
Untamed Heart: Beauty and the Beast

"Untamed Heart" tells the riveting tale of Belle Bernard, a woman battling the shadows of her past, and Apollo Colucci, a feared and respected figure in the New York underworld. Belle's life takes a dramatic turn when her father's gambling debts thrust her into Apollo's world, a place governed by its own ruthless laws. Against the backdrop of danger and betrayal, an unexpected bond forms between Belle and Apollo, challenging their perceptions of freedom and love. As Belle navigates the complexities of her new life, she discovers a strength she never knew she possessed. Meanwhile, Apollo confronts his own demons, questioning the life he has led and the man he wants to become. Together, they embark on a perilous journey, confronting enemies both external and internal, as they fight for a future that seems ever out of reach. "Untamed Heart" is a story of redemption, resilience, and the transformative power of love. It explores the depths of human emotion, the harsh realities of a life lived in the shadows, and the possibility of hope in the darkest of places.

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21 Chs


Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, I confessed to Aurelio, "I've fallen for him."

The past few days have felt like torture to my heart, yet Apollo gave me a glimmer of hope. 

I held onto him in this storm, knowing deep down that no matter how far apart we were, we would find our way back to each other. With each passing moment, my feelings for him intensified. I missed the sparkle in his blue eyes when he looked at me, his touch, the joy in his smile, and even the lines that formed on his face when he expressed himself. Every part of him was worth fighting for, and I fell for all of it. All of him.

Aurelio's voice broke through my thoughts, carrying a warning tone. 

"You should be careful who you give your heart to."

"And it belongs to him," I said, wiping away my tears. 

"He's different with me."

Aurelio shook his head, frustration, and concern evident in his tone. 

"You think a few days of marriage have shown you everything about him? Don't be naive, Belle."

His words stung, and defensiveness crept into my voice. 

"Are you jealous?"

"No, I'm furious at how blind you're being," he countered sharply. 

"Apollo is known for his ice-cold heart, and he won't hesitate to inflict pain if he doesn't get his way."

His accusation jolted me. 

"What are you saying?" I demanded.

"If you defy him, he'll hurt you," Aurelio stated bluntly. 

"He's a master of manipulation, taking whatever, he wants without regard for others. Just like his uncle."

I stood up abruptly, sensing a depth of knowledge in his voice that I didn't want to acknowledge. Refusing to believe it, I slapped his face with all my might. 

"He is nothing like his uncle, Aurelio. And you know it."

"How can you be so sure?" he challenged, gritting his teeth.

"Because in a few days, he showed me more love than any man has in my entire life," I shouted back.

Aurelio cut through my defenses, his words unyielding. 

"And look where that belief has landed you. You're neither safe nor loved. He doesn't even remember who you are."

His revelation struck me like a physical blow. 

"Thank you," I whispered as I sank back down. "Thank you for shattering what little hope I had left, just as you did eight years ago."

"Sorry," he said, taking a seat beside me.

"Elena is my aunt," Aurelio continued, his tone softening slightly. 

"I've known Apollo all my life. He's stubborn and powerful, but he values family above all else. Now, he's considering a proposal from Coletti to marry Sabrina because she's carrying his child."

"Lies," I protested weakly. "He married me to avoid Sabrina in the first place. That child can't be his."

"Belle," Aurelio said, his gaze meeting mine, "if he doesn't remember you, it's over. You have to put yourself first."

"Let it go," Aurelio's voice broke through my desperate cries, but his words felt distant, hollow.

"I need to see Apollo," I insisted, desperation evident in my voice. "He has to remember."

Aurelio rubbed his chin thoughtfully, the dimple on his chin disappearing as he clenched his jaw.

"It's dangerous, Belle," he said, his eyes shifting to a lighter shade of hazel as he moved towards the window.

"Please," I pleaded.

He shook his head. 

"I'll think of a way," he promised. "Rest." 

With that, he walked towards the door.

As the door closed, I scrambled to lock it, collapsing against the door frame, tears streaming down my cheeks as sobs wracked my body in an inner battle that surfaced with a loud scream. 

I let my hair fall from its bun as I crawled my way to the bed, the hospital dress clinging to my bruised and stitched body.

My body felt like a battlefield between then and now, my legs trembling with weakness mirroring the erratic beat of my heart. Leaning heavily on the bed, I slowly stood up and made my way to the bathroom for a shower.

In the mirror, I saw a reflection of swollen eyes, dark circles, and pale skin. My body felt frail, each bruise a testament to the violence I had endured. Some wounds still oozed, painting streaks of crimson on my skin as I turned on the water. The heat burned, adding to the cascade of tears already flowing. I let the water wash over me, scrubbing at my scars in a futile attempt to erase the past, but they remained, stubborn reminders etched into my skin.

 Turning off the water, I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. Some wounds still bled, staining the pristine white towel with trails of blood. In the bedroom, I retrieved pajamas from the closet, and, with wet hair, I collapsed onto the bed, willing my exhausted eyes to succumb to sleep.




