
Unravelling Destiny

Dive into a world where Amara's ordinary life is turned upside down on the most unexpected family reunion day. Destiny, a concept she's never given much thought, now unravels before her eyes. The twist? Her fate is slipping away, caught in the hands of an unseen puppeteer orchestrating chaos from the shadows. It's more than a game of hide-and-seek or a tale of love—it's a rollercoaster ride through the unexpected twists of a destiny that wears many disguises. Join Amara as she navigates a thrilling journey, where every revelation brings her closer to the heart-pounding truth that lies beneath the surface of her seemingly ordinary existence.

suzxmii · Fantasía
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11 Chs

7: Jade's Veil

Jade stood alone in her dimly lit room, surrounded by the suffocating atmosphere. She was like a bride; the veil concealing her past and true self that hung over her existence. As she approached the mirror, her reflection stared back at her as she wore her veil of darkness. A veil that concealed the turmoil within, the scars were almost visible. 

In her new friends' eyes, she is an eccentric girl messing around with them. Perhaps if she gave them a chance to flee they would surely take it. If they only knew that in the corridors of her mind, she was grappling with the desire to lift the veil, to reveal her true self. Would they stay by her side? 

There was a faint giggling that drew closer to her. Before she knew it, Sasha was in front of her bedroom.

"Didn't Amara's grandmother tell you to stay in your bedroom?" Jade asked.

"Yeah, yeah but I wah ask yuh something!" Sasha grumbled, he then sat beside Jade.

Jade's face flushed when he sat beside her. For a girl who can read minds, she tends to be rather gullible. 

"So, be real with me Jade," Sasha whispered, "Does Amara deserve such a prized possession?"

"What kind of question is that?" Jade gasped, "Amara is such a courageous girl, of course, she deserves it!"

Despite Jade's answers, Sasha wasn't having it. Jade tilted her head in dismay and looked at him with her charming eyes. 

"What shall be of you if you only want to see her tumbling down?"

Sasha scoffed dismissively, his gaze locking onto Jade's with a mixture of frustration and defiance. "Courageous? Maybe. Deserving? That's debatable." He leaned back, crossing his arms, as if challenging Jade to convince him otherwise.

Jade's charming eyes now reflected a subtle sadness, a glimmer of disappointment at Sasha's apparent lack of understanding.

"You underestimate her, Sasha. Amara has faced challenges that would break others, yet she stands strong. She deserves every bit of happiness that comes her way."

Sasha's expression remained fixed, a mask concealing his true emotions. "Happiness, huh? Maybe she does. But what about you, Jade? What are you hiding behind those charming eyes of yours? Is this all just a game for you?"

The accusation lingered in the air, and Jade's demeanor shifted from disappointment to a more guarded stance. "A game? Sasha, you're reading too much into things. I only want what's best for Amara."

Sasha leaned in, his voice lowering to a whisper that carried a hint of menace. "I know about your abilities, Jade. Your mind-reading tricks won't work on me. If you're hiding something, I'll find out."

"Reading minds? Has solitude ruined you?"

Jade's eyes narrowed, a flicker of defiance surfacing. "And what if I am hiding something? Does that automatically make me the villain in your story?"

Sasha's response was a cryptic smirk. "Sometimes, the villain is just the hero with a different story to tell. We'll see whose story prevails in the end."

With that, Sasha pushed himself off the bed and left Jade's room, leaving her alone with unanswered questions and a lingering sense of unease. Once suffused with the dim light of secrecy, the room now felt even darker as Jade contemplated the uncertain path ahead.

As the door closed behind Sasha, Jade couldn't shake off the feeling of foreboding that lingered in the room. She stood there for a moment, her thoughts racing and the weight of Sasha's words settling in the air. The cryptic nature of his departure left her with a gnawing sense of uncertainty.

With a heavy sigh, Jade moved towards the window, drawing back the curtains to let in the feeble moonlight. The room, now illuminated by a soft glow, seemed to hold its breath, as if it, too, awaited the resolution of the enigmatic tale that was unfolding.

Jade's mind buzzed with questions, and her thoughts circled back to Sasha's remark about villains and heroes. Was he casting himself as the hero of a narrative not yet revealed? Or was this a veiled warning, a hint at a darker side that remained concealed?

Lost in contemplation, Jade's eyes absentmindedly fell on the mirror. The reflection staring back at her seemed to encapsulate the duality of her existence – the veiled past and the desire to reveal her true self. 

As the night wore on, Jade found herself caught between conflicting emotions. A part of her wanted to trust Sasha, to believe that he, too, sought the best for Amara. Yet, the lingering unease and the memory of his cryptic words fueled a growing suspicion.

