
Blank future

People say we are unlucky because we have a blank future ahead but they don't know the fact that if our future is blank then we have the power to design it in the way we want.

3 june 2002,

Its was an amazing day. Different from others, it was my birthday today. I didn't go to school because my mom wanted me to spend this whole day with her. But the day wasn't in our favour anymore. My dad returned home late evening, almost drunk. He had no idea of what was the celebration about. He just messed up all that my mom that arranged for my birthday that night. She wanted my dad to join us on that special day. No one knew he would join us in this way. Mom felt ashamed of dad in that party. "why the hell did u drink this night as well. Don't u know it's ur daughter's birthday today". My dad with a smile on his face said" excuse me, I don't consider her my child and it's better if u also don't ". I was heart broken and felt guilty because I had requested mom to get dad in the party as I wanted to celebrate this day of my life with him. I stood numb thinking about wt he actually said." Do he really mean it? Don't he love me? I m soo bad? " million of questions were running in my mind as I had no clue why was all that happening. I was always told by my mom that my father loved me alot and could do anything for me. But..... Wt I saw was exactly different then those beautiful words.

I wish life has an eraser too... ??

ehsaascreators' thoughts