
Unrivalled Wizard

Jade is a child who is destined to change the world. With his magic talents, he can stirring up the three magic continents! he bears a heavy burden at a very young age. His parents threw him away when he was a baby, and now he lives with his family who picked him in the forest. "well, what should I do now?" that's the biggest problem of a genius magician, Jade!

ZhouZhiruo · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 01- Jade Moffiz


The thunderous voice followed by a vortex of black clouds appeared in the southern sky of the earth, more precisely under the sky Vald east continent which has the smallest power among the three continents. In this magical world, there are three great powers each of which is controlled by 3 strongest tribes. The Myran continent has the strongest ability between the two other continents, the Leiys continent has an infinite wealth, while the vald continent is underdeveloped because the strongest tribe who holds the continent's throne has been slaughtered by someone. Rumors say that the massacre was the act of the two other continents, but other rumors say that they perished for breaking the taboo of magic. No one knows how the rulers of the continent of Vald disappeared, moreover their disappearance was only for a night.

"What explosion is that?"

A woman about 45 years old was shocked to hear the thunderous thunder that originated not far from where they stood. He looked at the sky where the sound of the explosion came from and there was a swirling black cloud that was slowly disappearing. The middle-aged man who was right beside the woman stood with an expression of astonished face. His eyes bulged as if he saw a ghost standing right in front of him.

"Ma ... magic ... it's high level magic! Yana, let's go where the explosion came from!"

"Brad, is it okay? It could be something dangerous there!"

The woman called Yana did indeed look very frightened, moreover such high level magic could only be done by wizard at least ranked Race. In the level of magic power, there are 12 total ranks available, starting from the basic level, namely Vein, Lung, Rich, Anial, Yagh, Race, Urb, Geil, Shat, Weid, Fray, and Mist. Each ranking there are three stages, namely beginning, middle, and peak. At the moment, Yana only has the peak of rich rank, while Brad is at the beginning of anial rank. For the two of them facing the Race rank, that would be suicidal.

"Don't be afraid Yana, I don't feel Race level wizard here. Moreover, Race ranked wizard can't possibly be in such a remote place! Even on the continent of Vald they can only be counted fingers! Let's go!"

Brad took Yana's hand and took her away with him. what Brad said was not entirely wrong, for a small continent like Vald, Race-level wizard were very rare and if there was no way they would want to go to the middle of the wilderness where barbarians like them lived. Even though Yana and Brad were considered strong enough for barbarians, they couldn't possibly dare to fight such an enchanted wizard. Even to get out of the forest they wouldn't dare. Brad and Yana flew swiftly through the dense forests and the beasts stared at the two of them hugrily. But it was common for both of them, moreover Brad and Yana were a couple of leaders of a group barbarians. After flying for a long time, the two of them arrived right where the explosion came from.

"Bra ... Brad, is that ... is that a baby?"

Yana can only be surprised to see a sweet little baby who is still sleeping soundly. Even though she was only a baby, Yana and Brad felt the difference between this baby and the other babies. The baby they saw looked radiant even though he didn't show a magical aura. Brad slowly stepped forward and took the little baby who was still sleeping. He lifted it slowly so as not to wake him. Brad was a little stunned to see the baby's face from a close distance, although he was still a baby, the aura of good looks and beauty was clearly displayed on his face. With high curiosity, Yana also approached Brad and saw the baby. Yana's eyes were focused on a piece of paper tucked into the blanket where the baby was put to sleep and she took it. He looked at Brad as if asking what he should do with the folded piece of paper. Brad also nodded at the face of his wife Yana with quite high curiosity. Yana slowly unfolded the paper, after opening the two of them only saw only a short sentence that said, 'little gemstone, Jade'.

"Jade, this child is named Jade? Brad, what should we do?"

Yana saw the face of little Jade who was fast asleep, she smiled a little at how cute Jade was asleep. Seeing Yana's expression, Brad let out a light sigh and his lips curved showing his handsome smile.

"Yana, do you want a child? This baby seems abandoned by his parents, how about we carry it?"

Yana looked at Brad's face with shock, he did not think her husband would say that easily. To be honest, Yana does want a child, but for some reason despite being married to Brad for a long time, she was not immediately blessed with a child. When she saw other families in the village, she could only envy them.

"Really ... really Brad?"

Yana's mouth trembled, unable to contain the joy in her heart, even though Jade was not her flesh and blood but she would love him like her own child. Yana hugged Brad and began to shed tears of happiness. Yana has long wanted this happiness, she will soon be a mother!

"Brad, thanks"

Yana wiped her tears that would not stop flowing, she slowly took the little Jade who was still sleeping from Brad's sling. After Yana carried him, the little Jade eyes began to open slowly showing the color of hi jet-black eyes like a very beautiful jewel. Little Jade looked at Yana and Brad curiously. For a moment, Brad and Yana were surprised to see Jade's reaction remained calm when she saw the two of them. Babies will generally cry when held by someone they do not know.

"Yana, this child looks very different from other child, look at that adorable look!"

For some reason, Brad really admired the look of this little Jade. He felt that he was swallowed by the gaze of this little baby.

"Hmm ... this child is named Jade, then from now on he is named Jade Moffiz, he will be part of our Moffiz family Brad!"

"Yana, do you think we should tell the father and mother? We need to bring him back to the village as soon as possible"

Brad looked at Yana worriedly, because both Yana's parents and her own parents were very strict with strangers, they didn't want to be too open with people who didn't have a clear origin. If they knew about Jade, they certainly wouldn't want to accept Jade as their grandchild.

"I don't think it's necessary Brad! We've left the village two years ago, they wouldn't be suspicious if we brought Jade as their grandchild. What do you think?"

"Hmmm ... Alright, I agree! Let's bring Jade home!"

After a long time talking about it, Yana and Brad returned to their village.