no in my head and stood my ground, then I looked to her again and told her to either bring me my clothes and the discharge papers or I was walking out of here without their approval and I was in my gown. Now I felt like I was putting the nurse in a difficult position but I did what I had to do so that I could go home. As she did not answer me I figured she was not going to do as I asked so I went to the door opened it and walked past the bodyguard standing at the door. I proceeded to walk towards the nurse's station and I asked for my discharge papers and asked about my clothes. The nurses told me that my clothes were in a bag on the shelf near my bed in my room and then handed me my discharge papers. I thankfully walked back to my room grabbed my clothes, changed and walked back to the nurse's station all the while ignoring my boss's request for me to slow down. I signed the papers and went to walk out when a rough hand grabbed my shoulder, turned me around and told me to stop. I immediately knew who it was and turned around to face him, Sir if you are uncomfortable with me leaving please say so and I will take into consideration what you are saying (Maybe). With that, she turned and walked out. Just as she had gotten to the bus stop that would take her to her house she felt a sharp pain and then lost conscience. As she lost conscience her boss scooped her up and took her back to the hospital where she remained asleep for the next day. She was starting to gain conscience when a group of people walked in, one of them had a clipboard and was wearing blue scrubs while all the others had on blue scrubs. "Hello, Sir my name is Dr.Lee I am here to see how our patient is doing today?" Well, Dr.Lee, replied the man, she appears to be doing quite well and actually has just awoken. As I woke up I saw the man who had made this all happen to stare at me with this weird 'Love' in his eyes, if you could even call it that, as I thought about what this man has put me through I lunged at him with all my might, screaming, YOU! You evil monster! How dare you trick me into marrying you, bring me here, knock me out, and then bring me back here again?! Aren't you satisfied yet?! JUST LET ME LEAVE! And with that, I walked out of room and right into the boss's dad. Ugh, if life could not have gotten any worse I just had to run into this evil person too! (Wait, why is he evil? Oh well I don't know, nor do I care!) Move! I yelled at him as I tried to shove past him but he just gripped my shoulder and forcefully guided me back to my room. As soon as I was in I heard the door lock with a click and my boss came up to me and kissed my forehead, SIR! I yelled as I slapped him, this is not Ok! He shrugged my attempt to slap him off as it never happened, swooped me up and put me in the bed. Next, he grabbed my foot and put a cuff around it and the other to underneath the bed. Great! I exclaimed at him. Now I am your prisoner too! "Oh calm down, I am not holding you captive this is for your own good so you don't hurt yourself." Umm hello idiot, you just cuffed me to the bed as if I were some maniac! "Well, the way you are acting sure does make you look like one." I was truly offended and started pouting. Suddenly a man walked in and over to my boss, whispered in his ear then left. "Honey, if you are done sulking we have been given permission for us to go home." Eww, NO way am I going home with that, I said as I pointed up and down his body. All he did was glare at me. "Would it be easier for you if we knock you out and you woke up on some plane alone not knowing where you are going or are you willing to corporate and not try running?" FINE. I said as I glared at him. "Good because the wheelchair and car are here to take us, also put these on he said as he gave me all my clothes" I tried to get up to go to the bathroom to change but I couldn't stand because I was too weak. He walked over to me and said: "Here, let me help you." With his words, he started pulling off my gown when I yelled at him. "Oh relax you have an undershirt on under the gown." After he had finished he picked me up and put me in the wheelchair without even asking for permission. As he wheeled me into the parking lot, I was really tempted to get up and run but decided not to. He must have known what I was planning because he put his hand on my shoulder in a tight grip until we got into the car. That's when I noticed that he had sat in the front passenger seat but had put me in the back, I kept thinking about why he would have needed to do this until it struck me, he had locked everything in the back so that I could not even think of escaping. For the next 2 hours, I just sat in the back silent not even moving a muscle, Until he turned around and asked her "Are you afraid of flying?" Umm, I don't know I have never been on a plane or even in the air before. .. "Well we are about to find out, as we are about to get on the plane." Now was my chance to escape, I thought to myself. As I was thinking this I did not realize that we had pulled up to the tarmac and my boss was opening the door waiting for me to get out. I acted casual as I stood out of the car than I kicked my boss in the shin and ran, I had no idea where I was running because I was on an open tarmac with no people and no place to hide. This may have been a disadvantage for me but it was also a disadvantage for my boss because there were no workers around that he could order to catch me, just him and the driver. I could also run for a long time so without any hesitation, I started running towards a field with what appeared to be a small city off in the distance, as I was thinking I did not realize that my boss had caught up to me until he tackled me to the ground. GET OFF ME, you stupid idiot! I don't want to be with you! "Well, this stupid idiot just so happens to have you handcuffed right now because they were focusing on the situation instead of rambling on and on." UHH! How am I supposed to spend my life with this man? And who knows why he wanted a wife so bad that he had to go and force one into his arms! "Come on, let's get on the plane without any more trouble." I stopped dead in my tracks and stood my ground, Why should I just willingly accept what you have done to me?! Give me 10 good reasons and I will consider moving from my place. "I don't have to give you reasons because you are mine." What in the world is wrong with you?! I screamed at him. I do not belong to you like I am some trophy! He said nothing as he guided me up the stairs to the plane, sat me down and reached over to buckle mean when I told him that I could buckle myself. He just stared at me like I was crazy and continued to buckle me. about 1 hour into the 26-hour plane ride I fell asleep. As I started to wake I could see that I was laying down in a bed tied up. I kicked and screamed but no one came to my calls, I had gotten a wave of emotions because I was mad but sad at what all was happening to me anxious to find out where I was and where I was headed, and also nervous about why my boss really wanted a wife so bad, I started crying but was fuming with anger. Then through the darkness surrounding me I could see a figure slowly moving towards me, this freaked me out even more and I started having a panic attack. Suddenly the figure laid down beside me forced me to put my head on his chest. As if. I let him think that he could force me to do something (Even though everything I have done was forced by him, I am ignoring that part.) As I laid my head down on his chest, he started petting my hair which gave me a sense of security. It was only there for less than a second before I started secretly wiggling at the restraints on my hands to hopefully wear down the restraints to the point of being able to slip both my hands out. Just as I had gotten my hands freed he said, "Stop moving you are going to injure yourself." Ugh, I thought in my mind, how did he know that I was trying to escape? "If you keep trying to run or escape I will be forced to use locking chains on you and I want you to be my wife, not my prisoner." Well, you know what, I replied, being your Wife is just like being your prisoner! As I said this I viciously moved my head away from his chest purposely hitting him in the nose which made us both start bleeding and curled up in a ball on the complete opposite side of the bed. I could feel him glaring at me with a cold stare but I did not care I just continued to stare off into space and ignore him. He got out of bed and locked the door after he was out, did I care? No (at least not at the moment) after what he had just said to me I was too mad at him to care. Wait, why was I so mad at him? I would not be mad unless I felt like he actually cared about me. Ha ya right that stupid man has not shown a single ounce of care for me. As I was thinking about this I noticed that I had become very drowsy and has having trouble remembering along with a pounding headache so I closed my eyes.