
Unread Letters

A letter diary to someone. Words should have been said. Feelings expressed. My unwritten thoughts of you.

_Di_ · Adolescente
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2 Chs

The Song

Dear friend,

How long has it been? A decade

Or maybe longer

And I have not seen your face

After all this time.

But somehow I find myself

Trying to pen a letter for you.

I don't know what brought me here

Is it that I miss you?


Funny how a song could

Make everything so

Nostalgic yet lonesome.

Yes, that song. It must be why I'm here.

A song more than a decade old

Yet, made me think of you.

How so?

As I listened to it

Memories of you came rushing in

Somehow it made me feel

Happy yet regretful at the same time

Maybe because the lyrics suit us.

I have to be honest, been listening to it

All day.

Out of curiosity, when you sang to me

Was it just a song?

I guess it shows how close we truly are friend

We have something, or so I though

I am like a fool smiling


Those days when we were younger

To think that you are actually just

A text or phone call away.

Yet again I found myself stalking

On your Facebook and Instagram

And I guess it wouldn't hurt, at least

This part of me that's

Missing You

Would have a chance to say Hi.

Truly, I'm glad you replied.

Your dear friend,