
~~Never Let It Go°^ ******Unseen Love*****

It was Month of december; and date of 25th, as we all know its the time where Christmas are been celebrated...❣️💐🌲 whereby i was also desperately waiting for the moment to appear..🤗

The children's around my place believes that if we ever wake early in the morning and stay outside of our railing , Santa Clause would appear in a silent voice like just of wind and he would give us a Christmas gift and disappear again ---🌺🎁🎀

So, i was also ready to do that thing and i prepared all the things already. I didn't share to my parents and my siblings that im gonna try with 🎅 Santa clause. For me it was like as if one time chance offer, i really dont know whether that thing could be true or not but i was like very much excited to see Santa and meet him and grab a sweet unknown Gift from him..🙈🙈🙈

So that day , early in the morning i woke up by time 🕓 4:00 a.m , just like my friends have instructed that morning hour should be early if we wanna see Santa🎅. So as it was winter , a little amount of snow🌨️🌨️🌨️ was also falling like sprinkles and it touched my cheeks 😳.

My friends told me that if we wanna ever see Santa then we have to stay right there at our railings but unfortunately as i have said that i didn't shared my family about this all so i just went a little bit away👣 from home where there are couples❤️ bench for dating. 🔒🔑

As it was late hour 🌌, i was like feeling bit afraid on the way that time to stay but thank god there were those street lights that gave me lights. I sat on one of the bench and i turned at left side and their i saw a snow man and when i went their to see i felt like that snow man is just maded now but when i looked all around i couldn't see anyone.

After a while soft breeze blew and then the street lights turned on and off time and again.

That time o was bit afraid plus confused too and when i looked straight i saw someone walking towards me and i stepped back and back. I was kinda type of girl that fears a lot so i just closed my eyes tightly and that time , i felt a hand, opening my closed palms hand and kept a gift .

After a second when i opened my eyes , first of all i thanked god that im still alive and to my surprise i saw that gift with an envelope. When i looked around all over i couldn't find that someone . By then a bright sun raise hit my eyes and i realized that its been almost 2 hours that am outside so i ran back at home.

Luckily no one did wakeup at my home and quitely i went back to my room and layed down on my bed. It was still early morning so i dozed of again.

"Hey honey wake-up , its almost noon now , we gotta go for shopping." ...It was my mom that was trying to wake me up . After her voice approval i woke up and freshed up .

After a while again she called me ,"honey whose gift is this ? yours right ?"

When i heard that i actually woke up from dream!!!

I thought i have received that gift in my dream but oh hell No!! It was real!!..So now all the things ran around me like...who??what??why???where???how???and all that someone gave me gift and all....For me all the things felt like flying...

After some time i went to see that gift and wanted to open it up , but i was again confused what if its not mine and what if it belongs to others and all....

So i made up my mind and i took out that attached envelope from that gift and as i was about to open that envelope my phone ranged...


It was my friend Bella , that called me me and when i picked her call she said ,"hey ya whats up??you are weired ass okay !! Can't you even call me and wish me Merry Christmas and yeah hell why aren't you coming here to give me the gift that my brother had sent to his friends hand !???

"What???What ....what??? your gift ??how ??and what??who your brother gift??what??can you explain me ??"

"yes my dear,,,,my brother had sent a gift for me at his friend's hand as he couldn't come by self and he told me that his friend had left the gift at a girl hands who sat right there at couple bench dating place...And yesterday you told me that you are there at that place ! OMG!! Now i hope you are clear!!..."😲

"oops...haha😅😅...yup...sorry i didn't knew that this gift belongs to you....by the way do you know who is he ??your brothers friend???umm...do you ??"🙈🙈

"Shut up .🤫...come fast here and give me my gift..🎁 i dont know who was that brothers so called friend ..Am just wondering why didnt you read that gifts word where my name and address are mentioned.!!"😬😬😬

i hanged up the call...📱

silly me ....didnt even realize those all stuff...haha..

I was on my way to meet Santa but i lacked up

meeting an unknown guy....Wonderfull right...


Simply now i want to say that i dont know who he is ,,,,from where he came ,,and why me ?...🤔🤨

l dont wanna let it go like that!!! I'm gonna find out everything about my first unseen love ...❤️❤️❤️

Thank You..

i hope you all would enjoy reading this.
