
Unruly Secretary For A Hopeless CEO

"I got myself a secretary who does everything but pay attention to me!" On the day of her thirtieth birthday, all Ren Ying hoped for was a pleasant dinner with her boyfriend culminating in his long-awaited proposal. However, it turned out to be the worst day of her life as her boss falsely accused her of seducing him in front of his wife, leading to humiliation and her subsequent dismissal. To make matters worse, instead of a romantic proposal, her boyfriend callously ended their relationship in the most hurtful manner possible. Devastated and heartbroken, Ren Ying swore off romance and sought solace in a bar, drowning her sorrows in alcohol, only to wake up in bed with a stranger. Faced with this unexpected twist, Ren Ying decided to run for it. Her life was already difficult enough, and she had no desire for the unnecessary drama that often followed a one-night stand, especially when she had no recollection of how she ended up with the man in the first place. Unfortunately for her, the man she spent the night with had different intentions, and this chance encounter set both of their lives on an unexpected and transformative course.

jeeyoo · Ciudad
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13 Chs

The Handsome Stranger

Ren Ying's eyes widened as she spun around to face the man who had made the decision instead of her, and she almost gasped in sheer astonishment.

He was tall, impeccably dressed, with sleek, pitch-black hair cascading over his forehead. His features were nothing short of those belonging to a bona fide celebrity; this man was more than just handsome - his looks had the potential to be lethal.

Completely engrossed in admiring the stunning stranger's appearance, Ren Ying flinched when the bartender delicately set a pink-colored drink before her, simultaneously sliding a glass of scotch towards the man next to her, sporting an enigmatic grin on his youthful face.

"Here are your drinks. Enjoy." 

The stranger picked up his scotch, bringing it close to his lips before pausing, seemingly hesitant. He swiveled around to meet Ren Ying's gaze, finding her still fixated on her own beverage. Leaning in slightly, he broke the silence with a casual yet intriguing statement.

"Seems like poison, but trust me, it's one heck of a tasty drink. Heard it from those who've dared to try it," he murmured, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

Ren Ying couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment at the man's playful comment. Swiftly, she attempted to conceal it by snatching the elegant cocktail glass and knocking back the contents in one fell swoop. The icy chill of the finely shaved frozen strawberries sent a shiver down her spine, leaving a lingering coolness within.

Amused by the spectacle, the handsome stranger let out a soft chuckle and motioned for the bartender to refresh the woman's drink.

"Wow, I adore a lady who can hold her own, but let's not repeat this performance, shall we? This isn't exactly a shot." 

Unable to stifle a sudden fit of coughs any longer, Ren Ying hastily covered her mouth with a sleek black napkin, her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and the desperate need for air. Once the spasms subsided and her breathing normalized, she dabbed her mouth and managed to respond,

"Well, thanks for the drink—"

"Yu Han," he interjected, offering his name with a captivating smile.

The man took a leisurely sip of his scotch, a contented smile gracing his lips, while Ren Ying found herself momentarily lost in the moment. Gathering her wits, she swiftly retorted, 

"I don't recall asking for your name."

Yu Han's grin only widened, and he shrugged nonchalantly,

"True, you didn't exactly request a drink either, and yet, you didn't refuse it. It might not have gone down smoothly, but I'm willing to bet that a second try would win you over."

Initially irked by the man's smug demeanor, Ren Ying found her irritation giving way as the warmth of the cocktail she had just imbibed spread through her body, creating a delightful sensation. It was as though her very essence was in rebellion against her own logical reasoning, drawing her towards his forthright charm.

With the bartender sliding a fresh glass of Frose before her, the woman cautiously took a single sip of the pink concoction, allowing her lips to curl into a satisfied smile as the delightful essence of strawberry danced on her taste buds.

"So, does it live up to the legends?" Yu Han inquired, his intense gaze fixed on Ren Ying's radiant expression, his own lips grazing the frosty glass.

Ren Ying responded with a slight nod, as if grappling with the reluctance to acknowledge his accuracy. Then, she swiveled in her seat, leaning over the counter and resting her elbow on its polished surface.

"Yes, it's good. Please convey my thanks to all the women who've savored this drink in your delightful company prior to me." 

Yu Han found himself unable to stifle a laugh at her response. 

"Ouch! Is that what I'm giving off? The impression of a seasoned womanizer?"

Pausing for a moment, Ren Ying took a more discerning look at the man before her. Undeniably handsome, impeccably attired, likely from an affluent background, and seemingly too youthful, almost as if his charm was a well-practiced art. Too young for his own good, she mused.

"Well, you did buy me a drink the moment you walked in and introduced yourself without hesitation. It's not that hard to see the pattern, Mr. Yu Han."

"What if I'm just that self-assured?" Yu Han retorted with a confident smirk. "I walk in, spot a gorgeous lady enjoying her evening alone on a Monday night, decide to buy her a drink, and introduce myself, just in case she'd fancy a chat later. Doesn't sound too terrible, does it?"

The bartender, clearly opting to steer clear of any involvement, responded with an awkward smile, prompting Yu Han to pivot back towards Ren Ying, as if redirecting the question to her instead.

Ren Ying found herself flustered once more. Unsure if her lack of recent dating experience, having been in a long-term relationship, had influenced her swift judgment, she pondered whether an apology might be in order. However, something in the young man's demeanor continued to irk her, prompting her to brush off these emotions.

"If it's not about experience, I suppose it's just pure confidence. But what made you think I'd be interested in a conversation?" Ren Ying challenged, attempting to put up a defensive front, although deep down, she craved a genuine interaction, even if her counterpart had ulterior motives that involved getting closer to her.

For Yu Han, responding wasn't immediate. Tonight, he had two underlying reasons for approaching Ren Ying. Firstly, he disliked drinking alone, and since his personal driver abstained from alcohol, he sought companionship. 

Secondly, he recognized her. He recalled encountering Ren Ying at the hospital just a couple of hours prior, and there was a faint recognition from somewhere else, lingering at the back of his mind.

She definitely looked like someone he still could not forget. 

And so, with another reassuring sip from his glass, Yu Han mustered yet another confident smile before finally speaking up.

"You don't have to say a word. We can just be here, side by side, enjoying our drinks in peaceful silence if that's what suits you. I... I'm not a fan of drinking alone, so if you don't mind, I'll keep you company until I finish my drinks. Then, I'll leave without saying a single word. If this arrangement works for you, consider the drinks my treat."

Despite his outward display of confidence, an undertone of melancholy tinged Yu Han's words, hinting at emotions concealed behind his nonchalant demeanor. 

And strangely, this subtle shift managed to resonate with Ren Ying, stirring an unexpected sympathy within her.

"Ren Ying. My name is Ren Ying. I think sharing a few drinks and a conversation would not be so bad."