A soft knock roused me from sleep, and I opened the door to find Rose standing there, her arms open wide.

Behind her stood Elena, her eyes brimming with unshed tears as she touched a bruise on my chin.

"I couldn't protect you," she lamented, her voice cracking with regret.

She shook her head, wrapping her arms around me tightly as a tear slipped down her cheek. Rose joined our embrace, her expression no longer as carefree as it used to be. She wore the weight of reality on her face, and as Elena released me, Rose clung to me, tears dampening my chest.

I held her close, gently attempting to reassure her. 

"It's just a few bruises."

But her furrowed brows and tear-filled eyes told a different story. 

She returned to my embrace, whispering, "Tomorrow will be better than today."

"And today is better than yesterday," I whispered back to her, guiding her to sit beside me on the bed.

As we settled, I turned to Elena, unable to conceal my concern. 

"How is Apollo?" I asked.

She wiped her tears, taking Rose's hand and encouraging her to fetch a glass of water.

Once Rose had left the room, Elena sat beside me, taking my hand in hers. 

"Apollo is struggling," she confessed.

"He has partial amnesia. The past two years are like a blank slate to him," she added, shaking her head as she wiped away my tears.

"Does he remember me at all?" I pressed, my heart racing with anticipation.

"He knows you were his wife," Elena said softly. "But Leo and Colletti... they don't want him to know more."

"Please tell me you've told him about us, please tell me he would remember," I begged, gripping her hand tightly.

"I couldn't," she admitted, pain etched in her eyes. 

"They've threatened Rose, and I couldn't risk her safety."

I nodded, feeling a cold blade of pain pierce my heart. 

"I need to see him."

Anger tinged my expression as I stood up, desperation evident in my voice. 

"I'm tired of living under their threats."

"Why can't they just respect Apollo's choices?" I questioned, frustration simmering beneath the surface.

"There's more to it, darling," she explained. 

"Apollo may be the boss of the Colucci family, but he's not the only one making decisions."

As I sat back down, Rose and Aurelio entered the room, Rose carrying a tray with water and lemon.

"I've shown Rose to her room," Aurelio said, his sincerity evident in his eyes. 

"She can stay here with you."

"It's perfect, Belle, I already love it," Rose chimed in, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Rose, could you give us a moment?" I requested, needing to speak privately.

"Of course, I'll go to my new room," she said cheerfully, exiting the room.

Once she was gone, I turned to Elena, frustration mounting within me. 

"What are you playing at, bringing her here?"

"Belle, it's for her safety," Elena explained, her voice steady. "Near Apollo, she's a liability. She might accidentally reveal something he doesn't remember, complicating things further, and then they will have to get rid of her."

"She isn't safe anywhere, and neither am I until Apollo remembers?" I shot back, my heart aching at the thought.

Aurelio stepped forward, his hands gripping my shoulders. 

"Belle, can you just listen for a second?"

I slapped his face in frustration. 

"Oh, I've been listening for a while, and none of it makes sense. None of it."

"Enough!" Elena shouted, her voice cutting through the tension. 

"Both of you," she said, her tone softening. "Tell her your plan."

I sank down into a chair, burying my face in my hands.

"You'll be my new consigliere," Aurelio said, kneeling before me, his eyes earnest. 

"I'll guide you, teach you. When the time is right, you'll re-enter Apollo's life. And then, Belle, you decide what you want."

Confusion swirled within me. 

"Just like that?"

A heavy silence settled over the room.

Aurelio rose, pacing with a troubled expression, while Elena moved closer to me.

"Coletti and Giovanni are deeply involved in human trafficking," she revealed, her voice barely above a whisper. "We need to put a stop to it, and when Apollo is ready, we will make a move."

Shocked, I gasped, "What?"

"My father was part of it, too," Aurelio admitted with a grimace. "It was hidden so well that it took me hiring a team of accountants to uncover it. And when I did, my sister vanished."

"Was Apollo part of this?" The question burned in my throat.

"Absolutely not," Elena interjected with conviction. 

"He's always been in the dark about this."

"How am I going to help you with it? I barely know what's two and two?" I said, turning to him.

"You will be my consigliere so you can distract them. They won't be able to touch you, but they will know your position," he explained.

"So, I will just be a bait?" I shouted, frustration boiling over. "And I thought I started to trust you."

"Belle," he came to me, his palm on my cheek, "I won't let anything happen to you."

"As long as Rose is safe and out of it, I have nothing to lose," I said, pushing his hand away from my cheek. 

"Is there anything else I should know, or am I going to stay in the dark like Apollo?"

"Giovanni and Coletti are working with the Russian Bratva and the Triads," Elena explained. 

"They're selling women and weapons, and in return, they rake in millions. But they won't expect us to take the deal first."

"So, you plan to become the same garbage as they are?" I asked incredulously. 

"Please tell me this is a joke."

"We won't cut the deal; we'll just make a better offer," she clarified. "An offer they can't refuse."

"Okay," I said after a moment's hesitation. "I'm in."