The following days unfolded with a tension that seemed to cast a shadow over the once vibrant group dynamic. Sasha's interactions with Amara and the others were marked by a subtle undercurrent of skepticism. Jade observed from the sidelines, torn between loyalty to her friends and the unsettling feeling that Sasha held a key to the truth yet untold.

In the quiet moments, Jade often revisited their conversation, attempting to decipher the puzzle Sasha had presented. The room, once a sanctuary of secrets, now felt like a cage of uncertainty.

 She found herself retracing the steps of their conversations, trying to unlock the cryptic puzzle Sasha had woven. The room, once a sanctuary where laughter reverberated off the walls and secrets were shared in hushed tones, now felt like a cage trapping unanswered questions.

Jade couldn't shake the unease that lingered like a ghost in the corners of her mind. Sasha's words, "Sometimes, the villain is just the hero with a different story to tell," played on a loop. She wondered if she had missed some crucial information, a hidden truth that could reshape their understanding of each other.

The mirror, a silent witness to their shared confidences, reflected a version of Jade she was struggling to comprehend. The scars, both visible and invisible, seemed to amplify in the dim light, a stark reminder of a past she had kept concealed. Was Sasha alluding to something he knew about her, or was it a broader statement about the complexity of their intertwined lives?

Jade's attempts to maintain a façade of normalcy in the group were becoming more challenging. The undercurrents of tension, like invisible currents, were threatening to pull them apart. She observed Sasha's guarded interactions, the skepticism etched in his expressions, and she couldn't fathom the source of his distrust.

The once-clear path ahead now seemed shrouded in mist, each step uncertain. In the group gatherings, Jade felt a growing isolation, as if the room itself had become a barrier between them. Amara's attempts to restore harmony were met with resistance, and Jade found herself yearning for a return to the laughter-filled days they had taken for granted.

In the quiet moments, Jade grappled with conflicting emotions. She wanted to believe in the strength of their friendships, in the bonds they had built over shared experiences. Yet, Sasha's warning echoed in her mind, planting seeds of doubt that grew with each passing day.

As Jade looked into the mirror, she saw resilience in her own eyes, a determination to unravel the mysteries and reclaim the sanctuary that was slipping away. The cage of uncertainty would either confine them to a fractured version of what they once were or propel them toward a revelation that could redefine their collective story.

With each passing day, Jade resolved to confront the shadows and uncertainties, not just for herself but for the friendships that had once been the cornerstone of her world. The room might be cloaked in ambiguity, but Jade clung to the hope that understanding and clarity awaited, just beyond the veil of uncertainty.

Jade was a mystical being and she could have read Sasha's mind to see what he was up to but there was more to him than every girls dream. Behind those playful and adorable eyes of his was a monster waiting for its prey. She began having doubts when hangin out with Sasha, what if she was wrong about him? What if he wasn't a bad guy?

Little did she know that Sasha was going to prove her wrong this very day.

"Sasha? How'd you get the box? Leave it alone or you'll get yourself in trouble!" Jade snarled, tugging to grab the box from Sasha.

"Me? Get in trouble? That's funny Jade," Sasha hissed"You really should learn to stop putting your nose in other people business!"

With that, Sasha released the box from his grasp, allowing Jade to hold it. "Are you trying to steal the box!" Sasha hollered. "What? Sasha what are you doing?" Jade asked, confused. Amara and the others came running downstairs.

Amara's eyes were filled with tears and all Jade could see were thousand of eyes glaring at her. She could have defended herself and confronted Sasha but for the sake of others, she remained silent.

"Ha! What was I thinking? A real human would actually consider their actions but she ain't human so she feels she doesnt need to abide by the rules!" Trivan yelled.

Trivan shook his head in disgust and Amara kept her mouth shut. This was her chance to say something but she just couldn't.

"I don't trust this girl! Get her out of here!" Evelyn declared.

"Give her another chance."

All eyes fell upon Sasha, they haven't heard that calm voice for a while. "If you were able to be forgiven, why should she not? I'll keep an eye on her, I promise."

"Ugh! Don't use my mistakes as an excuse! You better or she'll be on the streets where she belongs!" Evelyn grumbled.

"I'll be taking this!" Amara's grandmother snatched the golden box from Jade. One by one they walked back upstairs, refusing to meet Jade's gaze. There was nothing she could do...after all who would trust someone who chokes on their own tongue?

Everyone except Sasha and Jade returned upstairs, leaving both of them in the tension.

"I'm suprised you kept your stupid trap shut and I expect you to keep it that way. You don't want to be cast away to the streets, do you?" Sasha mocked,"Just be a good girl and no harm will come to you." He caressed her waist.

"Get your filthy hands off me you scoundrel! As far as I live you will not discover whatever is in that box!" Jade roared,"Your looks fool Amara but not me! "

He rolled his eyes and strolled up the stairs,"Remember just keep on being a good girl..."


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