
A stranger in the forest.

The sky was about to turn dark. A carriage with an unknown crest of two cross swords infront of a golden shield, guarded by atleast a couple of dozen horsemen were moving at a steady pace. The road was deep inside the forest but well trodden. Unfortunately their timing was off by many hours. They were almost one fourth inside of the forest area. They were delayed due to an unexpected thunder shower that passed by that afternoon making the horses panic and they had to take cover from the onslot of the rain.

The retinue halted and a middle aged man got down from his horse and walked towards the carriage. The door of the carriage opened and a beautiful, young lady opened the door and put her head out and spoke...

"Is there a problem Captain Gregory?"

" Sorry my lady, but its too dangerous for us to travel further in this forest at this time. Its better we halt our travel for the night."

"Captain Gregory, you know why we are in such a hurry right? If we don't get the herbs in time, then my mother will..." The gorgeous girl was unable to continue.

I know my lady, unfortunately, its not safe to travel in this stretch of forest regin during the night. If we rashly continue, there are chances that we will encounter powerful beasts and what if we were unable to deliver medicinal herbs at all? There is a small clearing and we also have a clean water source nearby, around a couple of miles from here. Let us stay there tonight and will start our journey back at the first light of the day."

The young lady had to agree to the wisdom of their Captain.

"Alright Captain, please do as you must." The girl got back inside and closed the door of the carriage.

The captain took a slight turn towards the left travelling off the path and started guiding them towards the place he just mentioned.

As he got close to the location that he had camped for a few times before, he heard a soothing instrument playing. As they walked near, the tune of the music captured their attention. It was an unknown verse. A tune never heard,but it made them slightly sad. Missing thoses whom they had left back home and desperately wanting to meet.

Even the young lady, opened the window of the carriage and started to listen to the tune. A drop of tear sliding down her soft silk like sking of her cheek. Making her think of the happy moment she had with her mother before she fell ill.

Everyone halted their march and saw a man sitting in the middle of the clearing putting his back to a small boulder. His horse was also laying next to the man but as the sky was already dark and even the horse was dark in color, they were not able to make out much details. A small fire was burning infront of him. His eyes were closed and there was a sad expression on his face. After a few seconds he stopped playing and opened his eyes and smiled.

"Good evening. Are you guys lost or came here to spend the night during your travel." The man asked curiously.

His voice was deep, clam and even slightly majestic. Wondering who this man might be, the captain got down from his horse, put his left hand on the sword hilt and took a few steps into the clearing cautiously.

Due to the darkness and low dancing fire, he was unable to make out the feature of this man, who was travelling alone in the forest.

" We came here to rest for the night as this is the place that I had already had been to, a couple of times. Who are you stranger? What are you doing in these part of the forest alone at this time? Don't you know that these are dangerous place to be during the night?" Gregory asked the man.

"Alas, I am new to this area. I came from a far off region and am traveling around the kingdom in search of knowledge. Don't worry, I am not going to harm anyone. As I told, I am a traveler. You can relax captain. Come and setup your camp. It's safe here. You will not be in any danger in this place.